
  • 网络brand internationalization;global branding;brand globalization
  1. 品牌国际化:模式选择与度量

    Global Branding : Model Selection Evaluation

  2. 我国民族特色产品品牌国际化

    Research on Global Branding of Chinese National Culture Products

  3. 新世纪,企业如何抓住我国加入WTO的历史机遇,组织实施品牌国际化战略,积极参与国际竞争,关系到我国综合竞争力的提高和民族经济的发展。

    In the new century , to catch the valuable opportunities , enterprises should organize and implement strategies for brand internationalization , which will affect the improvement of Chinese comprehensive competence and the development of Chinese economy .

  4. 本文以所研究的理论为依据,运用SWOT方法具体分析联想集团的品牌国际化战略,并对其未来发展提出了建议。

    This article studied the theory is based on a concrete analysis of the use of SWOT method Lenovo brand internationalization strategy , and its future development were proposed .

  5. 经济全球化背景下如何促进民族企业品牌国际化

    How to Promote the Internationalization of Ethnic Enterprises under Economic Globalization

  6. 我国饭店企业集团品牌国际化战略研究

    Study of Brand Internationalization Strategy in Hotel Groups of Our Country

  7. 泉州民营企业品牌国际化战略的思路与对策

    Thoughts and Countermeasures of Brand Internationalization Strategy of Quanzhou 's Private Enterprises

  8. 论品牌国际化战略的价值取向

    On the Value Tropism of the Strategy for Branding Internationalization

  9. 日本家电企业品牌国际化及其对我国企业的启示

    An Analysis of Japanese Household Electric Firms and the Suggestions on Chinese Firms

  10. 中国图书品牌国际化模式的初步研究

    The Model of Globalization of Chinese Books Brand

  11. 我国企业的品牌国际化发展研究

    Research on Brand Internationalization Development of Chinese Enterprise

  12. 品牌国际化是国际经济大背景下的产物。

    Brand internationalization is the international economic background .

  13. 基于信息化的品牌国际化策略研究

    Study on Trademark Internationalization Strategy Based on Informatization

  14. 采用比较、归纳和演绎等方法,系统地对中华老字号品牌国际化的问题进行了研究。

    It systematically studies these issues with the methods of comparison , induction and deduction .

  15. 海信商标之争,凸现中国品牌国际化风险

    Dispute of Trademark Invest in China

  16. 首先,本文阐明了中国品牌国际化的必要性,对中国品牌国际化的现状进行了系统的分析,指出中国品牌国际化过程中存在的问题。

    The author points out the major problem of Chinese brand internationalization by analyzing the present situation .

  17. 本文就我国企业实施品牌国际化中的几个问题作了探讨,并提出了自己的一些想法。

    This paper discusses about Chinese enterprises'solving some problems associated with trademark internationalization and my views on them .

  18. 中国厂商在推进品牌国际化的过程中,如何在高端智能手机市场为自己定位是一个巨大的挑战。

    How to position themselves in high-end smartphones is a huge challenge in the process of internationalising their brands .

  19. 第二部分对品牌国际化的相关理论进行综述,提出品牌框架理论。

    The second part is mainly talk about related theory . Besides , Brand Framework Theory is put forward .

  20. 张华容认为:品牌国际化概念本身是针对地域问题而提出来的。

    While Zhang Huarong thought that the concept of brand internationalization itself was brought out in light of different regions .

  21. 全球化经营,本土化设计,成了品牌国际化中最有力的工具与武器。

    Globalization management and the localization design become the most powerful tools and arms in the process of brand 's internationalization .

  22. 全市此前没有一家五星级酒店,这极大地制约了张家界旅游品牌国际化的发展。

    Prior to the city not a five-star hotel , which has greatly restricted the Zhangjiajie tourism brand of international development .

  23. 其次,本文通过对各种相关理论和丰富案例的研究,提炼出中国品牌国际化战略决策三角模型。

    Secondly , the author sets up a triangle model which refers to decision of strategic importance in Chinese brand internationalization .

  24. 中国民族汽车制造企业应根据自身的竞争力选择合适的品牌国际化的战略和策略。

    So China national automobile manufacturers should choose appropriate strategies and tactics in their brand globalization according to their own strength .

  25. 因而,如何更好的推动民族品牌国际化,提升民族品牌资产也已经成为学术界必须要面对的问题。

    Therefore , how to promote the internationalization strategy and equality of Chinese national brands becomes an issue which academics should confront .

  26. 信息化就是一把利器,只要使用得当,能在品牌国际化道路上助企业一臂之力。

    Informative process is a sharp weapon , if used properly , it can give enterprise a hand on trademark internationalization road .

  27. 金融危机背景下服装企业品牌国际化策略探讨&以武汉服装企业为例

    Discussion on Strategies of Brand Internationalization of Habiliment Enterprises in the Context of Financial Crisis & A Case Study of Wuhan Habiliment Enterprises

  28. 同时对这五种模式的优缺点列表分析进行比较。最后介绍了品牌国际化传播的途径&品牌传播的标准化,本土化,以及全球化。第三章:世界啤酒发展现状及趋势。

    Finally , spread modes of brand internationalization are presented . Chapter ⅲ: Status Quo and Trend of Beer Industry in the World .

  29. 本文从宏观经济环境和微观经济个体两方面,对我国企业开展品牌国际化活动的有利因素和不利因素进行了分析。

    This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze Chinese brands globalization from the points of view of macroeconomic environment and microeconomic units .

  30. 我们的设计不仅而此,创意就是这样的从深圳人和时代开始,把酒店的品牌国际化,标准化的生产。

    Our design is not only and this is such a creative era and from Shenzhen , the international hotel brand , standardized production .