
  • 网络Deep processing of corn;maize in-depth processing industry
  1. 亚洲最大玉米深加工企业大成生化科技(GlobalBio-ChemTechnology)陷入停产,令中国东北数千名种植玉米的农民粮款被拖欠,这是中国人为抬高玉米价格的政策的又一个意外后果。

    The shutdown of Asia 's largest maize refiner has left thousands of corn farmers in north-eastern China unpaid , adding to the unintended consequences of China 's policy of artificially propping up corn prices .

  2. 玉米深加工废水处理工艺设计改进研究

    Corn in-depth Processing Wastewater Processing Technological Design and Improvement Research

  3. 国内外玉米深加工产业发展对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Demestic and Foreign Maize Deep Processing Industry

  4. 第三,分析美国玉米深加工产业并加以借鉴。

    Thirdly , the paper analyses the United States corn refining industry .

  5. 玉米深加工技术现状与对策

    The present status and countermeasures on maize deep processing technology in our country

  6. 吉林省玉米深加工现状及发展对策

    Current Situation of Further Processing of Maize in Jilin and Measures for Its Development

  7. 玉米深加工综合利用的前景

    Prospects of Comprehensive Utilization for Corn Deep Processing

  8. 制冷设备在玉米深加工上的应用

    Deeping Machining Corn by The Refrigerating Apparatus

  9. 原料成本过高拖累了中国玉米深加工企业出口赖氨酸的能力。

    High raw materials costs have impeded Chinese corn refiners " ability to export lysine .

  10. 投资项目遍及广东的大豆压榨、吉林的玉米深加工以及四川的动物饲料生产。

    Projects range from soybean crushing in Guangdong to corn processing in Jilin and animal feed production in Sichuan .

  11. 如何有效实现生产过程中的废水循环利用,对玉米深加工产业的可持续发展具有很强的现实意义。

    How to realize the waste resoure utilization , is very important to the sustainable development of corn deep processing industry .

  12. 中国玉米深加工行业占全球赖氨酸生产的约80%,占赖氨酸消费的约三分之一。

    The Chinese industry accounts for about 80 per cent of global lysine production and about a third of its consumption .

  13. 玉米深加工产品多达400多种,玉米加工回收率可达98%。

    There are more than 400 kinds of further processing products . The reclaiming rate of the corn can reaches 98 % .

  14. 将玉米深加工副产物玉米皮经适当处理制得高品质膳食纤维,并用于高膳食纤维饼干的生产。

    Using corn byproduct to make high quality dietary fiber , and add it in dough to manufacture high dietary fiber biscuits .

  15. 一种最主要的玉米深加工产品就是玉米淀粉,若能将原料综合利用,可提高玉米的利用价值8倍多。

    The major industrial production was corn starch . With complex utilization of corn , its additional value can be increased by 8 times .

  16. 为新疆大力发展畜牧业、引导企业发展玉米深加工、争取上马燃料酒精项目提供理论依据。

    According to study results , Xinjiang should develop animal husbandry and maize depth industry and fuel alcohol in order to improve farmers profit .

  17. 以工程实践为基础,提出处理玉米深加工废水的优化处理方案。

    The author analyses different production crafts of maize in-depth processing , thereby gets the best way to deal with the wastewater in this industry .

  18. 此工艺不仅提高了玉米深加工的经济效益和社会效益,同时还弥补了全粒法制酒精工艺的不足。

    The procedure can no only increase the economic and social profit of the further processing of corn but also make up the defect of producing alcohol with whole granule method .

  19. 玉米深加工行业作为中国农业产业化的重点,存在着高能耗和高资源消耗、污染严重的节能和环保问题。

    Corn deep processing industry , as focus of agricultural industrialization in China , not only is a high energy and resource consumption industry , but also is a seriously polluted industry .

  20. 大成生化科技是全球第三大玉米深加工企业,据中国媒体上周末报道,大成现已暂停所有业务,此前该公司发布公告称部分生产线因亏损已停产。

    Global Bio-Chem Technology , the third-largest corn refiner in the world , has suspended all operations , Chinese media reported at the weekend , after announcements by the company that some of its lossmaking production lines had been halted .

  21. 为此,阐述了国内外玉米深加工现状及现行的加工工艺,分析了适应我国农村玉米深加工的工艺及设备,提出了提高玉米深加工层次和能力所面临的问题及解决的对策。

    So expounded the present status and present processing technologies of maize deep processing , analyzed the technologies and equipment of maize deep processing which is suitable for our countryside , suggested the problems and countermeasures to improve maize deep processing .

  22. 随着农业结构调整,玉米深加工延伸以及种植技术的应用推广,忻州市玉米产业整体效益稳定提高,成为当地农民增收的重要途径。

    Along with the restructure of agriculture , further processing of maize and the application and extension of planting technology , the overall benefit of maize industry in Xinzhou municipality has been steadily increasing and it has becoming an important channel of income generation for the local farmers .

  23. 本项目可延长玉米产业链,实现玉米深加工副产物的高附加值综合利用,大幅度提升玉米深加工企业经济效益,是从根本上解决吉林省玉米问题的有效途径之一。

    Corn high additional value comprehensive utilization can be put into practice , and the economic benefit of corn process business enterprise can be promoted significantly . It is one of the efficient paths to resolve the corn problems in JiLin province fundamentally .

  24. 结果表明,近红外光谱法可以满足冻玉米中主要成分的实际测量要求,为玉米深加工企业提供了冬季原料玉米“按质收购”的参考方法。

    Therefore , NIR spectroscopy can meet the practical measuring accuracy as required for the principal constituents of the frozen maize , thus providing the maize further-processing enterprises a reference for purchasing their raw material according to its quality in winter .

  25. 该产品不仅有益于人们的身体健康,还可使玉米副产物得到高附加值综合利用,提升玉米深加工企业的经济效益,有力带动玉米经济的发展。

    Not only it is beneficial to people 's health but also it adjusts the comprehensive utilization of the corn by-product and it increases economic benefits of deep corn processing and drives development of corn economy .

  26. 玉米功能短肽的制备对推动玉米蛋白资源的深加工和产业化进程有重要意义。

    The preparation of the functional oligopeptides from the CGM are valuable for promoting CGM deep processing and industrialization process .

  27. 中国玉米价格被抬高已造成国家储备膨胀,并吸引了空前大量的进口,同时让玉米深加工企业、饲料企业以及其他对农村经济起到支柱作用的民营农企不复盈利。

    Inflated Chinese prices have caused state reserves to bloat and attracted unprecedented imports while destroying margins for corn processors , feed companies and other private agricultural firms that are the mainstay of the rural economy .

  28. 因此玉米肽的开发成功将会对玉米深加工业产生重大影响,也将为人们的健康提供一个良好的新食物源,是一种比较理想的新型玉米深加工产品。

    So the development successfully of the corn peptides will influence the industry of the corn and provide a good healthily food source for people .