
  • 网络Mopan Persimmon
  1. 满城县是全国闻名的“草莓之乡”、“磨盘柿之乡”;

    Mancheng County is nationally renowned for its " Strawberry Town "," Mopan persimmon town ";

  2. 以磨盘柿为试材,对CO2脱涩处理后柿果的品质变化进行了研究。

    In this thesis , the qualities of persimmon fruits with different concentration CO2 , different harvest maturity and different temperature were compared .

  3. 1-MCP处理降低磨盘柿果实POD酶的活性,维持较高的SOD酶活性。

    The POD enzyme activity of persimmon was inhibited , While the SOD enzyme activity was promoted by 1-MCP treatment .

  4. MCP处理明显抑制磨盘柿果实的呼吸作用,降低呼吸强度和推迟呼吸高峰出现。

    The respiration climacteric of treated persimmon fruits was delayed and further its peak value was remarkably decreased by1-MCP treatment .

  5. 方差分析结果显示,基本培养基对磨盘柿继代增殖的影响极为显著,ZT的作用次之,IAA作用较弱,BA最弱。

    The results showed that the effect of the 4 factors on subculture micropropagation was in the order of basal medium , ZT , IAA and BA .

  6. 磨盘柿天然发酵制醋的真菌区系鉴定和毒素分析

    Aflatoxin and Identification of Mycoflora for Natural Fermented Persimmon Vinegar in Beijing

  7. 蜂胶结合真空包装对磨盘柿贮藏期间品质的影响

    Study on Effects of Propolis and Vacuum Packaging Treatment on Quality of Persimmon during Storage Periods

  8. 磨盘柿无节茎段不定芽的再生研究

    Studies on Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Stems Without Internode of " Mopan " Persimmon Tube Seedlings

  9. 外植体的生理状态和激素水平是影响磨盘柿组培体系建立的关键因素。

    Explants and hormones were very important factors in the culture establishment of " Mopan " Persimmon .

  10. 以磨盘柿为试材,研究了不同采收成熟度柿果真空包装在室温条件下的脱涩保脆效果。

    The de-astringent and crispness-keeping effect for vacuum packing Mopan persimmon of different maturities were investigated under ambient temperature .