
That is the spin analysts are putting on this week 's shuffle of management at the country 's top three carriers .
Analysts predict China Eastern , the worst-performing of China 's three main airlines , will get about the same amount as China Southern .
SIA refused to comment on the CNAC proposal , which emphasised the need to compete with international carriers by linking two of China 's three large airlines .
Nonetheless , net earnings figures released this week showed that China 's ' Big Three ' state carriers reported significantly weaker first-quarter results because of a weaker national currency , which fell 2.7 % during the period against the U.S. dollar .
China Eastern , the weakest of the three , admitted last month that fair-value losses from hedging surged six-fold in October , to almost $ 300m .
A climber scaling a rock-face needs three points of contact to make progress . China 's economic ascent , say officials , will be assured if it maintains a trio of major state-owned airlines .
China Eastern Airlines Corp. , of Shanghai , is now the only one of the country 's three largest carriers not to have joined an alliance .