
  1. 加入WTO,中国利用外资走势分析

    Analysis of Foreign Funds Utilization after China 's Entry into WTO

  2. 文章首先回顾了中国利用外资的情况,第二章文章详述了FDI对东道国国际收支影响的相关理论模型,同时阐述了FDI对东道国经济可能产生的影响。

    First , we look back the situation of making use of foreign capital in China . In the second chapter , we amplify concerned theory models of FDI 's inspect on economy .

  3. 论中国利用外资的两条战线

    On the Two Routes for China to Utilize the Foreign Capital

  4. 入世与中国利用外资策略的调整

    Entry into WTO and Foreign Capital Strategy Adjustment of China

  5. 中国利用外资要有新的突破

    New Breakthroughs Should Be Achieved in China 's Utilization of Foreign Capital

  6. 中国利用外资新特点及其思考

    New Features of China 's Utilization of Foreign Money : Some Reflections

  7. 入世与中国利用外资战略

    Access to WTO and Chinese Strategy of Making Use of Foreign Investment

  8. 国际资本流动与中国利用外资研究

    The Movement of International Capital and the Study of China Utilizing Foreign Capital

  9. 中国利用外资战略的研究

    The Research on Strategy of China 's Foreign-capital Utilization

  10. 中国利用外资形势明显趋好。

    China 's foreign capital utilization situation improves .

  11. 中国利用外资的负面效应及战略调整思路

    Negative Effects of Foreign Funds Utilization in China and the Direction of Strategic Adjustment

  12. 新国际资本流动趋势下中国利用外资再分析

    Re-analysis in Utilizing Foreign Capital of China under the New Trend of International Capital Flow

  13. 从规模到质量:中国利用外资整体性战略的历史进程

    From Quantity to Quality : The Historical Process of Use of Foreign Capital Strategy in China

  14. 会议分析了中国利用外资工作面临的新情况、新形势。

    The meeting analyzed the new circumstances and new situation faced by the foreign capital utilization work .

  15. 中国利用外资实践的功能评价与战略选择&基于经济与管理学视角的实证描述

    An Evaluation on FDI in China and Optional Strategies : Empirical Study from the Perspective of Economics and Management

  16. 现有企业利用外资进行改造,是中国利用外资主要形式。

    Refurbishing existing enterprises by making use of foreign capital is the main form of utilizing foreign capital in China .

  17. 探讨中国利用外资发展国民经济的战略与策略。

    Then , it discusses the tactics and strategies of China making use of foreign capital to develop the national economy .

  18. 改革开放前,中国利用外资的经验教训为改革开放后利用外资实践提供了有益的借鉴和参考。

    Before the reforming and opening up , China 's lessons for the the practice again after reforming and opening up .

  19. 详细论述了中国利用外资促进产业结构调整及其战略对策的问题。

    The paper gives a brief account of promoting industrial structure and strategic countermeasure by means of UFC in P R China .

  20. 中国利用外资战略重心转移及冶金工业利用外资的新思路

    Strategic transfer of utilizing foreign capitals during the period of middle and late 1990s in China and a new thought of it in metallurgical industry

  21. 东南亚金融危机对中国利用外资工作的借鉴意义中日美工业合作R&D比较与借鉴

    Lessons from the Financial Crisis in Southeast Asia Comparisions of and Lessons from the Cooperative Industrial R & D of China , the United States and Japan

  22. 本文结合中国利用外资增加就业的现实,针对性的从增加就业的角度分析了当前中国利用外资应注意的问题。

    In the light of this reality in China , this paper analyzes the significance of making use of foreign investment and the problem of improving foreign investment quality .

  23. 投资贸易洽谈会在宣传中国利用外资政策,促进外商来华投资,引导中国企业到海外投资等方面发挥了重要作用。

    The fair has played an important role in publicizing china 's policies on foreign investment attraction , promoting foreign capital inflow and guiding Chinese companies to make overseas investment .

  24. 接着第二章介绍中国利用外资的总体状况,包括外资的来源地、行业、地区分布,投资方式等情况;

    Then , in chapter two we discuss the overall states of foreign investment in China , including the source of FDI , and the investment in different industries and districts , etc.

  25. 改革开放20多年以来,中国利用外资取得了巨大发展,外商直接投资对中国经济发展起着巨大的推动作用。

    Since we adopted the reform and opening policy 20 years ago , China has developed greatly by utilizing foreign funds , of which direct foreign investments have tremendously promoted our economic development .

  26. 经济特区不仅是中国利用外资、引进国外先进技术的特殊渠道,也是检验中国改革的试验区。

    The special economic zone serves not only as a special channel for China to utilize foreign investment , introduce advanced foreign technology , but also as a typical place where its reform is tested .

  27. 这次会议总结了九五(1996-2000)以来中国利用外资工作的成绩和经验。在会议上曾晓辉总结了行协会会议的工作重点。

    The conference summarized the achievements and experience in the foreign capital utilization work during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period ( 1996-2000 ) . In closing the meeting Mr Zeng Xiao Hui summarized the priorities for the ICC .

  28. 中国利用外资是对外开放的重要组成部分,也是迎接经济全球化挑战,融入世界经济体系的必然选择。

    It is not only a part of reform and opening up for china to utilize foreign capital , but also to meet the challenges of economic globalization and an inevitable choice to get into the world economic system .

  29. 第二部分对中国利用外资的现状和特点进行了研究,具体分析了我国利用外资的现状,系统总结了中国利用外资的新特点。

    The second part studies the current situation and characteristics of China utilizing foreign capitals , makes a concrete analysis of the current situation of our country utilizing the foreign capitals , and systematically summarizes the new characteristics that China utilizes the foreign capitals .

  30. 论中国进入利用外资新阶段&十一五时期利用外资的战略思考

    On China 's Entering the New Stage of Utilization of Foreign Capital