
  1. 利用纯金红石相TiO2纳米晶自制的防晒霜紫外屏蔽效果及稳定性更好,优于市售的化学防晒及物理防晒商品,且具有无毒、不被吸收等优点。

    The self-preparation suntan oil using pure rutile nano-powder has better UV-shielding properities and stability than chemistry suntan oil and physical suntan oil on the market . And it has the other advantages , such as non-toxic and no absorbed by skin .

  2. 顾客可以选购物理防晒或者化学防晒。其中物理防晒品会在皮肤表面形成反射层,而化学防晒品被皮肤吸收后会在身体接触日光时提供防晒保护。

    Consumers can choose between a physical block , which sits on the surface of the skin causing UV rays to bounce off , or chemical sunscreens , which are absorbed by the skin and deactivate sunlight when it comes into contact with the body ` s surface .

  3. 比如,电子器件、透明紫外线保护膜、化学传感器、防晒霜中的紫外线过滤以及纺织品等等。

    For example , electronics devices , transparent UV-protection films , chemical sensors , UV-filters in sunscreens , as well as textiles .

  4. 本款不含美白组成部分,其配方能够抵御广谱UVA/UVB射线,协助肌肤使其在使用不含化学组成部分的防晒乳后仍然连结水分。

    Thisnon-whitening formula provides broad-spectrum UVA / UVB protection and helps keep skin hydrated without using chemical sunscreen actives like octinoxate and oxybenzone .