
  1. 这海泉湾这么大。

    The Haiquan Bay is so large .

  2. 位于密西西比海泉湾的一项房屋修复项目中出现了一件有趣的发现——可以说是一个修在住宅里的住宅。

    A home renovation project in Ocean Springs , Mississippi has revealed some interesting findings - namely a home within a home .

  3. 这个房子以前是海泉湾市长弗雷德里克的家。他的在任时期是1899到1910年。

    The residence was once home to the mayor of Ocean Springs , Frederick Weed , who was in office from 1899 until 1910 .

  4. 据海泉湾本月17日前统计,日接待总量达上万人次,两间五星级酒店开房率达99%。

    Statistics to March 17th from the company state that the scenic spots received nearly 10,000 tourists per day and the room rate for the two 5S hotels reached 99 % .

  5. 港中旅(青岛)海泉湾有限公司通过竞标获得该出让地块的使用权,并已办理完毕土地权属证明文件。

    Hong Kong China Travel ( Qingdao ) Ocean Spring Resort Co. , Ltd. through competitive bidding to obtain the transfer of land use rights and land ownership have been completed documents .