
  1. 《一切皆有可能》的试播集已拍摄出来了。

    A pilot episode of Nothing 's Impossible has already been filmed .

  2. 那么接下来呢?在科普兰看来,一切皆有可能:“我的职业生涯才刚刚开始。”

    So what 's next ? According to Copeland , anything is possible : " My careerreally is just now beginning . "

  3. 记得当KG和凯尔特人一起赢得冠军的时候,他表现的很疯狂,尖叫着“一切皆有可能”

    Remember when KG won the title with the Celtics , and he was acting all crazy , screaming out , " ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE !!!!!!!!!!!! "

  4. 澳网:一切皆有可能私网STP在公网的透传

    Transparent Transmission of Private Spanning Tree Protocol through Public Network

  5. 梦想与童话的世界中一切皆有可能

    Everything is possible In the world of dream and fairy tales

  6. 但是,仅仅几个月前,“一切皆有可能”还是幻想。

    InMyanmar , just a few months ago , it wasn 't.

  7. 没有不可能,一切皆有可能!我能!

    Nothing is impossible , anything is possible ! I can !

  8. 以及勇气的沃土中,一切皆有可能。

    And the home of the brave , nothing is impossible .

  9. 在上海你会感觉到一切皆有可能。

    In Shanghai you have the feeling that everything is possible .

  10. 这种幸福让我感觉好极了,感觉世间的一切皆有可能。

    It made me feel like anything , anything was possible .

  11. 在这个如梦如真的夜晚,一切皆有可能!

    This is a perfect dream night , everything is possible !

  12. 一切皆有可能,巴里,你教我的

    Nothing 's impossible , Barry . You taught me that .

  13. 拥有信心,一切皆有可能。

    With confidence , all things are within the realm of possibility .

  14. 如果一切皆有可能.你的人生会是怎样?

    What would your life be if anything were possible ?

  15. 如果努力工作,追求梦想,一切皆有可能。

    Anything is possible if you work hard and pursue your dreams .

  16. 这让我相信魔术令一切皆有可能。

    It made me think that magic is not impossible .

  17. 澳网:一切皆有可能圆波导及同轴波导开放腔的衍射理论

    Diffraction theory of open cavities of the circular and coaxial waveguide type

  18. 只不过是订婚一切皆有可能

    It 's just an engagement . Anything can happen .

  19. 在这里一切皆有可能,一切由我掌握

    Where anything is possible and I 'm at the helm

  20. 那种然你感觉一切皆有可能的爱。

    One that makes you feel that anything is possible .

  21. 做你们心中觉得正确的事一切皆有可能

    Do what you feel in your heart The possibilities are unlimited .

  22. 或许它是正确的,因为一切皆有可能。

    Maybe it is right since everything is possible .

  23. 在本站投放广告的赞助商们,使得这一切皆有可能。

    This is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on this site .

  24. 在老板眼中,一切皆有可能。

    Nothing is impossible in the boss ' eyes .

  25. 如果你敞开心扉,一切皆有可能!

    If you open heart , anything is possible !

  26. 当然,世事难料,一切皆有可能。

    Although , of course , you never know .

  27. 有爱心和耐心,一切皆有可能!

    With love and patience , nothing is impossible .

  28. 我们宗旨是:年轻一切皆有可能。

    Our tenet is : young anything is possible .

  29. 他们让我们相信,一切皆有可能。

    They make us believe that anything is possible .

  30. 巴里·艾伦,在所有人当中,你应该最清楚一切皆有可能。

    Barry allen , you of all people should know that nothing is impossible .