
  • 网络OBSTRUCTIVE;Obstructive ventilatory disorder
  1. 阻塞性通气障碍的CT肺功能成像参数

    Parameters of CT pulmonary function imaging in emphysema and obstructive ventilatory defect

  2. 单肺通气模式对阻塞性通气障碍患者气道峰压、氧合及肺内分流的影响

    Effects of Pressure-controlled Ventilation on Peak Airway Pressure , Arterial Oxygenation and Intrapulmonary Shunt in Patients with Obstructive Ventilatory Dysfunction during One-lung Ventilation : A Comparison with Volume-controlled Ventilation

  3. 方法对照组20例,阻塞性通气障碍组37例(包括肺气肿23例、哮喘6例、不明原因8例)。

    Methods The study included control group with 20 normal volunteers and obstructive ventilatory defect group with 37 patients ( 23 with emphysema , 6 with asthma and 8 with unknown etiology ) .

  4. 结果表明,甲状腺肿大引起的上呼吸道阻塞和COPD的小气道阻塞造成混合性通气障碍。

    It is suggested that obstruction of upper respiratory tract by goiter and obstruction of small airways of COPD lead to combined disturbance of ventilation .