
  1. 用1979~1994年间的回报个例,探讨了该模式对ENSO引起的全球气候异常的预报。

    With the prediction cases during the period of 1979 to 1994 , the predictive capability of the model for ENSO caused global climate anomalies is discussed .

  2. 厄尼诺事件可引起全球气候异常及各种海洋&气象灾害。

    The El Nino event can introduce global climate anomaly and many kinds of meteorological-oceanic disasters .

  3. 热带气旋频数的异常既是全球气候异常变化的产物,又对区域或全球的气候变化产生影响。

    The anomaly of tropical cyclone frequency ( TCF ) bears relation to the anomalous change of global climate .

  4. 随着全球气候异常现象日益增多,对大气污染的排放控制,成为很多国家刻不容缓的工作。

    With the increasing of global climate anomaly , the restriction for pollutant emission becomes the great urgency for many countries .

  5. 结果表明:80%特大洪涝灾害的发生在厄尔尼诺年的次年,其内在机制是厄尔尼诺事件所导致的全球气候异常。

    The research results are as follows : The 80 % of extreme flood and waterlogged disaster occurred at the next year to El Nino .

  6. 如今化石燃料日益枯竭、环境污染严重、全球气候异常变化等问题使得生物质能越来越受到全球的重视。

    Now fossil fuel increasingly exhausted , serious environmental pollution , global climate changes problem make biomass energy get more and more attention of the world .

  7. 随着全球气候异常日益成为人们关注的焦点,如何有效减少碳排放成为国际社会的重要议题。

    As global climate anomalies increasingly becoming the focus of attention , how to effectively reduce carbon emissions becomes the important issue of the international community .

  8. 夏季东北地区出现异常的低温或高温现象不是局地的和暂时的现象,它是全球气候异常的反映。

    It is shown that the appearance of cold or warm summer in the northeast China was not a local and transient phenomenon , but a reflection of the global climatic anomalies .

  9. 厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件的出现会引起全球气候异常,并且通过遥相关作用对世界许多地区的气候产生深刻的影响。

    The occurrence of El Nino and La Nina events can cause climate unusualness , and they can also take deep effect on climate of many areas in the world through distant interaction .

  10. 温室气体排放带来的全球气候异常对人类的发展造成了日益严重的影响,低碳经济成为全球发展的诉求。

    Global climate change , which is caused by greenhouse gas emissions , has brought increasingly serious effect on human development ; to develop with low carbon is therefore becoming the appeal of global development .

  11. 20世纪60年代中期亚非夏季风减弱的全球气候背景异常分析

    Global Climatic Anomalous Background Analyses of the Asian-African Summer Monsoon Weakening in the Mid-1960s

  12. 西南大旱是全球气候变化异常影响下的一次典型的极端气候事件。

    Southwest drought is a typical extreme weather event under the influence of global climate change .

  13. 温室效应导致了全球气候变化异常,环境地质灾害频繁发生,严重影响了人类的生活环境。

    Greenhouse effect results in abnormal global climate changes , frequently occurred environmental geological disasters , and influences human living environment seriously .

  14. 中国小冰期气候与环境变迁是在全球气候环境异常影响下发生的。

    The climate and environmental changes of the Little Ice Age in China occurred under the abnormal influence of the whole globe 's climate and environment .

  15. 由于全球气候的异常变化,整个黄河流域变得干暖,降水量减少并集中分布在夏季,且多以暴雨形式出现;

    Because of the abnormal changes of global climate , it has become drought and warm in the whole Yellow River valley , the rainfall is decreasing and concentrating in summer by rainstorm .

  16. 厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜现象是当前预报全球气候系统异常的最强信号,前者对全球气候不利影响要比后者大得多。

    Phenomena of elni * ko and La ni * ka are the strongest signals on Forecast of global climatic abnormality at present , and the former BAE influences for global climate more serious than the latter .

  17. 近年来,随着人类活动的影响和全球气候的异常变化,全球森林火灾有加剧的趋势。

    The most value of forest for human beings is its ecological effect . In recent years , the amount of global forest fires has been increasing as the result of human activities and exceptional changes of climate .

  18. 使用ECMWF集合预报数据集估计全球季节平均气候异常的潜在可预报性

    Potential predictability of seasonal mean climate anomaly assessed from ECMWF ensemble seasonal forecasts

  19. 热带海表温度(SST)异常是全球许多区域气候异常的重要热力强迫。

    The sea surface temperature ( SST ) anomaly in the tropical oceans is an important thermal force that can affect climate anomalies over many regions of globe .

  20. 20世纪全球气候经历了异常的变化。

    There is little doubt that the global climate is experiencing exceptional changes .

  21. 随着全球变暖和气候异常现象的加剧,全球气候变化研究已经成为地理科学领域关注的热点话题。

    With global warming and climate abnormal phenomenon aggravating , the research of global climate change has become the focus of geographical science .

  22. 如臭氧层空洞的出现,沙漠化扩大,水土流失加剧,森林锐减,水资源危机以及近年来全球气候的明显异常。

    For example , " empty hole " emerged in ozonosphere , desertification extended , soil and water loss was aggravated , rate of forest cover dropped rapidly and there was crisis of water and abnormal change of climate all over the world .

  23. 伴随着城市建设和经济的快速发展,全球变暖、气候异常、土地荒漠化等问题也日益严重,城市交通拥堵、热岛效应、环境恶化等城市生态问题逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    Accompanied with the rapid development of urban construction and economy , global warming , climate , desertification and other issues are also growing . Urban traffic congestion , Heat island effect and the deterioration of the environment have become the focus of attention .

  24. 全球风场气候变化异常特征若干问题研究

    Approaches to Several Problems about the Abnormal Features of the Global Wind Fields Climatic Change

  25. 空气的污染、全球变暖带来的气候异常、自然灾害的频发等等,是人们必须面对的人类社会可持续发展问题。

    Air pollution , global warming climate anomalies , frequent natural disasters , etc. , is that people must face the issue of sustainable development of human society .

  26. 特别是1997年,受近百年罕见的强厄尔尼诺现象的影响,全球范围内出现气候异常,自然灾害频繁发生。

    Especially in 1997 , by nearly a hundred years of strong El Nino phenomenon rarely seen in the impact of global climate anomalies occur , frequent occurrence of natural disasters .

  27. 由于人类生产生活对环境产生的持续影响,全球环境不断恶化,导致全球变暖,气候异常。

    Because the keeping influence to the environment from mankind produce and living activities , environment in the world is continuously worsen , the weather becomes warmer and the unusually .

  28. 本文根据全球气候系统监测资料,综述了1986夏&1988年秋全球气候的主要特征及其成因,以及全球各地主要气候异常情况,可供研究制作地区长期气候预报时参考。

    Based on the global climatic system monitoring data , the main characterstics of the global climate from summer o-f 1986 to autumn of 1988 and its contributing factors , as well as main anomalous climate in the world , are summarized . ' .