
  • 【电工】[viscous] damping coefficient
  1. 高应变动力试桩中的CASE阻尼系数取值分析

    The Solution Analysis of CASE Damping Constant During High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing

  2. 文中采用时域法研究系统的动态特性,指出阻尼系数ζ和固有频率ωn对系统动态过渡过程的影响。

    Damping ratio ξ and natural frequency ω n have effects on transition process .

  3. 二元Cu合金的光反射率与光阻尼系数

    Reflectance and damper coefficient of binary copper alloys

  4. 本文借用频率域方法,求得浮体运动附加质量和阻尼系数关于频率ω从0到∞的变化特性,通过Fourier变换将频域解转化为时域解。

    In this paper , the time domain solution is obtained by Fourier transform of frequency domain results .

  5. 最后提出了一种Case阻尼系数法的辅助判断方法用以检验阻尼系数取值的合理性。并通过一工程实例证明了其实用价值。

    At last , a assistant method of Case damping factor method is put forward to test the rationality of damping factor and its practical value is proved by an engineering case .

  6. 阻尼系数对Gd(2.34)Tb(0.66)Fe5O(12)饱和磁场和磁畴结构的影响

    The Effect of Damping Coefficient on the Saturated Magnetization Field and Configuration of Domain Structures

  7. 本文在第一部分首先采用绝对时间坐标对Case法的总土阻力公式进行了重新推导,然后对现行Case阻尼系数法及其改进方法进行了分析。

    In the first part , firstly , total soil resistance formula of Case method is deduced over again using absolute time coordinate ; Secondly , Case damping factor method and its improved method are analyzed ;

  8. 在计算中使用了有限元软件ANSYS,其中所用的模型可以计入滑动轴承的刚度系数和阻尼系数以及齿轮的啮合。

    ANSYS software is used in calculation . The calculation modeling considers stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the journal bearings , and gears engagement .

  9. 利用MEMS技术生产的微机械电容式加速度计具有制作工艺简单、温度系数小、稳定性好、阻尼系数容易控制等优点,因而得到了广泛的应用。

    Variable-capacitance micromechanical accelerometer developed by MEMS technology is widely used for having simple process , small temperature coefficient , good stability and easily controllable damping coefficient .

  10. ,t)的具有随机系数的随机微分方程,其中K(t)是一个随机过程,ε是阻尼系数.它是一个小参数。

    The paper gives a solution of the random differential equation with random coefficient , that is where is a random process and is a damp coefficient , it is a little parameter .

  11. 对二阶系统最小ITAE阻尼系数的修正

    Correcting the minimun ITAE damping coefficient for 2nd-order system

  12. MTMD具有相同的刚度和阻尼系数但不同的质量。

    Each one of the MTMD possesses the same stiffness and damping coefficient but unequal mass .

  13. 在本论文的第二章中,主要利用传统的线性雷诺方程和Couette流方程,理论上推导了悬浮转子轴向振动、径向振动的压膜阻尼系数和绕Z轴旋转的滑膜阻尼系数。

    The squeeze film damping coefficients at axial vibration , radial vibration and the sliding film damping coefficient at Z-axis rotation are derived respectively .

  14. 通过运用实测曲线拟合法与CASE法中的RA2法相结合,借助统计工具进行分析,本文提出了一种CASE阻尼系数的确定方法。

    The article set forth a solution method of CASE damping constant , due to combining CAPWAP method with RA2 method in CASE method and using ( statistical ) analysis tools .

  15. 同时发现,当阻尼系数不变时,Péclet值随着粒子质量增大而减小。

    It is also shown that when the friction coefficient keeps constant , the P é clet number decreases with the particle mass .

  16. 鉴此,本文提出了刚度和阻尼系数保持常量但质量线性分布的MDMTMD新模型策略。

    In view of this , an MD-MTMD modeling strategy is developed through keeping the stiffness and damping constant but remaining the masses linearly distributed .

  17. AMTMD中的MTMD保持相同的刚度和阻尼系数但质量变化。

    The MTMD in the AMTMD is keeped with constant stiffness and damping but varied with the mass .

  18. 本文通过对地震检波器的运动特性的分析指出,电路组合方式不同,即外路阻抗Z不同,将会影响到检波器的有效灵敏度、阻尼系数和频率特性。

    The analysis of vibration characteristic of geophones shows that different geophone array circuits creat different impedances ( Z ) of external circuit , causing the corresponding variations of sensitivity , damping coefficient and frequency of geophone .

  19. 采用偏导数法求解动压气体润滑Reynolds方程,给出动压气体轴承动态刚度和动态阻尼系数普遍适应的计算方法。

    A novel and universal computational method for obtaining the dynamic stiffness and dynamic damping coefficients of aerodynamic bearings is presented by means of the partial derivative method applied to the gas-lubricated Reynolds equation .

  20. 刚度和阻尼系数保持常量但质量不同的频率线性分布的FDMTMD能够提供更好的有效性和鲁棒性且最易制作。

    FD-MTMD , with the identical stiffness and damping coefficient but unequal mass and with linearly distributed frequencies , may render higher effectiveness and robustness as well as better constructability .

  21. 文中还指出了对于一个给定的各向异性的磁体,阻尼系数存在一个临界值,超过它时,最小翻转磁场与SW极限是相同的.这个方向窗口的宽度与阻尼系数和磁内能有关。

    We show that there is a critical value for the damping constant , above which the minimal switching field is the same as that of the SW-limit , for a given magnetic anisotropy .

  22. 然后,根据上述提出的量化分析公式,编制了计算基桩缺陷程度的Matlab程序,只需输入桩侧土阻尼系数、入射波和反射波幅值以及对应的时刻,就可以算出缺陷程度;

    Thirdly , a program of Matlab was made according to the above expressions of quantitative analysis . If the lateral damping of pile , amplitude of incidence and reflective , and the corresponding time are input , the degree of the defective pile can be calculated automatically .

  23. 在所得自旋波激发阻尼系数普遍表示式的基础上,以(α-C:H)(1-x)Cox无序颗粒膜为例,研究颗粒膜自旋波激发弛豫随温度的变化。

    On the basis of the spin wave excitation damp coefficient , and taking the (α - C : H ) _ ( 1-x ) Co_x disorder granular film as a case , we have got the variation law of spin wave excitation delay with temperature .

  24. 根据谐波平衡法原理,对各级等效线性系统进行模态参数辨识,进一步基于Duffing假设,对非线性刚度、阻尼系数进行了识别,并基于多自由度非线性系统理论进行了仿真检验。

    According to Harmonic equilibrium , the modal parameters are identified to form an equivalent linear system . In term of Duffing hypothesis , the nonlinear stiffness and damping coefficient are identified and the simulating examination is conducted as a multi-freedom nonlinear system .

  25. 此外,还推导了GMLM器件的等效弹性系数、吸合电压、工作电压、固有频率、开关速度和压膜空气阻尼系数的理论计算公式。

    In additional to these works , the spring constant , pull-in voltage , operation voltage , natural frequency , switch time and squeeze-film air damp coefficient were deduced .

  26. 采用综合阻尼系数研究附加励磁控制系统参数的动态特性

    Research on supplementary excitation control parameter characteristics adapting comprehensive damping coefficient

  27. 求取弹道空气阻尼系数的最优化方法

    An optimal method to determine air damping coefficient of the trajectory

  28. 机床结合面阻尼系数识别研究

    Research On Identification Of Damping Coefficient Of Machine Tool 's Joint-Plane

  29. 空气阻尼系数是一种重要的气动力参数。

    Air damping coefficient is a very important aerodynamic parameter .

  30. 最后就小阻尼系数法作了对比分析。

    The method of small damping coefficient is discussed finally .