• Resistance;block;impede;obstruct;hinder
  • 险要的地方:“马陵道狭,而旁多~隘,可伏兵”。

  • 拦挡:~挡。~隔。~拦。~力。~挠。梗~。劝~。~击。~抑。~滞。~难(nán)。~塞(sè)。

  • 艰难:道~且长。


(阻挡; 阻碍) block; hinder; impede; obstruct:

  • 劝阻

    dissuade sb. from; advise sb. not to;

  • 拦阻

    block; hold back;

  • 阻滞

    impede; hinder; obstruct;

  • 风雨无阻

    stopped by neither wind nor rain

  1. 巴拉圭强调WTO中的协商一致原则,但也表示其并不会轻率利用自己的权力封阻协商一致。

    Stressing the importance of the consensus rule in the WTO , Paraguay noted that it was not using its power to block consensus lightly .

  2. 方法:选颈丛阻滞麻醉,在c4横突处穿刺,给予0.25%罗哌卡因,分别在深丛7mL、浅丛15mL,共22mL注入。

    Method : The cervical plexus were selected to block anesthetic and punctured at c4 transverse .

  3. 持续的暴力活动可能会阻延改革的进程。

    Continuing violence could hold up progress towards reform .

  4. 为人圆通会让你成功的道路通畅无阻。

    Diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success .

  5. 死刑的支持者认为它能阻吓罪犯携带枪支。

    Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns

  6. 道路被雪封阻了。

    The path was blockaded by snow .

  7. 北部的一切交通均为暴风雪所阻。

    All communications with the north have been stopped by snowstorm .

  8. 这种阻风门的部分开启可以防止混合气过浓。

    This partly opens the choke so that an overrich mixture is prevented .

  9. 我们的帆船被逆风所阻而延迟。

    Our sailboat was delayed by contrary wind .

  10. 拿着这张通行证就可以通行无阻。

    This pass will let you through .

  11. 一路无阻。

    The journey was smooth .

  12. 加入适量阻聚剂可以延长其保存期。

    The storage time could be prolonged by adding retarder .

  13. 自动阻风门包括一个恒温控制弹簧和一个真空活塞

    The automatic choke includes a thermostatic spring and a vacuum piston .

  14. 金山坝作为分洪闸下游阻水障碍时,其破除不会有人为的阻力。

    The Jinshan Dam took when flood-diversion sluice downriver anti-water barrier , it eradicates cannot have artificial resistance .

  15. Doppler流速曲线为高速、高阻型。

    Doppler velocity tracing was of high speed and high hinder .

  16. 另外,本文还采用了不同的方法计算了CPU重力热管液阻极限。

    Otherwise this paper calculates the flooding limit of thermosiphon with several different methods .

  17. 反应液加入H2O2制备本征SnO2高阻薄膜

    High resistivity SnO_2 films prepared with H_2O_2 being joined into the solution

  18. V型沟槽尖峰形状对减阻效果及流场特性影响的数值分析

    The effects of the tip shape of V-groove on drag reduction and flow field characteristics by numerical analysis

  19. 一个接近理想的CMOS互阻放大器

    A Nearly Ideal CMOS Transresistance Amplifier

  20. GaP低阻欧姆接触层的AES和SIMS分析

    AES and SIMS analysis of low - resistance ohmic contacts to p - gap

  21. 低阻PTC半导体陶瓷及限电器的研究

    Research on PTC Low Resistance Semiconducting Ceramics and Current Limiters

  22. 阻黄联合肝切除术残肝储备功能变化及TNF-α和IL-6对其影响

    Effects of TNF - α and IL-6 on the survival liver function after hepatectomy in obstructive jaundice rats

  23. PTC阻温特性测试仪的研制

    PTC Resistance - temperature Characteristic Instrument

  24. MOA阻性电流的带电测试及其角度校正

    On-line measuring resistive current of MOA and its angle correction

  25. Si/SiGe/Si双异质结晶体管(HBT)的负阻特性

    Negative Resistance Characteristics of Si / SiGe / Si Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

  26. SnO2气敏元件的阻温特性及其机理讨论

    The Resistance-Temperature Properties of SnO_2 Gas Sensors and Its Theoretical Explanation

  27. SRA与EA对混凝土阻裂复合效应

    Co-effect on Concrete Anti-cracking by SRA and EA

  28. (AlGa)As/GaAsDH激光器低温负阻的研究

    Negative Resistance Effect in ( AlGa ) As / GaAs DH Laser at Low Temperature

  29. MIM隧道发光结的光谱分析及负阻现象

    Analysis of Light-Emission Spectrum and Discussion of Negative Resistance Phenomenon of MIM Tunnel Junctions

  30. 结果表明:增大激发光的光强与延长激发时间对促进MR分子光致异构具有等效作用,而且MR分子的光致异构过程对周围的空间位阻有很强的依赖性;

    And it was found that the effect of strengthening laser energy is similar to that of prolonging the excitation time , and the photochromism process of MR strongly depends on steric hindrance around azobenzene molecule .