
  • 网络Resistance;resistance level
  1. 这条新的下降趋势线变成一个阻力位。

    This new downtrend line becomes a resistance level .

  2. 一旦支撑位被击穿,它常常会转变为阻力位,反之亦然。

    Support levels , once penetrated , frequently become resistance levels and vice versa .

  3. 操作建议:逢低做多,参考阻力位止盈。

    Reference the Resistance Level and Close the long position .

  4. 最近的趋势上升迅速的运行到每个阻力位之上。

    The recent trend rise has seen very rapid moves above each resistance level .

  5. 经过支持水平被打破,它可以变成阻力位。

    After a support level is broken , it can turn into a resistance level .

  6. 这是一个新的阻力位。

    This is the new resistance level .

  7. 它作为一个阻力位发挥作用。

    It acts as a resistance level .

  8. 这一类型的交易行为可以将价格抬高到163美元附近的更高的阻力位。

    This type of trading behaviour can lift price to an upper resistance level near $ 163 .

  9. 金价在突破了500美元/盎司的阻力位之后,打开了一个新的上升空间。

    After breaking 500 $ / oz , gold price have entered into a new climbing room .

  10. 现在,阻力位终于被突破,投资者可以喘一口气。

    Now that the resistance level has finally been crossed , investors can breathe a sigh of relief .

  11. 不乐观的结果则是第三条扇形趋势线继续发挥阻力位的作用。

    A bearish result is when the third fan trend line continues to act as a resistance level .

  12. 还是关注下方两条趋势线的支撑力度,忽视上方阻力位。

    Still pay attention to supporting power of the two trend lines , regardless of above resistence location .

  13. 投资者会说这是市场“阻力位”市场不愿跌穿的一个象征性点位。

    Investors talk of market " resistance levels " , symbolic points the market is somehow reluctant to breach .

  14. 不仅这一位置是难以克服的阻力位,而且市场在近期上涨后已处于超买局面。

    Not only that it is a tough resistance to overcome , the market is now overbought following recent advance .

  15. 标普目前走势不错,似乎已经准备好向1400点附近的关键阻力位作出测试。

    So far so good , the index seems to be ready for a test of key resistance around the1400 level .

  16. 如果支持或阻力位被打破,它标志着该供求关系已经发生了变化。

    If a support or resistance level is broken , it signals that the relationship between supply and demand has changed .

  17. 有时杯柄的形成是出于为突破杯高处的阻力位而做的短暂停歇。

    Sometimes it is prudent to wait for a break above the resistance line established by the highs of the cup .

  18. 如突破此位则有望涨至55日及100日简单移动平均线交叉位置81.90-82.00区域,该区域也为下一阻力位。

    Above this may see towards the55 and100-day SMA 's which currently converge around the81.90-82.00 area as the next level of resistance .

  19. 当阻力位确定之后,接下来就要等待第一次反弹。

    Once the resistance levels have been identified , the next step is the wait for the first bounce after the gap .

  20. 通常情况下,这种反弹会非常迅猛,并有可能使得价格小幅站上关键阻力位,但却往往站不稳。

    Usually , these rallies are very sharp and might carry prices slightly above key resistance , but have no real staying power .

  21. 因此我们建议大家低仓操作,而且相信即便股指突破阻力位,阻力位上方的风险也要远远大于潜在回报。

    And we 'd , therefore , cautious against taking large position and also believe that risk far outweighs the reward beyond that point .

  22. 总结:在我们看来,大盘要攻破重大阻力位,需要有重大利好的推动。

    In summary : it seems to us that the market is in need of a meaningful catalyst to overcome the key resistance levels .

  23. 观察纳斯达克指数为我们提供了判断美国股市将会如何发展以及当遇到阻力位的时候美国股市将如何表现的一个主要的指示指标。

    Watching the NASDAQ gives a leading indication of how the American market will develop and the way it will react when resistance levels are encountered .

  24. 但中国买家的违约浪潮是在铁矿石、尤其是热煤价格下跌约10%、跌破关键阻力位之后才开始的。

    But the wave of defaults only started after iron ore and particularly thermal coal prices fell about 10 per cent , breaking key resistance levels .

  25. 市场上,与支撑位和阻力位密切相关的枢轴点通常是价格运行方向的转折点。

    In a market , a pivot point , it 's associated support and resistance levels , are often turning points for the direction of price movement .

  26. 如果安全是接近阻力位,它可以作为一个警示,以寻找更多的抛售压力和潜在的逆转。

    If a security is approaching a resistance level , it can act as an alert to look for signs of increased selling pressure and potential reversal .

  27. 不过,如果市场能够成功忽视负面消息的影响,站上关键阻力位,那时我们便知道多头真的开始返场了。

    However , if the market manages to shrug off the negative news and moves above key resistant , then we know that real demand has return .

  28. 在940.00美元附近一个小的阻力位和支撑位正在形成,这在将来价格运行到1000.00美元以上时将非常重要。

    A small resistance and support level is developing near $ 940 , and this will be important in the future when price moves above $ 1000 .

  29. 握在手的阻力位能够很简单地调解歪曲的阻力小球向上或捻球向下更加多的阻力。

    The resistance level of the hand grip can be easily adjusted by twisting the ball upward for less resistance or by twisting the ball downward for more resistance .

  30. 尽管3月份出现了剧烈修正,充裕的流动性和乐观的公司盈利帮助市场快速收复失地,不过此前的历史高点20821成为一个阻力位。

    Despite a sharp correction in march , ample liquidity and positive corporate results helped the market to recover quickly , although the previous all-time high of20821 became a resistance level .