
  1. 她妆容艳丽,服饰华美。

    She was beautifully made-up , beautifully groomed

  2. 她修饰了一下自己的妆容。

    She retouched her make-up .

  3. 她最后检查了一下妆容,然后步履轻盈地走了出去。

    She checked her makeup one last time , and then walked out with a spring in her step .

  4. Girlcrush指一个女孩对另一个女孩的仰慕和喜爱之情,这种感情可能跟发型、身材、妆容、座驾、衣装、事业以及才华等有关。

    Girl crush refers to the admiration that one girl has for another girl . It could be to do with hair , body , make-up , car , clothes , career , talents etc.

  5. 《唐宫夜宴》到底牛在哪?为体现丰腴的唐俑形象,演员们穿着塞海绵的连体衣,嘴里含着棉花登台演出,而月牙形的妆容和仿唐三彩陶器的服装,让观众仿佛穿越回1300多年前的唐朝。

    Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females . Besides , crescent-shaped makeup make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago .

  6. 然而,不是每个人都能hold住这个妆容:一个女权运动呼吁停止这种装扮。

    Yet , not everyone got down with makeup : A feminist movement called for the end of makeup use altogether .

  7. 上周,肖娜还受电影《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)中迅猛龙形象的启发为环球影业制作了万圣节妆容教程,宣传《侏罗纪世界》DVD的发布。

    Last week she created a Raptor inspired Halloween tutorial for Universal for the DVD release of Jurassic World 。

  8. 通过BeautyBoard,消费者和员工可以上传她们刚刚打理过的脸部照片,并附上使用的化妆品名称,这样其他人就可以模仿她们的妆容。

    With Beauty Board , customers and staffers can upload photos of their freshly-done faces and tag products so others can emulate their look .

  9. 化妆品零售商BeautyFlash的专家揭示了西方审美的变迁,并列出了最佳诠释每种妆容的偶像明星。

    Experts at cosmetics retailer Beauty Flash reveal how western beauty has changed with the times - and the icons who epitomised each look .

  10. 对我而言,BOBBIBROWN的妆容其实是非常简单的。

    Well , the BOBBI BROWN look , to me , is really simple .

  11. 莱夫勒称:“他们在晚上参加活动后回到家,有点累,还有点醉,就会用面巾纸抹掉脸上的妆容。”Yesto产品研发经理艾米?

    They get home after a little bit of a big night , a little bit tired and little bit drunk , and remove their makeup using the towelette , ' Mr. Leffler said .

  12. 事实上,Twitter和Facebook上数以千计的女性卸下妆容,拍下了自己的素颜照片上传网络,并带上标签“素颜自拍”。

    In fact the trend has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm with thousands of females wiping off their make-up and posting photos using the hash tag \# NoMakeUpSelfie .

  13. 事实上,Twitter和Facebook上数以千计的女性卸下妆容,拍下了自己的素颜照片上传网络,并带上标签素颜自拍。

    In fact the trend has taken Twitter and Facebook by storm with thousands of females wiping off their make-up and posting photos using the hash tag # NoMakeUpSelfie .

  14. 但我们又懒得化妆。欧莱雅(L’Oréal)的一款应用——“千妆魔镜”(MakeupGenius)让用户不必把脸画得乱七八糟就可以尝试不同妆容。

    but we are too lazy to apply it . L'Or é al 's Makeup Genius app allows users to try different looks without getting messy .

  15. 产品详细信息光洁柔嫩妆容,保护肌肤免受UV射线的伤害,独特的细微色彩粒子,轻盈透明,每天使用,让妆容持久、服贴。

    Soft , smooth look that helps protect against UV radiation damage , the unique subtle color particles , lightweight transparent , and daily use , to turn up lasting , your body .

  16. 下面这个事实正好回答了这个问题:蒂尔伯里的新化妆品女神粘土清洁面膜(GoddessSkinClayMask)的广告语是“明星红毯美丽妆容的新秘密”。

    This was a convenient answer : Ms. Tilbury 's new makeup , Goddess Skin Clay Mask , includes the tag line " The new red carpet beauty secret of the stars . "

  17. 2008年:在MTV音乐录影带大奖上,这位女演员长到腰间的波浪卷发和60年代时尚的复古妆容使她看起来既赏心悦目又很健康。

    2008 : The actress looked happy and healthy at the MTV Video Music Awards in waist-length waves and frosty '60s-chic makeup .

  18. 在金球奖(GoldenGlobes)和奥斯卡奖(Oscars)等颁奖典礼上,他看到女演员们身穿鱼尾礼服在一群摄影师面前整理妆容,摆姿势。

    He had seen actresses in their fishtail dresses preening and posing before the phalanxes of photographers at ceremonies like the Golden Globes and the Oscars .

  19. 华纳兄弟曾委托肖娜制作妆容教程,配合瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(ReeseWitherspoon)和索菲娅·维加拉(SofiaVergara)主演的电影《别惹德州》(HotPursuit)的上映。

    She was commissioned by Warner Bros to produce tutorials to coincide with the release of Hot Pursuit , starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara 。

  20. “《Elle》杂志俄罗斯版的美容总监玛莉亚•塔拉年科(MariaTaranenko)补充说:”她们会将妆容、指甲油还有鞋子的颜色搭配起来。“

    beauty director of Elle Russia , adds : " They will match the make-up with their look , with nail polish and shoes of the same colour . "

  21. 今年一月份,女性栏目曾经报道过其他在日本流行的病态妆容,包括卧蚕眼(aegyosal),女性通过在眼部打眼影或是贴胶带“创造”出眼袋。

    In January this year , Femail reported on other sickly Japanese make up trends including aegyo sal , which involves women creating bags under their eyes using shading or tape .

  22. 29岁的Katy脸上化着精致的妆容,眼睛化了深棕色眼影,亮粉色唇彩和她红润的脸颊互相映衬。

    The 29-year-old was flawlessly made up with a picture-perfect covering of cosmetics , her eyes accentuated with dark brown liner , her lips painted a glossy pink hue to match her rosy cheeks .

  23. BinkyFelstead向你展示拥有这种完美妆容的步骤,告诉你她的所有心得。1.涂粉底

    Binky Felstead guides you through the steps and tells you all her tips for this perfect look . Step 1 : Apply Foundation

  24. Oya身着绿色短外套,上面别着硕大的金色胸针,头戴时髦的黑色筒状圆帽,就连脸上的的妆容和口红也透着优雅。

    Oya is wearing a green jacket with a big gold broach , a stylish black pillbox hat , and has tastefully applied both makeup and lipstick .

  25. T台上的时尚风潮流行起来需要时间,而一旦名人们有个什么新妆容,则能取得立竿见影的效果。彩妆艺术家卡西•洛马斯(CassieLomas)说,并且这些名人不一定非要是英国本土的。

    Catwalk trends take time to trickle down , but when key celebrities wear a look , it can have an instant influence , says make-up artist Cassie Lomas – and the celebrity does not have to be UK-based .

  26. 在研究分析的基础上,实际设计、研制了系列BJD服装和妆容,实例了服装和妆容的相互渲染关系以及服装和妆容对BJD人物塑造的作用。

    On the basis of the analysis in the study , the actual design , development series BJD clothing and makeup , instance of a role in shaping each other rendering the relationship between clothing and makeup as well as clothing and makeup BJD figure .

  27. 超级名模肯德拉·斯皮尔斯登上了2014年5月刊泰国版《Vogue》封面,照片由时尚摄影师MarcinTyszka掌镜,肯德拉所穿家居服饰由造型师EkaterinaMukhina设计,其妆容由化妆师TiinaRoivainew打造。

    Top model Kendra Spears teams up with fashion photographer Marcin Tyszka for the cover story of Vogue Thailand 's May 2014 edition . For the House of Style Kendra was styled by Ekaterina Mukhina , with hair by Christophe Hasenbein , and makeup by Tiina Roivainew .

  28. Chloé样品间的安静,人尽皆知;此时距维特·凯勒女士的春装发布会还有3天,她们正在做一些关键性的决定,比如发型和妆容,服装展出的顺序,颜色和比例是否合适。

    It was proverbially quiet in the Chlo é showroom , three days before Ms. Waight Keller 's spring runway show here , as critical decisions were being made about the hair and makeup , the order the clothes would be shown , whether the colors and proportions were just right .

  29. 但还有一项是你需要的:你的面部妆容。

    But there is just one more thing : your face .

  30. 独特的快干及防水配方,使眼睫毛持久保持洁净立体的妆容。

    Special fast-drying and water-resistant formula produces a clean and dimensional effect .