
zǔ gé
  • separate;cut off;be widely separated by
阻隔 [zǔ gé]
  • [separate;cut off;be widely separated by] 两地之间隔绝,难以往来

  • 山川阻隔

阻隔[zǔ gé]
  1. 超高气体阻隔层涂膜的应用展望

    The Perspective on the Application of Covering Super High Gas Separate Layer

  2. 超高阻隔性复合软包装材料的研制

    Research and Development for Composite Soft Package Materials with Super High Separate Behavior

  3. 墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。

    Dark glasses is an effective shield against the glare .

  4. 在古代,遮阳蓬对于阻隔日晒十分重要。

    Going back to antiquity4 , awnings provided the shade vital for keeping the sun 's heat at bay .

  5. PET高阻隔材料的制备及表征

    Preparation and properties of polyester based nanocomposites for barrier packing materials

  6. PET啤酒瓶阻隔技术的研究进展与发展前景

    Development and prospects of barrier technology of PET beer bottle

  7. 高阻隔性PET的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development Trend of High Barrier PET

  8. 高阻隔性PET瓶的研究进展

    Progresses and Developments of High Barrier PET Bottles

  9. 电源功率对SiOx薄膜包装材料阻隔性影响的研究

    Effects of power supply on barrier properties of SiO_x thin film

  10. 镀碳氢膜PET的阻隔性能在标准透水蒸气测试仪上进行检测。

    The barrier property of the film was conducted on the water vapor permeation instrument .

  11. HDPE的结晶过程受到了PET的阻隔、约束作用。

    The crystalline process of HDPE was obstructed and restricted by PET .

  12. 离子源辅助磁控溅射沉积SiOx阻隔薄膜的研究

    Study on SiO_x Coating Deposition by Magnetron Sputtering with Ion Beam Assisted

  13. Al2O3薄膜包装材料工艺参数与阻隔性的实验研究包装材料包装材料或包裹东西之物

    Experimental Study on the Relationship between Technological Parameters and Barrier Property of Al_2O_3Film Packaging Material

  14. 高阻隔PET瓶的最新技术

    New technology in barrier PET bottles

  15. 经过拉伸取向结晶后的PET薄膜氧气透过率获得下降,改善了阻隔性能。

    PET film oxygen permeance ratio is dropped after crystallization through drawing tropism , modified the barrier performance .

  16. 高阻隔性皂化的EVA热性能的研究

    Q & A on Sex Study on the Thermal Properties of High-Barrier Saponified EVA

  17. 共混挤出法制备HDPE阻隔复合材料的研究

    Study of HDPE Barrier Composite Material by Blending Extrude Method

  18. PET瓶内镀DLC薄膜的结构、成分及其阻隔性研究

    Microstructures and Barrier Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Films on Inner Walls of Polythylene Terephthalate Bottles

  19. 为了扩大系统的应用范围,系统应用SOAP和Wleb服务技术,以避免防火墙对即时消息传递的阻隔。

    To extend the application scope , it uses SOAP and web services to pass instant messages through firewalls .

  20. 聚合物和涂层材料的渗透系数(P)、扩散系统(D)和溶解系数(S)是影响聚合物阻隔性能的关键参数。

    The permeability ( P ), diffusion ( D ) and solubility ( S ) coefficients for polymers and coatings are key parameters that affect a polymer 's barrier performance .

  21. 高阻隔性皂化EVA的应用

    Application of High-barrier Saponified EVA

  22. 提高PLA的阻隔性,扩大其在包装行业的应用,对于推广PLA的使用非常重要。

    It is important to improve the barrier property for expanding the application in packaging industry .

  23. 凋落物层对该林型地表CH4的吸收没有明显的阻隔作用;

    Litter layer had no distinct impact on CH4 uptake by soil .

  24. 随着涂布材料厚度的增加PT复合材料的阻隔性也随之增大。

    Also , the barrier properties of PT composite films are increased with the increase of the thickness of coating materials .

  25. 但PET的阻隔性一般,对于一些特殊包装内容物(如啤酒)来讲远远不够,限制了其应用范围。

    But the barrier of PET is common , not enough for a special packing contents ( eg. Beer ), limited the scope of applications .

  26. LCP(液晶聚合物)是一种价格较贵但阻隔性很高的材料。

    LCP is a high barrier material but expensive .

  27. 新型高阻隔包装材料PVA的诞生,既保证了乳制品的安全,又降低了资源消耗。

    New high barrier package material PVA birth , also had guaranteed the dairy products security , had reduced the resources consumption .

  28. 电子束辐照引入的含氧极性基团改善了HDPE与PA6的相容性,从而提高了e-HDPE/PA6共混体系的力学性能;该体系对甲苯具有一定的阻隔性能。

    The compatibility and mechanical properties of e-HDPE / PA6 blend are thus improved .

  29. 该文详细介绍了P1拒避剂防治森林鼠害试验结果,室内试验报道了阻隔法和包埋法,体现了药剂的预防和保护效能。

    The result of the experiment of P-1 repellent against forest rodent pests was introduced in detail .

  30. PT具有透明、无毒、无味、可完全降解等特性,对油性、碱性和有机溶剂有很强的阻隔作用。

    It is transparent , non-toxic and tasteless , completely degradable , and it has a strong barrier to oily , alkali and organic solvent .