
  • 网络Brand Consultant
  1. “大家都需要超级明星或未来之星,”IMG品牌顾问巴特·坎德尔说道。

    " Everyone either wants the superstar or the next big thing ," said Bart Kendall , a brand consultant for IMG .

  2. 驻台湾的品牌顾问史孟康(MarkStocker)指出,这是一个常见的问题,因为台湾公司太专注于技术了。

    Mark Stocker , a Taiwan-based branding consultant , says this is a common problem because Taiwanese companies are just too focused on technology .

  3. saffron品牌顾问公司董事长沃利奥林斯(wallyolins)认为,印度和中国在创建全球品牌方面只发掘出了表面的能力。

    Wally Olins , chairman of saffron brand consultants , argues that India and China are only tapping the surface of their ability to create global brands .

  4. 和一个品牌顾问绿色的愿望如何能成为一个有吸引力的一部分,你的整个公司的品牌。

    Talk to a branding consultant about how your green aspirations can become an attractive part of your overall company brand .

  5. 品牌顾问期望用少量的预算和有限的金钱为公司活动雇用体育明星或在广告活动中很好的利用现有的代言人。

    Brand consultants anticipate smaller activation budgets , limiting the dollars available to hire athletes for corporate events or feature existing endorsers in advertising campaigns .

  6. 可预期的公司市场预算缩减是不好的预兆,品牌顾问说道,与过去几年相比他们大多数对经纪人已是望而却步。

    An expected decrease in corporate marketing budgets does not bode well ③, said brand consultants , many of whom are fielding more pitches from agents than in past years .

  7. 作为品牌顾问,你认为中国在这方面有什么问题吗?怎样可得到改善?

    As a creative consultant with a focus on branding , do you see any problems of the field in China ? What is it and how could it be improved ?

  8. 与此同时,国内外一些知名的媒体、风险投资机构、茶叶包装、品牌顾问机构也将接收到深圳茶博会组委会的邀请。

    At the same time , some well-known domestic and foreign media , venture capital institutions , tea packaging , brand consultants also will receive the Fair Organizing Committee Shenzhen tea invitation .

  9. “我要利用这个机会,改变自己的职业发展方向,”迪恩说。她今年30岁,计划毕业后从事市场营销与品牌顾问的工作。

    " This is an opportunity to change the trajectory of my career ," says Deane , 30 , who is planning to start a job at a marketing and branding consultancy after graduation .

  10. TOMATO大码头品牌设计顾问致力于品牌研究,品牌创建,品牌沟通、推广及品牌管理的专业顾问设计策划机构。

    TOMATO Brand Designing & Associates is a professional design organization which is focus on brand studying and brand building , brand communication , brand spreading and management .

  11. 加州艾西诺的品牌咨询顾问罗布弗兰克尔(RobFrankel)表示:品牌完全是非理性的。它所诉诸的东西无法通过研究或数据来量化。

    Branding is 100 per cent non-rational . It appeals to things that cannot be quantified by research or data , says Rob Frankel , a brand consultant based in Encino , California .

  12. 洛马斯说,他同时兼任这家品牌的顾问。

    It is still their bestseller , says Lomas , who is also a consultant for the brand .

  13. 他开始同品牌和设计顾问合作打造PaperBoat这一品牌,设计了动人心弦的广告语“饮料与回忆”以及时尚的包装与网站。

    He began working with branding and des ­ ign consultancies to create the Paper Boat brand , with its evocative tagline " drinks and memories , " and its stylish packaging and website .

  14. IBA国际品牌协会评审顾问;

    IBA international brand consultancy Accreditation Association ;

  15. 男性的皮肤大约比女性厚10%。英国Boots品牌的护肤顾问史蒂夫•巴顿(SteveBarton)指出:女性的皮肤有柔软的绒毛,这种绒毛就像细针。

    Men 's skin is about 10 per cent thicker than women 's , says Boots skincare advisor Steve Barton . Women 's skin has a downy hair which is like fine needles .

  16. 从不标榜自己是品牌专家及顾问模式,我们实在的认为自己只是专业的视觉塑造设计者。

    Ever did not flaunt oneself is the brand expert and consultant the pattern , we solid thought oneself only is the specialized vision portrays the designer .

  17. 她在中国的时尚影响力如此之大,香奈儿(Chanel)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)和浪凡(Lanvin)等品牌已经主动跟她联系(叶子担任这些品牌的顾问或造型师),越来越多的品牌在争夺她的关注。

    Her fashion influence in China is such that brands like Chanel , Louis Vuitton and Lanvin have come calling ( Ms. Greener consults or styles for them ) and emerging brands vie for her attention .