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zhōng zhǐ
  • discontinue;suspend;break off;stop suppression;break;interrupt;cancellation;abandonment;abandon;arrest;abort;rest
中止 [zhōng zhǐ]
  • [break;interrupt;discontinue] 半途停止

  • 中止正常的电视节目加进一段新的重要报道

中止[zhōng zhǐ]
  1. 结果异乐定长效缓释胶囊与依姆多缓释片、欣康缓释片相比,出现ST段压低1倍及以上所需时间明显延长,因发生心绞痛而中止运动试验的病例数明显减少。

    Results : Compared with other two isosorbide-5-mononitrate sustained release agents , the time of doubled ST depression with elantan long was delayed and the case number , which needed to discontinue treadmill exercise became obviously less .

  2. 中止犯处罚若干问题研究

    The Studies On Punishment For Criminals Who Discontinue A Crime

  3. 因为下雨,他们中止了比赛。

    They abandoned the match because of rain .

  4. 修理赛道时车赛中止了1个小时。

    Racing was halted for an hour while the track was repaired

  5. 她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。

    She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company

  6. 他马上中止了在西班牙的度假回到伦敦。

    He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London

  7. 连绵阴雨致使翌日各项赛事被迫中止。

    Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day 's competitions .

  8. 对原教旨主义者采取的铁拳政策不可能中止。

    The iron-fist policy towards the fundamentalists is unlikely to be interrupted .

  9. 审判被中止,判决结果被宣布无效。

    The trial was stopped and the results declared invalid

  10. 当局中止了分发食物的尝试。

    The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food

  11. 操作系统可能会因为木马病毒的攻击而中止。

    Operating systems can be brought to a halt by a Trojan Horse .

  12. 企图收买陪审团的指控传出后,审判在圣诞节前中止了。

    The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury

  13. 决定中止这项任务。

    The decision was made to abort the mission

  14. 斯科特·黑斯廷斯中止合同,结束了他的国际比赛生涯。

    Scott Hastings has called time on his international career by cutting short his contract .

  15. 参议院不顾白宫的反对于今天投票决定中止援助。

    Despite objections by the White House , the Senate voted today to cut off aid .

  16. 去年12月份贸易谈判中止可能因祸得福。

    The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise .

  17. 德国特遣部队指挥官用无线电发报称他将中止这次行动。

    The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action .

  18. 由于缺乏资金,他们中止了这项工程。

    They abandoned the project due to lack of funds .

  19. 由于资金短缺,我们中止了这个项目。

    We discontinued the project because of a lack of funds .

  20. 1.check避免,中止为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子注射疫苗。

    They have begun to vaccinate1 children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease2 .

  21. 数月后政府中止了该项工程

    After several months the project was axed by the government .

  22. 上尉指示他们中止执行任务。

    The captain instructed them to abort the mission .

  23. 第一百三十六条有下列情形之一的,中止诉讼:

    Article 136 Legal proceedings shall be suspended in any of the following circumstances :

  24. 他们最后中止了这次宇航飞行

    They aborted the space flight finally .

  25. (这部电影的拍摄工作在片场发生事故后被中止了。)

    The film 's production has been suspended following an accident on the set . Example

  26. 从中止时效的原因消除之日起,诉讼时效期间继续计算。

    The limitation shall resume on the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated .

  27. 第二百三十四条有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当裁定中止执行:

    Article 234 The people 's court shall make a written order to suspend execution under any of the following circumstances :

  28. 第二百三十六条中止和终结执行的裁定,送达当事人后立即生效。

    Article 236 A written order to suspend or terminate execution shall become effective immediately after being served on the parties concerned .

  29. 父或母探望子女,不利于子女身心健康的,由人民法院依法中止探望的权利;

    If the father or the mother visits their children to the detriment of their mental and physical health , a people 's court shall suspend the right of visit according to law ;

  30. close系统调用可关闭或中止套接字上任何挂起的连接。

    The close system call closes or aborts any pending connections on the socket .