
mó sǔn zuò yònɡ
  • abrasive action
  1. 磨损作用也助长了风的侵蚀

    Abrasion also abets wind erosion .

  2. 为了搞清煤对矿山机器的磨损作用及磨损机制,用不同碳含量的钢在改装的M-200磨损试验机上进行了原煤、浮选煤和煤中加不同石英砂含量的三体磨料磨损试验。

    In order to understand the abrasiveness of coal to mining machinery and its mechanism , abrasive wear tests have been made in a modified M-200 tester with steel of different carbon contents , using mining run coal , float coal and coal with different quartz contents as abrasives .

  3. 尺寸明显比动态间隙大的磨粒不会对泵产生磨损作用;

    The particles larger than the dynamic clearance do not produce wear .

  4. 磨损作用也助长了风的侵蚀。该分析有助于脱轨和磨耗机理的探讨。

    Abrasion also abets wind erosion . This analysis is helpful to the research of derailment and abrasion machenism .

  5. 提出,在考虑无形磨损作用的前提下,用快速折旧法来适当加快工程机械更新换代的设想。

    A concept about using an accelerated depreciation method to adequately speed up the renewal for construction machines under the presupposition that invisible wear effects be considered .

  6. 当坚硬粒子的尺寸为6~10μm及其在燃油中的浓度较大时,其磨损作用最为严重。

    When the size of abrasive grains is 6 ~ 10 μ m and their concentration in the fuel is higher , their wearing action will be more serious .

  7. 对普通摩擦副而言,纳米粒子在短时间内的机械抛光作用并不会太明显,而长期抛光作用则取决于摩擦过程中纳米粒子机械抛光作用和机械摩擦磨损作用两者之间的竞争。

    The mechanical polishing action of nanoparticles in lubricating oil was very unconspicuous in short order to the common couple-material , but long-range action effect lay on the competition between mechanical polishing action and mechanical wear abrasion action .

  8. 长寿命钢包透气砖座砖的开发与应用对狭缝式透气砖在大型精炼钢包中的损毁原因进行了分析,热应力和强大的冲刷磨损作用是两个主要因素。

    Development and application of long-life well block of purging plug for ladle The wear reason of slit purging plug used in the large refining ladle has been analyzed in detail in the paper , that is the thermal stress and strong erosion and abrasion .

  9. 高锰钢腐蚀磨损交互作用随着冲击功的增大而增大,冲击功为1J、2J、3J、4J时的交互作用在总腐蚀磨损中所占比例分别为12.08%、19.50%、23.11%和26.70%。

    The synergistic effect increased with the increasing of impact energy as to the high manganese steel , which accounted for 12.08 % , 19.50 % , 23.11 % and 26.70 % respectively .

  10. 碳纤维也可以起到减少剥层磨损的作用。

    The carbon fibers can also serve to reduce the delamination .

  11. 润滑油对控制柴油机磨损的作用

    The Influence of Lubricants on Controlling Wear . in Diesels

  12. 湿磨工况下冲击功对高锰钢腐蚀磨损交互作用的影响

    Effect of Impact Energy on the Corrosion Wear of High Manganese Steel

  13. 油田注水管道腐蚀磨损交互作用的试验研究

    Tests on the Interactions of Corrosion and Wear on Water-Injection Pipes in Oilfields

  14. 腐蚀磨损协同作用率的研究

    Research on Synergy Ratio between Corrosion and Wear

  15. 腐蚀磨损交互作用的定量研究

    Quantitative analysis of synergy between corrosion and wear

  16. 碳钢在含沙油田水中腐蚀-磨损交互作用研究

    A study on synergism between erosion and corrosion of carbon steel in sandy oilfield brines

  17. 结果表明,叶轮失效的主要原因是材料组织粗大以及氧腐蚀和冲蚀磨损交互作用的结果。

    The major reasons for impeller failure were interactive action of coarse microstructure and oxygen corrosion as well as erosion-corrosion .

  18. 自组装单分子膜结构稳定,堆积紧密,具有防止腐蚀、减小摩擦及降低磨损等作用。

    Because of their stable structure and tight packing density , SAMs can prevent corrosion , reduce friction and wear .

  19. 弱酸性介质中不同材料腐蚀与冲击磨损交互作用机理研究和探讨

    Mechanism Investigation and Discussion on the Interaction of Corrosion and Impact Wear of Different Materials under Weak Acid Medium Condition

  20. 白层形成后在冲击磨损的作用下产生裂纹,裂纹在残余拉应力和表面切应力的作用下扩展,从而导致白层脆性剥落。

    The cracks were generated under the action of impact wear after the white layer formation , and then extended under the residual tension stress and shear stress , so the brittle delamination of white layer was caused .

  21. 本文考虑从湍流的近壁拟序结构对近壁区小粒径的空泡与固体颗粒的运动规律的影响这一角度出发,对空蚀与泥沙磨损联合作用的机理作一初步的探讨。

    Started from the influence by movement rules of small cavities and solid particles , the mechanisms of combined effect of cavitation and sand abrasion are study in this thesis from the aspect of the turbulent coherent structure near the wall .

  22. 不锈钢在H3PO4+NaCl溶液中腐蚀磨损的交互作用

    Interaction between corrosion and wear of stainless steel in h_3po_4 + NaCl solution

  23. 孔隙在粉末冶金铁基材料磨损中的作用

    Role of pores on wear of p / m iron based materials

  24. 空蚀、磨损及其联合作用研究进展

    Research progress of cavitation , silt abrasion and their synergism

  25. 复合镀层同时兼有降低摩擦系数和降低磨损率的作用。

    Composite coatings can reduce the friction coefficient and wear rate concurrently .

  26. 失效过程中碳化物颗粒的剥落对涂层磨损起关键作用,涂层中的粘结相、氧化物和孔隙对疲劳裂纹的扩展有很大的影响。

    The Ni binder phase , oxide and hole in the coatings had a great influence on the crackle extending .

  27. 随着摩擦时滑动距离的增加及载荷的加大,稀土渗碳激光熔凝改性处理降低磨损失重的作用也显著增大;

    The wear weight loss of GCr15 steel is apparently deduced by RE carburizing laser melting modification with the increase of friction slide distance and loading weight .

  28. 结果表明,叶轮失效原因是强碱腐蚀与低角度冲蚀磨损的综合作用,而腐蚀的作用更大。

    The results showed that the main causes are due to combination of stong caustic corrosion and low angle attack erosion , the corrosion is the more impotant factor in corrosion erosion process .

  29. 指出:由于共晶碳化物高温稳定性不良,使得其不能发挥应有的提高材料磨损抗力的作用,导致合金磨损体积急剧增加,磨损抗力下降。

    The obtained results show that the carbide can not act as a resistant to wear if its chemical stability at elevated temperature is too bad , and the wear resistance of the alloy is decreased rapidly .

  30. 论文讨论了轮轨滚动接触过程中疲劳和磨损的相互作用关系,分析了钢轨损伤的机理;目的在于为高速和重载铁路钢轨材料的选择提供了理论依据。

    The interrelationship between fatigue and wearing during the rolling contact of wheel / rail is discussed and the damage mechanism of the rail is analyzed to provide theoretical basis for the selection of rail materials used in high-speed and heavy-load railway .