
  • 网络damper winding;damping winding
  1. 带阻尼绕组的多相大功率推进永磁同步电动机绕组参数的测量和计算研究

    Measurement and Calculation Winding Parameters for Multi-Phase High-Power Propulsive PMSM with Damping Windings

  2. 提出励磁电流控制思想,加快系统的动态响应,补偿阻尼绕组对电动机动态性能的影响。

    A method of excitation control is proposed , and it would accelerate the dynamic response of the system and compensate the influence of damper windings by counteracting the induction current partially .

  3. 基于MATLAB仿真的发电机阻尼绕组负面影响研究

    Dynamic simulation using MATLAB for overall evaluation of negative impact of the damper winding of a generator

  4. 含阻尼绕组同步发电机电磁力矩系数的传统算式忽略直轴阻尼绕组与励磁绕组的互感,且不考虑自动励磁调节(AVR)的作用。

    In traditional formulas of electromagnetic torque coefficients for the damped synchronous generator , the mutual inductance between d-axis damping winding and excitation winding is neg-lected and the effect of AVR ( Automatic Voltage Regulator ) is not considered .

  5. 根据同步电机完整的电气方程建立了小扰动线性化模型,在Phillips-Heffron六系数模型和考虑阻尼绕组作用的十二系数模型的基础上,对模型退化进行了分析。

    Based on electrical equations , the linearized model of synchronous machine is established . With the Phillips-Heffron six-coefficient model and twelve-coefficient model including damper windings considered , an equivalent simplification method is proposed .

  6. 目前,这方面的分析研究大都以扩展的Phillips-Heffron模型为基础。但是,Phillips-Heffron模型本身没有严格地考虑发电机阻尼绕组的作用,在某些情况下使用它分析难免会有偏差。

    But most of these study are based on the expand Phillips-Heffron model , and the Phillips-Heffron model does not strictly consider the role of damper winding . Then the results of the analysis will inevitably be some deviation in some cases .

  7. 含阻尼绕组多机电力系统线性化模型

    A Linear Model Including Damper Windings for the Multimachine Power System

  8. 带阻尼绕组的永磁同步电动机起动分析

    Analysis of Jump-start of a Permanent-magnet Synchronous Motor with Damp Resistance

  9. 除尘风机电机转子阻尼绕组断裂一例

    Example of Broken Damping Winding of Rotor of the Dust-proof Motor

  10. 能量变换器空载电势波形的计算及阻尼绕组结构的优化设计

    Calculation of No-Load EMF Waveform and Optimization of Damper Windings for Powerformer

  11. 带阻尼绕组的凸极永磁同步电机转子位置估计

    Rotor Position Estimation of Salient-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Damper Windings

  12. 交交变频同步电机阻尼绕组损耗的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Damper Winding Losses in Cycloconverter fed Synchronous Machines

  13. 考虑阻尼绕组约束能量变换器空载电动势波形的分析

    Analysis of Powerformer No-Load EMF Waveform With Different Damper Constraints

  14. 带整流负载同步发电机阻尼绕组研究

    Research on Damping Winding of Synchronous Generator with Rectifying Load

  15. 调速同步电机阻尼绕组作用的定性分析

    Qualitative analysis effect of synchromotor damping winding in adjust & speed system

  16. 水轮发电机转子阻尼绕组烧伤的原因及处理

    Causes and treatment for burning damage of turbine generator rotor damping winding

  17. 小型单相同步发电机阻尼绕组作用分析防潮漆包线绕电阻器

    Damper winding in small single phase synchronous generators damp-proof enamelled wire-wound resistor

  18. 带阻尼绕组整数槽凸极同步发电机空载时的齿谐波电势

    Analysis of No-load Tooth Harmonic E.M.F.of Integral-slot Salient-pole Synchronous Generators with Damper Windings

  19. 进口灯泡水轮发电机阻尼绕组和磁极损坏机理分析

    Analysis of Damaged Damping Winding and Magnetic Pole in the Bulb Type Generator

  20. 带阻尼绕组的多相同步推进电机空载特性及其绕组参数的计算研究

    Idle Load Characteristics and Winding Parameters Calculation of Multi-phase Propulsive Synchronous Motor with Damper Windings

  21. 阻尼绕组结构形式及结构参数对同步电机交-交变频调速系统特性的影响

    Influences of Damper Structure and Structural Parameters on the Performance of Cyclo-Converter Fed Synchronous Motors

  22. 阻尼绕组对凸极单相同步发电机负载电压波形的影响

    Influence of damper winding on voltage waveform of loaded salient pole single phase synchronous generators

  23. 考虑阻尼绕组作用的单机无穷大系统线性化模型

    Linearized model of the one machine infinite bus system considering the effect of damper windings

  24. 凸极同步电动机负载突然变化时阻尼绕组暂态电流的计算

    The Calculating of Transient Currents for the Damper Windings of Salient-pole Synchronous motor in Sudden Load

  25. 当建立同步电机完整的模型时,需计及励磁绕组与阻尼绕组之间的互漏感。

    Study on parameter test system of rare earth permanent magnet synchronous machines based on computer ;

  26. 基于绕线型转子无刷双馈电机的建模与仿真小型单相同步发电机阻尼绕组作用分析

    The Modeling and Simulation of Wound-rotor Brushless Doubly-fed Machine Damper winding in small single phase synchronous generators

  27. 阻尼绕组对谐波励磁同步发电机空载谐波电压的影响

    The Effect of Damper Windings on the No-load Harmonic Voltage of Synchronous Generators by the Third Harmonic Excitation

  28. 阻尼绕组对磁场定向控制交-交变频同步电机动态行为的影响交&交变频调速的研究

    Effect of Damper Windings on the Dynamic Performance of Cycloconverter-Fed Synchronous Machine Study on Speed Control of Cycloconverter

  29. 阻尼绕组对直接转矩控制同步电机动态行为的影响

    Effect of Damper Windings on the Dynamic Performance of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motor Based on Direct Torque Control

  30. 文中将阻尼绕组等效为阻抗网络,推导了网络参数的计算公式。

    With damping winding being equivalized by an impedance network , the formulas for determining network parameters are derived .