
jìn yú
  • closed fishing;forbid fishing
禁渔 [jìn yú]
  • [forbid fishing] 禁止捕捞鱼虾等

  • 禁渔区

禁渔[jìn yú]
  1. 加强领导确保长江春季禁渔

    Strengthening leadership to guarantee spring fishing ban in Changjiang River

  2. 禁渔期管理的动态博弈分析

    The Game Theory Analysis of Forbidden Fishing Period Management

  3. 长江春季禁渔对崇明北滩渔业群落的影响

    Effects of spring closed season on fishery community of the north beach of Chongming , the Yangtze River

  4. 禁渔期管理是一个政府部门与渔业厂商,渔业厂商之间互动的博弈。

    Forbidden fishing period management is the interchange game between government and fishery firm , fishery firm itself .

  5. 长江渔业在我国有着特殊重要的地位,开展长江春季禁渔意义重大。

    Changjiang fisheries plays so important role that implement of spring fishing ban in Changjiang River is vital meaning .

  6. 春季禁渔对常熟江段渔业群落结构及物种多样性影响的初步研究

    Primary study on effect of SPRING-FISHING-BAN season on fishery community structure and biodiversity in Changshu section of the Yangtze River

  7. 在禁渔区或者禁渔期内禁止销售非法捕捞的渔获物。

    It is prohibited to sell illegally fished fishing gains in the banned fishing areas or within the banned fishing periods .

  8. 据此,作者提出削减现有张网作业捕捞强度和调整禁渔期等建议。

    This paper also puts forward the fishery management suggestions on reducing fishing intensity of stow net and adjusting the closed season .

  9. 因此,在长江实施春季禁渔是一项最直接、最有效的养护渔业资源的措施。

    So it is the most direct and effective method to protect and preserve fisheries resources by performing the policy of spring fishing moratorium .

  10. 在加州沿岸一些海域,这项禁渔计划要么会限制捕捞量,要么完全禁止捕捞。

    In numerous areas off the California coast , the plan for sanctuaries will either limit the take , or make fishing completely off-limits .

  11. 本文研究认为,价格是禁渔期管理的一个主要信号,经济效益是禁渔期管理的激励动力。

    This article point out the price is the important signal of forbidden fishing period management and the revenue return is the incentive for forbidden fishing period management .

  12. 英国皇家环境污染委员会日前发布的一份报告称,英国应该在全国近三分之一的海域内实行禁渔制度,以切实保护海洋资源,拯救濒临灭绝的鱼类。

    Fishing should be banned in almost a third of UK waters to protect the marine environment and save threatened fish species , according to a major new report .

  13. 大家分成小组使用推土设备修复了水道。政府官员也提议未来十年发布禁渔令,保护该地区濒临灭绝的野生鱼类。

    Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the waterways . Government officials proposed to protect the area 's endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade .

  14. 因此,建议在加强张网作业周年监测调查基础上,考虑适当调整或延长禁渔期,以利于渔业资源的合理利用。

    Therefore , this paper suggested that the closed season be properly adjusted to benefit the utilization of the fishery resources on the basis of strengthening the monitor of swing net .

  15. 人工放流比例的增加、封湖禁渔时间的延长,繁殖保护区的扩大、捕捞努力量的下降、沉水植物的恢复是控制渔业小型化的主要措施。

    Rate of stocking fisheries increasing , time of embargo and sloping fishing extend , breeding protect area enlarge , fishing rate decreasing , submerged plant comeback are the main policy control small-scale fisheries development .

  16. 对1999至2005年每年的4~6月间崇明北滩渔业群落进行研究,对春季禁渔前后相关指标进行对比分析。

    Studies on fishery community on the north beach of Chongming in the Spring Closed season were carried out during 1999-2005 , and contrast analysis of correlative indexes before and after the Spring Closed season was also done .

  17. 以2000~2004年4~6月渔业资源动态监测资料为依据,分析研究了3年春季禁渔(2002~2004)对常熟江段渔业资源群落结构及物种多样性的影响。

    Based on fisheries dynamic monitoring data during April ~ June from 2000 to 2004 , the paper analyzed the effect of spring-fishing-ban season on fishery community structure and species biodiversity in Changshu section of the Yangtze River .