
  • 网络Energy efficiency;power efficiency
  1. 本文主要致力于研究无线传感器网络MAC高能量效率协议。

    It is the objective of this thesis to investigate the MAC protocols with high energy efficiency .

  2. 利用DSP智能电机控制提高能量效率

    Improving Energy Efficiency With DSP Smart Motor Control

  3. 无线传感器网络高能量效率MAC协议研究

    Research on the High Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

  4. 移动Sinks无线传感器网络的能量效率分析

    Energy Efficiency Analysis of Mobile Sinks Wireless Sensor Network

  5. 光PPM通信具有很多优点,如高能量效率、高灵敏度等。

    Optical PPM communication have many advantages such as high energy efficiency and high sensitivity .

  6. 移动adhoc网的一个基本问题是连接性,它涉及到网络中的多个方面,并与能量效率和通信容量等多个因素有关。

    Connectivity is a foundational problem in mobile ad hoc networks and involves in many aspects , which are relevant to energy efficiency and communication capacity .

  7. 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC:protonexchangemembranefuelcell)因其具有能量效率高、低噪音、零污染、设计操作简单、低温启动、安全稳定等诸多优点而成为新能源技术领域的研究热点之一。

    Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell ( PEMFC ) has become one of the hotspot for its high-energy efficiency , low noise , pollution-free characteristics , simplicity in design and operation , low operation temperature and safety .

  8. 电化学高级氧化工艺(AdvancedElectrochemicalOxidationProcess,简称AEOP)因其能量效率高、便于自动控制、利于环保等特点而成为极具发展前景的废水处理技术之一。

    Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation Process ( AEOP ) becomes a promising technique in wastewater treatment in advantage of high energy efficiency , easy to autocontrol and without second time contamination .

  9. 仿真结果表明,在合理地估计了节点密度之后,本文提出的多信道MAC协议能够获得较高的吞吐量及较低的延时,同时保证较高的能量效率。

    The simulation results manifest that with a proper estimation of the node density the proposed protocol can achieve high throughput and low latency while keeping energy efficient .

  10. 传统的无线传感器网络MAC协议通常对能量效率进行了最多的考虑,而把带宽使用率、吞吐量等放在了次要的位置。

    In traditional WSN MAC protocols , energy efficiency may be considered to be the most important concern whereas utilizing bandwidth and maximizing throughput are of secondary importance .

  11. 在双向中继网络中,研究协作ARQ传输的能量效率和吞吐量之间的关系。

    In the two-way relay network , the relationship between system energy efficiency and throughput of ARQ transmission is investigated .

  12. 并对所提出的跨层安全框架在能量效率、探测和抵御DoS攻击、源真实性和数据验证等方面进行分析。

    And the security framework in energy efficiency , detection and defense against the DoS attack , source authenticity and data validation analysis were carried out .

  13. 本文在保证服务质量(QoS)的条件下,以提高能量效率为目标,对物理层网络编码在双向多中继系统、多用户多播系统和OFDM/OFDMA系统中的传输技术展开研究。

    This thesis studies the energy efficiency transmission technologies of PNC in two-way multi-relay system , multi-user multicast system as well as OFDM / OFDMA systems , when the Quality of Service ( QoS ) is guaranteed .

  14. 为高能效的多天线中继网络应用提供理论依据。(4)中继协作ARQ能量效率研究。

    The research can provide theory basis for the usage of energy efficiency multi-antenna relay networks . ( 4 ) Research on the energy efficiency of cooperative ARQ transmission .

  15. 与其他等离子体反应相比,采用脉冲强化常规丝光等离子体进行CH4脱氢偶联与CO2重整反应,能量效率明显提高,这对于促进微波等离子体技术在C1化学中的应用具有重要的意义。

    The energy efficiency of the pulsed microwave plasma was obviously improved . We suggested that this enhanced pulsed plasma is useful for oxidative coupling and reforming of CH 4 with CO 2 in C1 chemistry .

  16. 以提高网络能量效率和QoS性能为目标,本文主要研究了无线传感器网络路由协议,提出了两种面向不同应用的路由协议,并对这些路由协议进行了理论分析与仿真。

    Taking energy efficient and performance of QoS as the goal , this dissertation mainly researches on WSNs routing protocol . Two different application-oriented routing protocols are proposed , and the corresponding theoretical analysis and simulation on these protocols are implemented as well .

  17. 12t落锤试验台液压落锤式碎石机动力系统配置及能量效率

    12t drop hammer test machine research on energy efficiency and arrangement of power system of hydraulic crusher with dropping hammer

  18. 该算法考虑子信道最大发射功率、最小目标信干噪比(SINR,SignaltoInterferenceplusNoiseRatio)等约束条件,以最大化能量效率为目标,并通过增广拉格朗日乘子法进行求解。

    The proposed algorithm takes into account the constraints of subchannel maximum transmit power and the minimum target signal to interference plus noise ratio ( SINR ), so as to maximize the energy efficiency . And the power control problem is solved by augmented Lagrange multiplier method .

  19. 并进一步考虑分布式优化方法,将Femtocell基站休眠模式的参数优化问题分别建模为两个最优化问题:在给定有效容量约束下最大化能量效率,以及在给定能量效率约束下最大化有效容量。

    Then two parameter optimization algorithms of sleep mode are proposed : Maximize energy efficiency with effective capacity constraint ; and Maximize effective capacity with energy efficiency constraint .

  20. 在20~100MHz的工作频率范围内,提出的功率时钟电路的能量效率可以达到77%~85%。

    The energy efficiency of the proposed power clock generator can reach 77 % ~ 85 % operating between 20 ~ 100MHz .

  21. 针对这一问题,提出了移动节点的动态策略管理(DPM)模型,并在模型中引入了随机优化控制策略以提高节点能量效率。

    In this paper , dynamic power management model of mobile node was proposed based on energy-hungry components . A stochastic optimum control scheme was applied in this model to improve node energy efficiency .

  22. 它能进一步降低PPK体制的误字率、或在一定容错概率下进一步提高PPK体制的能量效率。

    It can reduce the word error probability of PPK system further or make the energy efficiency of PPK system higher under the condition of given tolerable error probability .

  23. 研究中得到的主要结果如下:1.利用并联连接的多个介质阻挡放电管构成的反应器,在常温常压下研究了氢氧等离子体放大合成H2O2过程的反应特性及能量效率。

    The main results were obtained in this dissertation as follows : 1 . The scale-up synthesis of H2O2 from H2 / O2 via a dielectric barrier discharge at ambient conditions was studied by using a reactor consisting of multiple parallel discharge tubes .

  24. 与采用其他电极和放电形式相比,新型多尖端旋转电极辉光放电CH4偶联提高了CH4的转化率和C2收率,且在抗积炭和提高能量效率方面也取得了较大进展。

    For CH4 coupling reaction , both the conversion of CH4 and the yield of C2 hydrocarbon increased , while the coke formation was reduced to some degree and the energy efficiency was improved compared with those with other kinds of discharge and electrodes .

  25. 仿真结果表明,使用PC-MAC协议的网络在吞吐量、能量效率和端到端延时等方面的性能都得到显著提高。

    The result of simulation showed that in the network using PC-MAC , the performance of throughput , energy-efficiency and end-to-end-delay had been advanced notably .

  26. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)具有燃料易运输与存储、重量轻、体积小、结构简单、能量效率高等优点,在手提电源、电动汽车等领域具有广阔的发展前景。

    Direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) is one of promising candidates as power sources in portable electronic products , electric vehicle etc , due to their inherent simplicity of design and operation , high energy efficiency , small weight and volume , and low pollution .

  27. 在电压为20kV、25kV时,不同电极间距的能量效率水平几乎相等。(5)确定了反应器最佳工作状态。

    When the voltage was 20 kV or 25 kV , the energy efficiencies of different electrode spacing almost were the same . ( 5 ) The best working status of this reactor was fixed .

  28. 选择具有较低最低不结冰温度(possiblelowestunfrozentemperature,θPLU)的结冰基体对于提高过冷水动态制冰系统的制冰率和能量效率以及防止热泵蒸发器结霜具有重要意义。

    For improving performances of dynamic ice-making system by supercooling water and for preventing frosting on the evaporator of heat pump , it is rather significant to choose substrates with lower θ PLU ( possible lowest unfrozen temperature ) .

  29. 电解质是锂离子电池重要的组成部分,性能良好的电解质可以大大提高锂离子电池的能量效率。

    Electrolyte is an important component in the lithium ion battery .

  30. 驱动系统能量效率的改善

    Improvement of the energy efficiency of drive systems