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  • night
  • 夜:通~达旦。春~。~夜。~禁。~衣旰食(天不亮就起来,天黑了才吃饭,形容勤于政务)。~遁。元~。夜~。


(夜) night:

  • 通宵

    all night; throughout the night;

  • 春宵一刻值千金。

    Night hours in spring are extremely precious.

  • 他活不过今宵。

    He will not outlive this night.

  • 有轨电车除夕通宵行驶。

    Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year's Eve.

  1. 昨宵庭外悲歌发,知是花魂与鸟魂?

    Last night from the courtyard floated a sad song - Was it the soul of blossom , the soul of birds ? Hard to detain , the soul of blossom or birds ,

  2. 他已经起床自言自语唠叨半宵了。

    He has been up half the night talking to himself .

  3. 在勒克瑙,成群的人们违抗宵禁令到街上去庆祝。

    In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets .

  4. 渤海宵盆地是一个新生代裂陷盆地。

    The Bohai bay Basin is a Cenozoic rifting one .

  5. 记录上写着因为他违反了宵禁令。

    And the record says it was for curfew violations .

  6. 也许会有人做好事,让您住一宵。

    Some one might have given you a lodging out of charity .

  7. 她发现所有的椅子都宵人坐了。

    She observed that all the chairs were already occupied .

  8. 珍尼斯,我不停车了,我有宵禁令的。

    Janis , I cannot stop this car . I have a curfew .

  9. 宵禁令是凌晨1点,现在是1:10

    Curfew , 1:00 a.m. It is now 1:10 .

  10. 雅各和天使只搏斗了一宵。

    Jacob struggled with the angel but one night .

  11. 对每个在洛杉矶中心城区的公民强制实行宵禁令。

    Imposing a curfew on all civilians in the Los Angeles metropolitan area .

  12. 我一向喜欢与家人共度冬宵。

    I always enjoy winter evenings spent en famille .

  13. 他因违背了宵禁令而遭到枪击。

    He was shot for breaking the curfew .

  14. 禁宵令从午夜起生效。

    Are reminded that curfew begins at midnight .

  15. 反恐行动导致了禁宵令的实施、路障、任意逮捕和限制平民航空的局势。

    The operation resulted in , roadblocks arrests , and limited civilian air transport .

  16. 今天整个晚上,我们都要设置路障,并执行宵禁令。

    We 'll keep the roadblocks and the curfew in effect through the night .

  17. 军人政府发布了宵禁令。

    The military government imposed a curfew .

  18. 飞机已冲入云宵,我再也看不见了。

    The plane has gone above the clouds , I can 't see it any more .

  19. “元”代表第一,古人称“正月”为“元月”,“夜”也称“宵”。

    Yuan literarily means " First " while " Xiao " refers to " night . "

  20. 教练给我下了宵禁令。

    Coach has me on curfew .

  21. 紧急宵禁令实施了。

    An emergency curfew was enforced .

  22. 我就跑到田里,打算露天过一宵。

    I went into the fields , intending to sleep in the open air , beneath the stars .

  23. 我只要展开双翅,直冲云宵,普天下又有谁不惧怕?

    When I spread my wings and fly through the clouds , I am everywhere a cause of alarm .

  24. 安迪:亚运会结束了,这几天我整宵都在看亚运比赛。

    Andy : the Asian Games is over , those days I have been watching games all night long .

  25. 当时的帝王还颁布了宵禁令,允许人们昼夜地庆祝节日。

    The emperor also lifted the curfew , allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night .

  26. 这个沙丘的维纳斯,这个时间边坡的童贞女,越过塔利斯的头顶,冉冉升起,直冲云宵。

    This Venus of the dunes , virgin of the time-slopes , rose above Tallis into the meridian sky .

  27. 在第三章,从日本语教育史的观点来挖掘在〈宵月〉里隐藏著的问题。

    This chapter excavates the question of what has been hidden in from the viewpoint of Japanese Language Education History .

  28. 昨宵庭外悲歌奏,知是花魂与鸟魂?

    Last night beyond pavilions sad song seemed rising , Was it the souls of flowers or birds that were singing ?

  29. 因为按照农历,第一个月叫做“元”月,而古时候“宵”是夜晚的意思。

    The first month of the Chinese calendar is called yuan month , and in ancient times people called night xiao .

  30. 有报道称,宵禁令开始实行几小时后,军用车辆出动,而冲突仍在持续进行中。

    Reports say the army vehicles moved a few hours after the curfew started and the clashes were still going on .
