
  • 网络Chemical Etching;chemical etch;Chemical Milling
  1. 然后研究了CdTe薄膜的溴-甲醇化学蚀刻的机理和蚀刻前后表面化学组成和微结构的变化。

    Then we studied the mechanism of bromine-methanol chemical etching and the chemical composition , microstructure changes of CdTe surface .

  2. 在化学蚀刻方法中,发现腐蚀液H3PO4/H2O的腐蚀速率R与浓度γ的关系可粗略地描述为R(?)

    Using chemical etching , it was found that the relation between the etching rate R and the concentration r in H3PO4 solution can be roughly described asR ≌γ (γ≤ 50 % ) .

  3. 为控制石英玻璃与HF酸的反应,实现石英玻璃精密元件的化学蚀刻,系统研究3类石英玻璃与HF酸反应的动力学过程。

    The kinetic mechanism of the reaction between three kinds of silica glasses and HF acid solution was investigated systematically .

  4. 采用酸碱两种不同的化学蚀刻液对单晶硅表面进行蚀刻,通过扫描电镜(SEM)对其形貌进行了表征,考察了蚀刻液浓度、蚀刻时间及温度对表面形貌的影响。

    Acid-etching and alkali-etching methods were used to etch on single-crystalline silicon slice and the influence of temperature , time and solution concentration on the surface morphology was explored .

  5. 文章主要探讨了TFT-LCD薄板化生产,包括化学蚀刻方式、产品的性质,产品的可靠性项目等。

    The major comment in the paper is TFT-LCD slimming production about chemical etching , figure of product , reliability of product etc.

  6. CR-39固体核径迹探测器用于中子测量化学蚀刻参数的优化

    Optimum condition of chemical etching of CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector for neutron measurement

  7. 基于差动原理对HF酸恒定化学蚀刻速率法进行改进,以降低环境(温度、HF酸浓度等)变化对测量结果的影响,从而提高测量效率和测量准确性。

    Constancy of chemical etch rate method was modified so as to reduce the influencing factors such as temperature and concentration of HF acid . The efficiency and accuracy are improved .

  8. 通过摸索和优化溴-甲醇化学蚀刻条件,作者制备出了光电转换效率为12.4%的CdTe薄膜太阳能电池。

    Through the exploration and optimization of bromine-methanol chemical etching conditions , the author has produced a CdTe thin film solar cell with 12.4 % conversion efficiency .

  9. 采用种子束技术,发现增加氯分子的入射平动能,将有效地增加Cl2与Ge表面的化学蚀刻反应。

    The experimental investigation with seeded beam technique has pointed out that the chemical etching reaction of Ge surface by chlorine can be obviously enhanced with increasing incident translational energy of the chlorine molecules .

  10. 在镀上金属电极前,对CdTe表面进行化学蚀刻是制备高效率碲化镉薄膜太阳电池的关键技术之一。

    One of the important technic in the production of high efficiency thin-film CdTe solar cells is the CdTe film surface chemical etching before deposition of a metallic contact .

  11. 聚丙烯核孔膜化学蚀刻工艺研究

    A study on the chemical etching of polypropylene nuclear track membrane

  12. 二维二元位相光栅的化学蚀刻制作方法

    A Generated Method of 2-D Binary Phase Grating by Chemistry Etching

  13. 化学蚀刻法制作双面连接的单面挠性板

    Chemical Etching to Manufacture Double Access Single - side FPC

  14. 化学蚀刻单晶硅及其表面形貌研究

    Chemical Etching on Single - crystalline Silicon Slice and its Surface Morphology

  15. 对易获得重现性好的化学蚀刻法进行了探研。

    The Study of Porous InP Formed by Electrochemical Etching ;

  16. 介绍了玻璃器皿化学蚀刻蒙砂装饰工艺。

    Etching and frosting technique for glassware decoration is given .

  17. 化学蚀刻法测定氚在不锈钢材料中的分布

    Tritium Distributing in Stainless Steel Determined by Chemical Etching

  18. 聚合物离子径迹化学蚀刻过程的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of track etching process in polymers

  19. 化学蚀刻是消除铍材机加应力的有效方法。

    The chemical etching was an effective way for relieving of machining residual stress .

  20. 铜表面化学蚀刻的研究

    Study on chemistry etching of brass superficial

  21. 不锈钢模具板化学蚀刻、抛光和电镀铬研究

    Study on the Chemical - etching , Chemical - polishing and Chromium-electroplating of Stainless Steel Mould

  22. 此外,对该化学蚀刻的反应机理进行了讨论。

    Based on the result a possible mechanism for the chemical etching reaction has been proposed .

  23. 本文介绍用化学蚀刻的方法制作二维二元位相光栅。

    In this paper , a generated method of 2-D binary phase grating by chemistry etching is presented .

  24. 透过利用金属辅助化学蚀刻法,藉由不同的蚀刻参数制备出各种表面结构。

    By controlling the metal-assisted chemical etching process parameters , various silicon nanostructures were produced for the mass spectrometry efficiency test .

  25. 采用化学蚀刻和750℃退火消除铍机加损伤层后,铍力学性能得到明显恢复。

    After machine damage relieved by chemical etching or annealing for 2h at 750 ℃, the mechanical properties of beryllium are recovered .

  26. 化学蚀刻的模板也可以成锥形,但是如果只从一面腐蚀,开孔尺寸可能太大。

    Maybe the chemically etched can form the taper but the hole dimension maybe too big if only etch from one side .

  27. 在模具纹路加工中,传统的化学蚀刻方法存在污染大、加工周期长的缺点。

    In the processing of the mold texture , the traditional chemical etching exits the shortcomings of the pollution and the long processing cycle .

  28. 化学蚀刻后逐层测试所得应力沿深度分布与用多波长法测试结果趋势一致,大小略有差异。

    The distribution of residual stress along depth gained through layer-by-layer measuring method after chemical etching is in line with that measured by multi-wavelength method .

  29. 化学蚀刻是消除机加工损伤的较好方法,750℃退火能部分消除机加工损伤。

    The chemical etching is an effective method of relieving machine damage , and the annealing at 750 ℃ is able to relieve the partial machine damage .

  30. 众所皆知的脱层问题已由铝板的电镀表面处取代传统的铬酸化学蚀刻法大致排除。

    The well-known problem of delamination was mostly eliminated by the surface treatment of electroplating of Al2024 sheets , instead of conventionally chemical etching by CrO3 etchants .