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  • dresser
  1. 化妆台上摆满了各种瓶、罐和照片。

    The dressing table was crammed with pots and photographs .

  2. 不,他不是在给化妆台掸去灰尘。

    No , he isn 't dusting the dressing table .

  3. 谢莉妲由化妆台拿出手表。

    Cerita took the watch out of her dresser .

  4. 谢莉妲拿下手表,而且整齐地把它放在化妆台里面。

    Cerita took off the watch and put it neatly in her dresser .

  5. 在化妆台上找到一些剩余的零钱;

    Found some extra change on the dresser ;

  6. 那天晚上,她确信她听到手表在化妆台里面滴答地响。

    That night she was sure she could hear the watch ticking in her dresser .

  7. 它们是不是在化妆台上?

    Are they on the dresser ?

  8. 也有其他的东西:一个书柜,一张小床头几,一张桌子和椅子,化妆台,被褥。

    A bookcase , a small night table , a desk and chair , a dresser , and clothes .

  9. 你可能会搬家或则购买一件重要家具,比如化妆台、一张精美的地毯。

    You may move house or buy an important piece of furniture , such as a handsome desk or a fabulous new rug .

  10. 新媳妇仍然站在化妆台跟前。迈克尔走出屋子,到楼下洗澡间去了。

    The girl was still standing by the table and so Michael went out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom .

  11. 马丁是一个异常平和的英国人。我一躺上化妆台就听她告诉我说:约有20%的客户是男性。

    ' About 20 % of my clientele is male , ' Ms. Martyn , a hypnotically placid Brit , told me once she had me on her table .

  12. 同时,在时装圈,不化妆走台几乎成为竞相争逐的潮流。

    Meanwhile , among fashion insiders , going without make-up has become almost a cult thing .