
  • 网络Rebranding
  1. 在公司品牌重塑的过程中,我通常比较同情的是一线员工。

    The people I usually pity in rebranding exercises are the front-line employees .

  2. 墨斐正在努力扭转局面,他拿出了一项全面品牌重塑计划,将观致定位为一家中国公司,而不是一家独特的全球性企业。

    Mr Murtaugh is trying to turn things round by launching a wholesale rebranding to put the focus on Qoros as a Chinese company , rather than a cosmopolitan curiosity .

  3. SC移动全球通品牌重塑研究

    The Research on Global Tone Brand 's Rebuilding of SC Mobile

  4. 品牌重塑运行模式分析

    Analysis of a Brand Reconstruction Operation Model BRAND NAME RUNNING

  5. 尼琛堪称是奥迪在美国实现品牌重塑的总战略设计师。

    De Nysschen was the architect of a grand strategy that remedied that .

  6. 最后提出了战略实施的关键措施:管理重建、品牌重塑以及应急创新。

    Finally , the paper proposed essential measure of the strategic implementation : Management Reconstruction , Enhance Brand and Innovation .

  7. 其中包括品牌重塑、产品线调整、定价调整、促销策略调整及渠道策略调整。

    It includes the reshape of the brand , the adjustment of the product lines , the price strategies , the promotion strategies , the marketing strategies as well as the channel strategies .

  8. 进而深入探寻品牌重塑的原因,结合实证分析阐述了品牌重塑的五大动因,即品牌老化、品牌危机、定位失误、消费者需求变化和战略转变等。

    Then thoroughly probing the causes for rebranding , the thesis states the principal causes namely brand ageing , brand crisis , position failure , demands variety and strategic transformation with the diagnosis analysis .

  9. 这同时反映出许多老牌企业面临的一种困境:如何对一个拥有特定受众群或价值观的品牌进行重塑与转型。

    It also reflects a dilemma that has confronted many established companies : how to revive and transform a brand that is identified with a specific demographic or a particular set of values .

  10. 借助中国联通企业品牌,大力重塑沃品牌新形象,以品牌提高企业在3G市场的竞争力。

    Vigorously reconstruction new image of brand " Wo " with China Unicom brand to improve enterprise competitiveness for the brand in the 3G market .

  11. 收购的另一个问题是会分散注意力,导致企业不能专心发展受到西方消费者认可的强大本土品牌,并重塑屡遭安全丑闻打击的“中国制造”的信誉。

    Another problem with acquisitions is that they deflect attention from the need to develop strong indigenous brands recognised by Western consumers , and to restore credibility to a " Made-in-China " label repeatedly knocked by safety scandals .

  12. 由此,他将自己的生活品位和对时尚的敏感度融入利奥品牌中,不但重塑了法国化妆品行业的面貌,更影响了全球的化妆品市场。

    As a result , he will own quality of life and sensitivity of fashion brands into Leo , not only reshaped the face of the French cosmetics industry , but also affect the global cosmetics market .

  13. 逸林全球品牌营销副总裁约翰•格林里夫宣称,品牌重塑计划启动以来,该酒店的知名度已经翻了一番。

    John Greenleaf , vice president of global brand marketing , claims that awareness of Doubletree has doubled since the rebranding took place .

  14. 重塑后的李宁品牌可谓是脱胎换骨,无论从品牌标致、品牌口号、品牌形象、甚至是代言人都与品牌重塑前的李宁牌截然不同。

    Remodeling after Li Ning brand can be described completely in terms of brand slogan , brand image , and even spokesmen are very different .

  15. 其一、围绕品牌的知名度、美誉度、忠诚度,用文化驱动品牌的发展,实施文化管理,提升医院品牌,提高品牌美誉度,重塑民营医院形象,化解诚信危机。

    First , focus on brand awareness , reputation , loyalty , culture-driven brand with the development , implementation and cultural management , improve hospital brand and enhance brand reputation , reshape the image of private hospitals , resolve the credit crisis .