
pǐn píng
  • Evaluation;judge;comment on
品评 [pǐn píng]
  • [judge] 评价;评论

  • 他开始品评油画

品评[pǐn píng]
  1. 艺术作品无法只在某一个角度品评,因为它综合了表面物质性和内涵的精神追求两个方面。

    We cannot judge art products only from one point of view , but should also notice their materialistic aspect and the aspect of internal spiritual pursuit .

  2. 主要讲述了浓香型基础酒感官品评的重要性、对评酒的要求、品评技巧以及在品评中应该注意的问题。

    Tell the importance of sense organ and judge on strong fragrant basis wine , the requirement on judge wine , skill of judge wine and points for attention in the judgment .

  3. 他以品评的目光环视四周。

    He looked about him appraisingly .

  4. FIZZ感官品评软件在奶茶粉感官评价中的应用

    Application of FIZZ software for tea with milk powder sensory scoring

  5. 以黄酒感官品评和化学成分为指标,研究~(60)Coγ射线辐照剂量、辐照温度、包装容器、容器的空隙度、酿造工艺、贮藏时间对黄酒加速陈化效果的影响。

    The effects of irradiation dosage , irradiation temperature , different kinds of packing container , vacuous capacity of the container , technology of making wine and storage time on acceleration of yellow rice wine mellowness were studied by sensory evaluation and chemical composition analysis .

  6. 时间一强度计算机感官品评系统CSTISE的研究

    Studies on Computer System " CSTISE " of Time & intensity Organoleptic Evaluation

  7. 从主要发酵特性的指标和口感品评以及遗传稳定性的结果表明,融合株GR8是一株具有工业应用前景的啤酒酿造酵母菌株。

    The fermentative characters of the strain GR8 was stable during continued transfer of culture . The results showed that the strain GR8 has a good prospect in the application for beer brewing .

  8. 并比较分析了不同肌肉的穿透参数(包括3个极值点Y1,Y2,Y3,恒定值Y4和曲线所包围的面积Y5),与感官品评嫩度值之间的相关关系。

    Studies were conducted to explore the ( relationship ) among different penetration parameters ( including the high-point Y_1 , Y_2 , Y_3 , the stable-point Y_4 and the area Y_5 of the penetration curve ) and the sensory evaluation .

  9. 杨树良种区域试验品评调查

    The Comment and Investigation on Regional Test of Poplar Fine Varieties

  10. 感官剖面描述法在白酒品评中的应用

    A sensory profile description method for the sensory evaluation of liquors

  11. 规范化食品品评试验的运作与设计

    The Operation and Design of Standard Food Taste Test Experiment

  12. 品评记录:颜色深彻而有光泽,呈紫罗兰红色。

    Tasting Notes : Color and luster , perfect a violet red .

  13. 食品感官尺度品评表设计原理与结构

    Design Principles and Structure of Food Sensory Evaluating Scale Tables

  14. 孝感米酒感官品评体系的建立

    On Construction of the System of Sense-organic Evaluation of the Xiaogan Rice-wine

  15. 品评是古代文学批评中一种常用的批评方式。

    Criticism is a common means of literary criticism of ancient works .

  16. 我决不让他们来细细品评我的心。

    My heart shall never be put under their microscope .

  17. 品评记录:此酒显淡黄色。

    Tasting Notes : This wine shows light yellow .

  18. 中国画传统品评标准的理论渊源

    Theoretical Origin of Traditional Standards on Evaluating Chinese Painting

  19. 品评京沪蓉谁是最适合居住的城市?

    Who is best suited to comment on the Beijing-Shanghai Chengdu city living ?

  20. 精密仪器在食品感官品评中的应用

    Application of precision instruments in sense comment on food

  21. 食品感官品评员考试训练系统的设计和使用

    Design of Food sensory taster examination and training system

  22. 数值是由12个成员品评平均求得。

    Value are means of evaluation by 12 panelists .

  23. 品评记录:此酒浅绿黄色。

    Tasting Notes : This wine green yellow .

  24. 对陶渊明的品评是元好问诗学批评最重要的内容。

    Critical review of Tao Yuanming forms the most important part of Yuan Haowen .

  25. 男士遭人品评的情况其实更严重。

    It seems men have it far worse .

  26. 《论语》人物品评的双重范式

    The Double Modes in the Character Criticism in " The Analects of Confucius "

  27. 首先说人物品评之风。

    Evaluation of the first people that wind .

  28. 啤酒风味品评与啤酒质量控制

    Flavor evaluation and quality control of beer

  29. 五代人在评论唐代文学的过程中,普遍的采用了比较品评法、知人论世说、摘句褒贬法、总括法、比喻象征及历史批评等多种批评方法。

    In the process of their criticism , they used different kinds of critical methods .

  30. 绍兴酒的品评与欣赏

    Evaluation and appreciation of Shaoxing rice wine