
jìn gù
  • Imprison;restrain;inhibit;debar from holding office;banish;encompass
禁锢 [jìn gù]
  • (1) [inhibit;banish]∶当局禁止某些社会阶层或政治上的异己做官或参加政治活动

  • 乃皆赦归田里,禁锢终身。--《后汉书.党锢传》

  • 禁锢终身,不许仕进

  • (2) [encompass]∶关押,监禁

  • 他被禁锢在坚固的堡垒中

  • (3) [restrain]∶强力限制

禁锢[jìn gù]
  1. 那句话在长期受到禁锢之后下意识地从她嘴里溜了出来。

    The words slipped out unawares from her mouth after the long constraint .

  2. 她的语调和神态依旧把她禁锢在一种不可接近的状态中。

    Her tone and her look still enveloped her in a soft inaccessibility .

  3. Online采访时表示,她剪短发,要代表世界各地的女孩儿们(呼吁大家)打破传统发型的禁锢。

    Online , by keeping her hair short , she is speaking on behalf of girls everywhere , breaking the stereotype of more traditional hairstyles .

  4. 行凶者Bacon已被逮捕,并将面临非法禁锢罪的指控。

    Bacon has since been arrested and charged with false imprisonment .

  5. v.禁锢这个罪犯被关在暗室里,几乎有十年了。

    imprison The criminal has been imprisoned in a dark cell for almost 10 years .

  6. 美国科技博客FOSSPatents的弗洛里安•穆勒早已预见到了和解的结果,他说(和解)使两家公司的资源都摆脱了禁锢。

    According to FOSS patents ' Florian Mueller , who had predicted this outcome , it frees up resources for both companies .

  7. 结论小肠禁锢症PE型因症状轻微或无症状,常在无意中发现,不宜手术治疗,而腹部AC型若出现肠梗阻,经保守治疗无效或反复发作应手术治疗。

    Conclusion The type PE with slight or no symptom is unsuitable to operation , and the type AC with intestinal obstruction and without effect conservation treatment should be operated or repeat outbreak symptom . It is found that C.

  8. 一周里面最美好的时刻是星期五下午,学校早放学,Bella也许会像一个从监狱的禁锢中瞥见一抹天蓝色的囚犯一般做个深呼吸,然后到处看看。

    Bella might take a deep breath and look around , like a man who discovers a glimpse of blue sky from the confines of the prison yard .

  9. 突破传统和弦的禁锢,开拓新的音响思维&贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》Op.1主部主题中四度叠置和弦的结构特征与发展手法

    Break Through the Shackles of Traditional Chords , Open Up Original Sound Thoughts / Structure Features and Developing Techniques of the Fourth Chord in Berg 's Piano Sonata Op.1

  10. 马贝特向我保证,Risqué会将“使用者引向禁锢的边缘”。好吧,我期待着哪一天能上演什么激动人心的事情。

    Mabbett assures me that Risqu é will " take the wearer to the edge of the forbidden , " so I 'm expecting something really exciting to happen any day now .

  11. 没有必要继续把我们自己禁锢起来。

    There 's no need to coop ourselves up any longer .

  12. 大人,我们当然同意家庭禁锢了。

    Your honor , while we certainly agree to house arrest .

  13. 束缚;禁锢关进或好象关进监狱;禁锢。

    To put in or as if in prison ; confine .

  14. 她那充满活力,跃跃欲试的青春,遭到了精神上的禁锢。

    Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment .

  15. 走出传统禁锢的土地艺术:田

    Farm Land & The Terrestrial Art Liberated from the Old Tradition

  16. 浑水灌溉禁锢土壤空气压力影响的研究

    Study on the effect of muddy irrigation on soil air pressure

  17. 你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心。

    You can imprison my body , but not my mind .

  18. 力矩扳手可以提供禁锢螺栓所需的精确力矩计量。

    Torque wrenches offer the precision measurement needed to tighten fasteners .

  19. 受禁锢的表面态电子波的驻波

    The standing waves of electron waves in confined surface state

  20. 我们不再是被水泥森林禁锢的城市人。

    We will not be prisoners of the concrete forest any more .

  21. 我们不能被过去的金科玉律所禁锢。

    We cannot be boxed in by the orthodoxies of the past .

  22. 我禁锢自己无法驾驭的人生。

    I seal my life , but I can 't to drive .

  23. 但是,这样做却使供应商更加禁锢在自己关注的问题中。

    To do so exacerbates vendor lock-in concerns , however .

  24. 不光是这些罪过让我被禁锢。

    Not for the crime I 've been in prison for but .

  25. 飞是梦想;是对封闭禁锢的瞬间挣脱。

    Flying is dream , instantly be free oneself from closed imprisonment .

  26. 指出了孔子学说的局限和对人性的禁锢。

    Pointed out the limitations of Confucius and his doctrine .

  27. 客户不希望被一个云提供商禁锢。

    Customers do not want to be locked into one cloud provider .

  28. 被不当地禁锢在精神病院里的人员数目。

    The number of people wrongly incarcerated in psychiatric institutions .

  29. 过去日本妇女被禁锢在家里。

    In the old days Japanese women were confined to the household .

  30. 两国之间被各种愤怒、不满以及竞争所禁锢。

    are locked in all kinds of anger , resentment , and rivalry