
  • 网络island ecosystem
  1. 具体内容包括:⑴分析了海岛生态系统的范围,按照海岛生态系统水文、地理和生物特征,将海岛生态系统划分为岛陆、潮间带和近海湿地三个生态子系统。

    After analyzing the range of island ecosystem , three subsystems of insular terrene , tideland and shallow sea are put forward on the basis of hydrological , geographic and biological characteristics and the scopes of them are defined .

  2. 近些年,海域生物资源承载力是海岛生态系统可持续发展的基础。

    The carrying capacity of biological resources among maritime space is the foundation of sustainable development in the island ecosystem .

  3. 并以活力、组织力、异质性和协调性构建了海岛生态系统健康评价指标体系。每个指标均由可度量的二级指标构成。

    The indexes of health evaluation of the island ecological system were composed of vigor , organize ability , heterogeneity and harmony in this paper .

  4. 本文对海岛生态系统健康的基本理论及评价方法进行了探讨,并选择长岛的三个重点海岛进行了实例研究。

    This paper discussed rudimental theories and evaluation methods of the island ecological health . Furthermore , a case study was carried out in Chang-island .

  5. 故海岛生态系统有具有海、陆二相性,脆弱性,结构相对简单和系统相对完整的特点。

    So the island ecosystem has four characteristics , such as ocean-land duality , vulnerability , the relatively simple structure and the relatively complete system .

  6. 海岛生态系统健康评价方法研究根据海岛生态系统的复杂性特征,本文将其划分为岛陆、潮间带和近海三个子系统,针对各子系统的特征及其相互关系进行了研究;

    Health evaluation method of island ecological systemAs a complex ecological system , island was decomposed into three subsystems , which include island land , tideland , and onshore .

  7. 最后,就本文提出的海岛生态系统风险评价模型、方法进行了讨论,提出了进一步研究工作的方向和目标。

    In the end , the paper points out the future work concerning the application of the nonlinear assessment model of multiple probabilistic risks and the improvement of the island exploitation and utilization risk assessment methods .

  8. 海岛退化生态系统的恢复

    The Restoration of Degraded Island Ecosystems

  9. 随着海洋在国民经济发展中的重要性日益突出,海岛资源和生态系统服务功能在我国经济社会发展中也将扮演更加重要的角色。

    The resources and ecosystem services of islands assume even greater importance with the enhanced importance of ocean in national economic development .

  10. 试论海岛的持续性生态系统建设

    Tentative discussion on sustainable ecosystem construction of island

  11. 海岛的管理要以生态系统为基础,进行海岛生态系统评价是开展海岛生态系统管理的前提。

    The management of islands should be based on ecosystem , island ecosystem assessment is the precondition of island ecosystem-based management .

  12. 但是由于人类对海岛资源不合理的开发利用和海岛生态系统自身的脆弱性,使海岛旅游地生态系统健康面临威胁,同时也制约着海岛旅游的健康可持续发展。

    However , due to unreasonable resources exploitation and utilization of the islands , and island ecosystems ' vulnerability , making the island ecosystem health threat , while also restricting the sustainable and healthy development of the island tourism .

  13. 文中提出的海岛生态综合评价的框架、方法,可为海岛生态系统综合评价与管理提供参考。

    This article aims to put forward a basic framework of integrated assessment method on island ecosystem , and provided the foundations for island ecosystem management .

  14. 海岛恢复的长期利益包括重建海岛的生物群落,再现海岛生态系统的营养循环,恢复海岛的进化过程。

    The long term benefits of island restoration include re_colonization of biological community , re_establishment of ecosystem matter cycle , and revolution of island .

  15. 海岛生态服务功能评价则从海岛物质生产、调节功能、支持功能及社会文化功能4个方面,分析海岛生态系统的服务能力。

    Island ecological functions are assessed from the aspects of production , regulation , support and culture functions .