
  1. 这是本周中国三大航空公司管理层洗牌后,分析师们给出的解释。

    That is the spin analysts are putting on this week 's shuffle of management at the country 's top three carriers .

  2. 分析师预计,东方航空将得到与南航同样数目的补贴。东航是中国三大航空公司中业绩最差的一家。

    Analysts predict China Eastern , the worst-performing of China 's three main airlines , will get about the same amount as China Southern .

  3. 新航拒绝就中航集团提议置评。该提议强调有必要在中国三大航空公司的两家中进行结盟,以与国际航空公司展开竞争。

    SIA refused to comment on the CNAC proposal , which emphasised the need to compete with international carriers by linking two of China 's three large airlines .

  4. 不过,本周公布的利润数据显示出中国三大国有航空公司第一季度业绩十分疲软,主要受人民币汇率走软影响,这期间人民币兑美元下跌了2.7%。

    Nonetheless , net earnings figures released this week showed that China 's ' Big Three ' state carriers reported significantly weaker first-quarter results because of a weaker national currency , which fell 2.7 % during the period against the U.S. dollar .

  5. 中国东航是三大航空公司中最弱的一家。该公司上月承认,其对冲造成的公平价值亏损在10月份猛增六倍,达到近3亿美元。

    China Eastern , the weakest of the three , admitted last month that fair-value losses from hedging surged six-fold in October , to almost $ 300m .

  6. 攀岩者需要三个支点,以继续向上攀登。中国官员则表示,只要中国维持三大国有航空公司并存的局面,中国经济崛起就有保障。

    A climber scaling a rock-face needs three points of contact to make progress . China 's economic ascent , say officials , will be assured if it maintains a trio of major state-owned airlines .

  7. 中国东方航空(ChinaEasternAirlinesCorp.)是中国三大航空公司中唯一尚未加入航空联盟的。

    China Eastern Airlines Corp. , of Shanghai , is now the only one of the country 's three largest carriers not to have joined an alliance .