
  • 网络yulong mountain;Jade Dragon Mountain
  1. 在山体上升和第四纪气候变化的背景下,玉龙山产生了四次更新世冰川作用,并发育有现代冰。

    With the uplift and Quaternary climate change , the Yulong mountain engendered four plaeoglaciations and has grown modern glaciers .

  2. 丽江地区著名的玉龙山存在一个个孤立的“岗丘”,它们全为松散堆积物组成,只部分表面有坚硬的钙质胶结层;

    The noted Yulong Mountain in Lijiang area exists some isolated hillocks , which are almost composed of loose accumulated materials except parts of their surfaces with hard calcic cement beds .

  3. 小冰期以后气候变暖,玉龙山冰川后退的幅度也比较大。

    Glaciers have greatly retreated after the Little Ice Age because of warming of the climate .