
  1. 很快那些中国佬就会开始用小公牛拉他们的车厢啦

    Soon the Chinkys will start using bullocks to pull their coaches

  2. 论《中国佬》对华裔历史的重构

    On the Reconstruction of Chinese American History in China Men

  3. 中国佬都会走过来向我问好?

    Chinese guys have been coming up and saying hi to me ?

  4. 另外我又开始每周一次看望中国佬。

    By the way , I 'm visiting the chink once a week again .

  5. 哈特因幽默诗《异教徒中国佬》而风糜全美国;

    His humorous poem " The Heathen Chinese " won him popularity throughout the country .

  6. 本论文以《女勇士》、《中国佬》主要章节为研究内容。

    This paper takes main chapters of China Men and the Woman Warrior as research content .

  7. 中国佬告诉我对方好像是…一个意大利裔杀手。

    The Chinks tell me that the hit man was kind of the ... Italian type .

  8. 中国佬知道欧洲的电影明星么?当然,大多数中国佬比欧洲人知道的还多!

    Do Chinks know about European film stars ? Yes , most Chinks know more than Europeans .

  9. 如果我们把这个中国佬留在这儿他会死的那我们就犯了杀人罪

    If we leave this man here , he dies . Then we 're up for murder charges .

  10. 隐喻反讽神话原型&解读《中国佬》偏重中国传统题材的短小章节

    Metonymy , Irony and Mythological Archetype & Interpretation of the Short Chapters on Traditional Chinese Subject Matters in China Men

  11. 发表于1980年的《中国佬》是著名华裔作家汤亭亭的第二部力作。

    China Men , published in 1980 , is the second masterpiece of the famous Chinese American writer Maxine Hong Kingston .

  12. 当时她在地铁站外遇到了三个年轻的陌生人,她听到他们不断地在小声重复“中国佬”。

    When she was bypassing three young strangers outside a Metro station , she heard repeating whisper of " Chinetoque . "

  13. 告诉法国佬和中国佬!那个空管就不会交流.句号.那是他的工作,他做得很差劲!

    Tell the French and Chinese guys that * The controller was poor at communicating , period . Thats his job , done poorly .

  14. 汤亭亭是20世纪末美国华裔文学繁荣发展时期最具有代表性的女作家,她的三部作品《女勇士》、《中国佬》、《孙行者》确立了她在美国文学史上的地位。

    Maxine Hong Kingston is one of the most representative female writers in the prime of American Chinese literature at the end of the20th century .

  15. 相反,在《中国佬》中,汤亭亭反种族歧视的声音是主要旋律,而反性别歧视的声音则成为边缘声音。

    In her ethnic voice against racism , Kingston smashes the controlling image of the emasculated Chinese men and tries to reconstruct Chinese American masculinity in China Men .

  16. 第三章综合比较《女勇士》与《中国佬》,探讨两本小说在改写问题上的相似之处,以此证明两本书是一个完整的叙述体系,并深入探讨作者的改写目的。

    The third chapter compared " Woman Warrior " and " China Men ", they are similar on rewriting , so these two books form a complete system .

  17. 本论文主要从族裔女性角度研究了美国华裔女作家汤亭亭的《中国佬》以及她对华裔男性英雄主义的重构。

    This thesis aims at studying China Men written by Maxine Hong Kingston , and her reconstruction of male heroism of Chinese American men from the feminist point of view .

  18. 论文第一章分析了《女勇士》与《中国佬》中汤亭亭对中国饮食文化和饥荒形象的描写。

    The first chapter deals with Chinese food culture and the famine image of China in The Woman Warrior and China Men , and the second chapter the description of Chinese superstitious conditions .

  19. 实际上,相对于汤亭亭的成名作《女勇士》,无论汤亭亭本人还是其他一些评论家都对《中国佬》的主题思想和语言艺术给予了更高的评价。

    Compared with her first and the most famous work The Woman Warrior , Kingston and some other critics give more compliments to the work China Men in terms of theme and language arts .

  20. 由于林书豪的中国背景,这则题为“盔甲上的破绽(Chink在俚语中,贬义指中国佬)”的报道因带有种族主义色彩,很快招致人们炮轰。

    With Lin 's Chinese heritage , the " Chink in the armor " was soon bombarded for its racial implication .