
zhònɡ xínɡ fàn
  • Felony;major criminal offender;prisoner with long-term imprisonment
  1. 你想把那些重刑犯释放到舰队上来?

    You wanna start releasing hardened criminals into the fleet ?

  2. 谣言14:监狱是专为重刑犯准备的

    Myth 14 : Prison Is Only For Hardened Criminals

  3. 一些重刑犯竟有了众多追随者。

    Some serious offenders have established popular followings .

  4. 像重刑犯一样度过的18年婚姻生活听起来如何?

    How does 18 years of doing time like a long term felon sound to you ?

  5. 公诉人办公室说,男人将要在重刑犯监狱服役13年。

    The man will serve a 13-year jail term in a high-security prison , the prosecutor 's office said .

  6. 一个关押多年的重刑犯偷了狱警的枪,越狱成功,闯进了一对年轻夫妇的卧室,把还在睡觉的夫妇俩捆了起来。

    An escaped convict broke into a house and tied up a young couple who had been sleeping in the bedroom .

  7. 新华社报导,这四名重刑犯袭击了呼和浩特市第二监狱的几名狱警,然后越狱逃走。

    The official Xinhua news agency reported that four inmates escaped from Hohot 's No.2 Prison after assaulting several police officers inside the prison .