首页 / 词典 / good

  • prohibit;forbid;ban;imprison
  • what is forbidden by law or custom;a taboo;royal residence;forbidden area

  • bear;stand;endure;contain oneself
  • 受得住,耐久:~受。~得住。~不起。弱不~风。

  • 忍耐,制止:不~笑起来。

  • 不许,制止:~止。~绝。~书。~令。~赌。~欲。~锢。情不自~。

  • 法律或习惯上制止的事:犯~。违~品。

  • 拘押:囚~。监~。~闭。

  • 古代称帝王的地方:宫~。~苑。~卫。~军(古代指保卫京城或宫廷的军队)。

  • 不能随便通行的地方:~地。~区。

  • 避忌:~忌。


(禁受; 耐) bear; stand; endure:

  • 弱不禁风

    too weak [frail] to stand a gust of wind;

  • 这布禁洗吗?

    Will this cloth stand a lot of washing?

  • 这鞋禁穿。

    These shoes are durable.


(忍住) contain [restrain] oneself:

  • 不禁流下眼泪

    cannot hold back one's tears;

  • 不禁哑然失笑

    can't help laughing


(禁止) prohibit; forbid; ban:

  • 法律禁吸鸦片。

    Opium taking is prohibited by law.

  • 严禁烟火。

    Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden [prohibited].


(监禁) imprison; detain:

  • 监禁



(法令或习俗所不允许的事项) what is forbidden by law or custom; a taboo:

  • 令行禁止

    strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions;

  • 入国问禁

    on entering a country ask about its taboos;

  • 违禁品

    contraband (goods)


(旧时称皇帝居住的地方) royal residence; forbidden area:

  • 宫禁

    the imperial palace;

  • 紫禁城

    the Forbidden City (in Beijing)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 禁平

    Jin Ping

  1. 社会转型期的贪污贿赂频频发生是我国屡禁不止的问题。

    The frequency of corruption in transition society is difficult to prohibit in China .

  2. 幼儿教育小学化倾向在学前教育领域里是一个备受讨伐又屡禁不止的现象。

    The tendency of kindergarten education toward primary school is wildly criticized but hard to prohibit in preschool education field .

  3. 这么一个大热天,我们见了水便禁不住要下去。

    On such a hot day , the water was irresistible .

  4. 每当听到他的名字时,她都禁不住泪流满面。

    Every time she heard his name , she dissolved into tears .

  5. 他们已经得到阻止这家公司出售这一产品的禁销令。

    They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product .

  6. 我禁不住想笑出来。

    I felt an irresistible urge to laugh .

  7. 他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。

    The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship

  8. 听了我的话,他禁不住大笑起来。

    He burst into uncontrollable laughter at something I 'd said .

  9. 我一下子禁不住喜极而泣。

    I just broke down and wept with tears of joy

  10. 一提到芒雅的名字她就禁不住哭了起来。

    She dissolved into tears at the mention of Munya 's name .

  11. 祖父母每次来访都往往禁不住要娇惯孙辈。

    Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchildren whenever they come to visit .

  12. 她被深深地打动了,禁不住为之动容。

    She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it .

  13. 汽车禁行,所以运输就靠电动车或马车。

    Cars are prohibited , so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy

  14. 委员会决定禁播这部电影,理由是它触犯了刑事诽谤法。

    The Board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws

  15. 如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。

    If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban

  16. 他禁不住想所有这些不过是“画饼充饥”的空话而已。

    He can 't help thinking it 's all just ' pie in the sky ' talk .

  17. 掌权的,在这件事中即独立的电视协会,干脆禁播了那则电视广告。

    The powers that be , in this case the independent Television Association , banned the advertisement altogether

  18. 河上的冰已经禁得住人走了。

    The ice on the river is thick enough to walk on .

  19. 这布禁洗吗?

    Will this cloth stand a lot of washing ?

  20. 你怎么这样禁不住批评?

    How is it that you can 't stand a little bit of criticism ?

  21. 木桥能禁得住吗?

    Will the wooden bridge bear ?

  22. 这鞋禁穿。

    These shoes are durable .

  23. 深色布禁(jīn)黵。

    Dark cloth doesn 't show the dirt .

  24. 他因行为失于检点而被禁参赛两周。

    He has been barred from playing for two weeks because of bad behaviour .

  25. 紧接着是忧郁的女低音,谁都禁不住直打寒战。

    With the gloom of the contraltos added , one could scarcely help shuddering .

  26. 如果他们在此期间仍在玩游戏,游戏公司会将他们的账号封禁。

    If they are still playing during the time , the game companies will lock them out .

  27. 当我拿到试卷时,我想象着自己得到全年级最高分,禁不住笑了起来。

    When the paper was sent to me , I dreamt of getting the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling .

  28. 当我靠近树时,禁不住放慢了脚步。

    As I approached it , I slowed to a walk .

  29. 这影片如此感人以至我们禁不住流下泪来。

    This cinema is so impressive that we can 't help crying .

  30. 她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。

    She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face .