
  • 网络Strait Island;channel island
  1. 泽西与根西、海峡岛、百慕达、巴哈马、开曼群岛也有很好的管制体系。

    Jersey and Guernsey , Channel Islands , Bermuda , Bahamas and the Cayman Islands , are all well regulated as well .

  2. 它起源于英国,本是用来形容在根西与泽西海峡岛设立的基金。但今时今日,许多这类基金其实都不再是岸外,而多是内陆的。

    While it was originally a term used from the UK to describe funds set up in the channel islands of Guernsey and jersey , these days the vast majority of such funds are not actually offshore at all , but very much land-locked .

  3. 在英国内战海峡泽西岛仍忠于官方和庇护了国王。

    During the English Civil War the Channel Isle of Jersey remained loyal to the Crown and gave sanctuary to the King .

  4. 该海峡将西西里岛和意大利大陆分隔开来。

    The strait separating Sicily from the tip of Italy .

  5. 之后,又有两批人横渡海峡来到大不列颠岛。

    Later two more groups crossed to britain .

  6. 海峡群岛泽西岛、根西岛、奥尔德尼岛和沙克岛也都是自治的。

    The Channel Islands jersey , guernsey , aldeney , and Sark are also self-governing .

  7. 托列斯海峡把巴布亚岛(又名新几内亚岛),跟新荷兰岛分开了。

    It separates Queensland from the huge island of Papua , also called New Guinea .

  8. 随着社会经济的发展,洲际、海峡和陆岛之间迫切需要修建大跨度、特大跨度的桥梁。

    With the development of economy , long and super long-span bridges are urgently needed to be built in the intercontinental , strait-crossing and island-linking engineering projects .

  9. 在美洲大陆北部海岸地区,从白令海峡到格陵兰岛,住着一个与世隔绝的特殊人群-爱斯基摩人。

    Throughout the large area that extends across the whole northern coast of the American continent , from the Bering Strait on the one side to Greenland on the other , remains a very isolated and characteristic people - the Eskimo .

  10. 有六个人在英吉利海峡上的泽西岛遇刺身亡。

    Six people have been killed by stabbing on the island of Jersey in the English Channel .

  11. 台湾海峡西岸及台湾岛的现代升降运动

    The uplift - descent motion on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait and on the Taiwan Island

  12. 该事故震惊了英国的海峡群的泽西岛,这里的犯罪率一直非常低。

    The incident shocked Jersey , one of the British Channel islands , where crime rates are normally extremely low .

  13. 莫罗尼非洲科摩罗的首都,位于莫桑比克海峡北端的大科摩罗岛上。人口20112。

    The capital of the comoros , on great Comoro island at the northern end of the Mozambique channel . population , 20112 .

  14. 实际上,阿拉斯加的小代奥米德岛仅仅距离俄罗斯的白令海峡中心的大代奥米德岛两英里开外。

    In fact , Alaska 's Little Diomede Island sits just over two miles from Russia 's Big Diomede Island in the middle of the Bering Strait .