
néng gàn
  • capable;able;competent;know one's job well
能干 [néng gàn]
  • [able;capable;know one's job well] 有能力会做事

  • 这些女电工真能干

能干[néng gàn]
  1. 他是一个能干、正直、虔诚的人。

    He is an able , right-minded , and religious man .

  2. 他们聪明又智慧,能干又自信。

    They are bright , intelligent , able and confident .

  3. 我有相当把握能干这项工作。

    I 'm fairly certain I can do the job .

  4. 我要把你放到罗宾能干的手中——当然,这只是打个比方。

    I 'll leave you in Robin 's capable hands ─ metaphorically speaking , of course !

  5. 谁都没想到他能干出那种事情来。

    Nobody had thought him capable of that kind of thing .

  6. 尤里·斯科科夫得到了这份工作,他是一位能干的管理人员。

    The job went to Yuri Skokov , a capable administrator .

  7. 我被视为是一名能干的速记打字员。

    I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist .

  8. 她丈夫又体贴又能干。

    Her husband was such a fine , capable man .

  9. 英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。

    The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer

  10. 我知道表面上我似乎自信能干。

    I know on the surface I appear to be quite a together person

  11. 你给人的感觉是一个能干、风趣的同伴。

    You come over as a capable and amusing companion

  12. 他没有哪份工作能干长,这一点最终让她难以忍受。

    His inability to stay at one job for long had finally proved too much for her .

  13. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。

    This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk .

  14. 如果别人不如你能干,或者似乎不够努力,你会很生气吗?

    Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would , or don 't seem to try hard enough ?

  15. 该杂志的编辑是一位能干的年轻人。

    The editor of the magazine is a smart young man .

  16. 她是个很能干的女人,但她的先生却一无是处。

    She is an able woman but her husband is a real nothing .

  17. 我妈妈是个健壮、能干的女人。

    My mother is a strong , capable woman .

  18. 他什么事都能干。

    He is capable of doing everything .

  19. 她是一个能干的家庭主妇。

    She is an able housewife .

  20. 这些女电工真能干。

    These women electricians really know their job .

  21. 吓,怎么能干这种事呢?

    Tut-tut , how could you do that ?

  22. 腐败必有能干,两者互为依存。

    Corruption is a proof of energy , inseparable from it .

  23. 他具有近乎最能干的政治家的品质。

    He approaches to the character of the ablest statesman .

  24. 他的妻子爱勒克特是个能干的内助。

    His wife , electra , was a capable helpmeet .

  25. 究竟是谁能干出这种可怕的事呢?

    Whoever could have done such a dreadful thing ?

  26. 困难有助于把人们锻炼能干。

    Difficulties help to forge people into able folk .

  27. 人们都说她能干。

    People say she is very capable .

  28. 少唱高调儿,你要是能干,就来试试。

    No big talk , if you think you can do it , give it a try .

  29. 我哪能干那种缺德事儿呢。

    How could I play that sort of mean trick ? it 's the last thing I would do !

  30. 几天前我还给你写信,诚心诚意地向你推荐这个人,说她如何能干等等,我受了蒙骗。

    In all good faith , I wrote to you a few days ago commending this person on her helpfulness , etc.i was deceived .