
  1. 同时,中国驻济州岛总领馆和海航旅业正在同韩国方面协商,尽快放船。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese Consulate General in Jeju Island and HNA Cruise are negotiating with the South Korean side for an earliest possible departure of Henna .

  2. 中国驻济州岛总领馆的一名官员表示,“海娜号”是海航旅业控股集团有限公司旗下游轮,海航旅业总部位于北京,周日该公司相继调派4架包机接滞留旅客回国。

    An official of the Chinese Consulate General in Jeju Island says HNA Tourism , the Beijing-based operator of the Henna , has sent four planes to take more than 800 detained passengers back to China on Sunday .