
  • 网络Full code;All-key;dts;S-XXXL
  1. 提出一种新的分类预选算法.旨在解决矢量量化数据压缩技术中,当码本值和矢量维数增大时,全码本搜索产生很大的实时复杂计算问题。

    A new classified pre selection classification method is proposed in order to reduce the complexity of the extremely high real time computation in full code book search when the code book level and vector dimensionality are very large .

  2. 叠加全发码股道电码化电路的设计探讨

    Design of Superposed Full Sending Code Track Circuit

  3. 全自动码坯机可以显著降低制砖企业的人力成本,并提高产品的质量,因而越来越受到企业的重视。

    The automatic setting machine can decrease the labor costs of brickyards significantly and improve the product qualities , so more and more attention has been paid to it .

  4. 全自动码坯机作为新型墙材生产线的主要设备之一,随着国家新型墙材制造装备产业的快速发展而得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    As one of the main equipments in the new walling production lines , automatic setting machine has been applied widely with the development of new walling manufacturing equipments in China .

  5. 基于此点,新型酒类防伪使用到了RFID电子标签,此时只要使用相应的读写器即可对具有全世界唯一码的RFID电子标签进行验证。

    Based on this point , a new type of liquor anti-counterfeiting technology began to use the RFID tag , then the reader can verify RFID tags which has a worldwide unique code .

  6. 一种简易的全数字环码同步器

    A Facile Digital Loop Bit Synchronizer

  7. 例如文中第2类码是目前已知的各方面综合性能最好的全频道跳频码。

    For example , the codes of class 2 are the best full frequency hop codes up to now .

  8. 概述了简码记录在全站仪野外数字化作业过程中的操作方法,并比较了简码记录与全数字信息码记录的优劣,因而简码记录是值得推广。

    The paper sketches out the operation method with simple code record during digital field surveying and makes a comparison with complete digital message code . As a result , it is developable .

  9. 此外,EMCEFD也使用全双工错误修正码(ECC)数据完整性保护和离线电源备份来保护数据。

    Additionally , EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code ( ECC ) data integrity protection and destage power backup .

  10. 发射端采用长短码正交扩频的平衡调制,接收端采用一种简单解扩方式简化了并行MSK信号的解调,同时用短码全1引导长码同步的方法大大减小了长码的捕获时间。

    A long code and a short code spread-spectrum modulation is used in the transmitter , and meanwhile an easy dispreading scheme is used in the receiver .

  11. 然后,文章提出了两种全汉字集内部码(CNCC码和TTB码),给出了它们的定义,分析了它们的性能。

    Then , the paper points out two kinds of internal codes ( CNCC code and TTB code ), and gives their definitions , and analyzes their performances .

  12. 全汉字集内部码的设计与研究

    The Design and Research of Internal Codes for Complete Chinese Characters Set

  13. 利用集成全加器设计码制转换电路

    Using Full Adder to Design Code Conversion Circuit Xiong

  14. 一种全数字式帧同步码组识别器最后,对各种混沌码组的性能进行了比较。

    An Ail-Digital Frame Synchronizing Code Recognizer At last , 5 kinds of chaotic sequences ' performance are compared .

  15. 本文首先对循环预编码矩阵带来的噪声半混合进行了分析,并进一步提出了噪声全混合的预编码矩阵,分析了其误码率。

    This paper analyses half hybrid noise of the circulant pre-coding matrix , then proposes full hybrid noise pre-coding matrix and discusses its bit error rate .

  16. 本文首先定义了全汉字集,论述了设计全汉字集内部码的必要性。

    Abstract : This paper defines the complete Chinese character set and presents the necessity of designing internal codes for complete Chinese characters set .