
  • 网络Chiang Khan
  1. 佛山冶铁业在清康雍乾达到了最高峰。

    Foshan smelting iron industry in the Qing emperors Kangxi , Yongzheng and Qianlong reached a peak .

  2. 明清时期,邮驿制度趋于完备,在清康、雍、乾时期,邮驿达到了鼎盛时期,同时也开始了它的衰落。

    Ming and Qing period , postal routes became complete name , postal routes reached peak period , but also the beginning of its decline .

  3. 前言部分主要是简述自然灾害的含义并介绍有关清代荒政研究情况以及对云南荒政研究存在的不足,说明选择清康雍乾时期云南荒政进行研究的现实意义。

    The introduction part mainly introduces the concept of natural disaster and the scholarship on famine and natural disaster of the aforementioned period together with the inadequacies with an emphasis on the research 's realistic importance of choice of the topic .

  4. 清脂康对老年慢性缺血性心脑血管疾病患者作用的探讨

    Study of qing-zhi-kang 's effects on chronic ischemia cardio-cerebrovascular disease in elderly

  5. 长期服用清脂康是安全的。

    Qing-zhi-kang was safe for patients with long term use .

  6. 目的探讨清脂康对老年慢性缺血性心脑血管疾病患者的作用及其安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of Qing-zhi-kang for chronic ischemia Cardio-Cerebrovascular disease in elderly .

  7. 方法采用自身对照,30例老年慢性缺血性心脑血管疾病患者服用清脂康2次/d,每次3粒。

    Methods 30 patients with chronic ischemia Cardio-Cerebrovascular disease received Qing-zhi-kang twice a day , three granules every time .