
qīng yǎ
  • elegant;refined
清雅 [qīng yǎ]
  • [elegant] 清新秀雅;端庄或高雅

  • 风格清雅

清雅[qīng yǎ]
  1. 此诗清雅脱尘,句内饱含春意。

    This poem is elegant and sublime , and the lines are full of spring longing .

  2. 我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!

    I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers !

  3. 中晚唐清雅诗僧研究

    Study on Monk Poets in Middle Tang and Late Tang Dynasty

  4. 古朴清雅赋蓝白巧染棉布寄乡情&南通蓝印花布的历史与特色

    On the History and Characteristics of the Blue-Printing Cloth in Nantong

  5. 清雅的淡黄色酒体掩映着亮绿色光泽。

    Pale yellow in color with light green hues .

  6. 这座精致的庭院显得清雅、安静。

    This exquiste courtyard rather sugests peace and tranquility .

  7. 浅稻黄色酒体,清雅迷人。

    This wine is a vibrant pale straw color .

  8. 清雅的橱窗,纤细唯美。

    The elegant window , fine and aesthetic .

  9. 古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。

    The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance .

  10. 清雅的馨香,使环境怡然;

    Pure incense makes the environment pleasurable .

  11. 加气起泡奶酒色泽浅黄带绿,奶香、酒香、清雅舒愉,酸甜爽口,泡沫较细,有杀口感。

    Air entraining milk wine is yellow and green in color with fine foaming and pleasant taste .

  12. 在我心中,你不是一篇飘逸恬静的散文,是一幅清雅素淡的画。

    In my heart , you are a delicate and elegant essay and a beautiful and refined picture .

  13. 有人只看到密林中翠竹清雅,却忽略了树叶下蛇吻浮现;

    Somebody sees the elegant bamboos in the forest , but ignores the dangerous snakes in the leaves ;

  14. 清雅美丽的山光秀色,令您陶醉,是梦中的仙境。

    Elegant beautiful mountain light Xiuse , so that you are intoxicated , is a dream of fairyland .

  15. 这里的环境清雅舒适,而民乐表演的演出方式则体现了自由灵活的特点。

    The environment here is elegant and comfort and manners of folk music performances featured with flexible free .

  16. 研制的无核白葡萄酒颜色呈淡金黄色,新鲜感较好,具有清淡的果香味,风味清雅,风格典型。

    The developed wine was golden yellow in color and had fresh and agreeable taste and typical wine styles .

  17. 专业设计师选用丝带蝴蝶结装饰新娘花篮,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、荷兰衬花及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create a fresh bridal basket with colourful roses , other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  18. 我见过的花也很多,有高贵清雅的菊花,有婀娜多姿的水仙等。

    I have seen there are many flowers , there are noble elegant chrysanthemums , there are Graceful of Shuixian .

  19. 宋代文人创作的道教曲牌音乐风格清雅。

    Tune in Taoist music , composed by literators in the Song Dynasty , was characteristed by the elegant style .

  20. 伊甸威尔无醇汽酒蕴涵着成熟苹果的清雅芬芳,热带水果的淡淡香味,以及青柠的暗香。

    EDENVALE Sparkling Cuvee displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples and subdued tropical fruits with zesty citrus overtones .

  21. 作品继承和发扬了醴陵传统釉下五彩工艺,充分展现出清雅、秀丽、隽永的艺术风格。

    Works of traditional and modern mapping technology to combine the way to create elegant , beautiful , Meaningful artistic style .

  22. 前者体现了宋人清雅的一面,后者则相反,反映了他们趋俗的一面。

    The former embodies their elegant and unconventional style of conduct , and the latter reflects their vulgar taste for life .

  23. 同时,由于香筒的制作考究,工艺精湛,又是一种清雅的室内陈设品。

    At the same time , because of the sweet , superb technology , making fastidious , is a kind of pure furnishings .

  24. 《诗经》国风中爱情诗占有很大比重,其风格也多种多样,主要表现为:欢快明朗,清雅率真;

    Love poems in occupy very great proportion and their style is also various , which mainly show themselves as : joyous and bright ;

  25. 除却了奢侈与浮华的现代主义,在简洁的线条与清雅的空间,演绎一份温馨与和谐。

    The modernism out of the luxury and foppishness is deducing a kind of warmth and harmoniousness in the simple lines and elegant space .

  26. 平和的风格决定其语言上的清雅,同时在手法上大量运用典故和借代等来抒发感情。

    Gentle style decides its elegant language , at the same time on the technique of using allusions and metonymy , etc. To express feelings .

  27. 专业设计师选用长丝带装饰新娘花球,花材包括缤纷玫瑰、马蹄兰、太阳花、百合、康乃馨及绿叶等,清雅怡人。

    Our professional designers create an elegant bouquet with colourful roses , calla lilies , gerberas , carnations and other varieties in tender pinks and greenery .

  28. 《仕女》图色彩清雅,线条细劲清圆具木刻味,形式富装饰性。

    The Elegant Ladies is graceful in color , with fine , vigorous , clear and smooth lines typical of woodcarvings , thus an excellent form for decoration .

  29. 从南美空运来港的紫玫瑰,颜色独特罕见,配上清雅的蕙兰或荷兰绣球花,高贵脱俗,最能衬托女性温柔婉约的气质。

    The purple rose from South America is a rare breed that reflects female grace and tenderness when combined with elegant and refined boat orchids or Dutch hydrangea .

  30. 在设计上吸取了中国古代木构建筑的形象和思想精髓,体现了岭南建筑清雅脱俗、庄重大方的特色。

    The project draws beautiful image and thought marrow from Chinese ancient wooden building onto the design , and reflecting the elegant freeing from philistinism , serious and natural characteristic of Lingnan-architecture .