
  • 网络the china threat;China threat theory
  1. 中国指责日本防卫白皮书,称东京用所谓的中国威胁论当作其扩充军备制造的借口。

    China is criticizing a Japanese defense white paper , accusing Tokyo of using its claims of the so-called China Threat as an excuse to justify a military buildup .

  2. 从环境伦理的视角谈对中国环境威胁论的批判

    Criticizing " the Chinese Environmental Threat Theory " from the Angle of Environment Ethics

  3. 中国环境威胁论既没有理论基础也没有事实依据。

    The theory of Chinese environmental threat has no foundations of theory and fact .

  4. 然而这一历史事实不但没有得到肯定,反而衍生出中国人口威胁论。

    However , this historical fact has led to the theory of " threat from Chinese population growth " .

  5. 其主要论据集中在以下几个方面:中国军事威胁论、中国经济威胁论、中国生态威胁论、中国意识形态威胁论和中国文明威胁论。

    Evidence of this threat focuses on the military , economic , ecological , ideological , and civilization aspects .

  6. 人民日报称,一时间,美国弥漫着一股中国食品威胁论。

    In a moment , the US has filled the air with a ' China Food Threat Theory ' , the newspaper said .

  7. 答:美方发表的这份报告,继续渲染所谓“中国军事威胁论”,严重歪曲事实,干涉中国内政,中方坚决反对,并已向美方提出严正交涉。

    A : This report issued by the US side continues to play up the fallacy of the so-called " China 's military threat " . It is a gross distortion of facts and interference in China 's internal affairs .

  8. 更为残酷现实的是长期以来我国对于许多出口资源都不能拥定价权,造成了我国资源价值的流逝,然而西方中国资源威胁论的论调却莫名升温。

    More cruel reality is that many resources international prices are not fixed by our country for a long time , causing the value losing of resource in our country , however , the argument of " China resources threat theory " is inexplicably warming .

  9. 驳中国生态环境威胁论

    To Refute an Argument of the Threat from Ecological Environment in China

  10. 杜钰洲“话”解纺织品中国“威胁”论

    Du on " China Threaten "

  11. 中国“和平崛起”主要针对“中国威胁”论提出,它表明中国的崛起区别于工业先进国历史上的“战争崛起”、“掠夺崛起”。

    The view of China 's " peaceful rising " is put forward corresponding to the view of " China 's threat ", showing that China 's rising is different from the " rising from war " and " rising from plundering " in the history of advanced industrial countries .

  12. 比较优势理论既是中国经济全球化的基石,又是破解中国经济威胁论的锐利武器。

    The comparative advantage theory is both the base of economic globalization of China and the powerful weapon against the economic threats of China .

  13. 加之中国石油进口对国际石油市场的冲击,中国石油威胁论在国外很有市场。

    In addition to the impact to international petroleum market , of China petroleum import , the threaten theory of China petroleum be widely went round in overseas .