
  • 网络Intermediate car;compact car
  1. 1996年我国轿车市场评析与1997年中级轿车市场预测

    1996 Car Market Evaluation and 1997 Middle-class Car Market Forecast

  2. 一汽集团中级轿车产品规划方案研究

    Research on the Product Planning Project on Middle Class Car of FAW Group

  3. 1999年中级轿车市场需求预测分析

    Market Forecast of Medium Grade Car in 1999

  4. 面向中级轿车的低成本螺纹剪切吸能结构优化设计

    The optimal design of the cutting thread shear type low-cost energy-absorbing structures for medium car

  5. 本文对1997年的轿车市场进行了回顾并对1998年的中级轿车市场进行了预测。

    The car market in 1997 is reviewed and the medium grade car market in 1998 is forecasted in this paper .

  6. 我们将于2013年发布我们的第一款产品,这将是基于我们全新开发平台上的一款中级轿车。

    We will launch our first vehicle in2013 , with a C-segment sedan , which is based on a newly developed platform .

  7. 从她身上能充分体现欧洲典雅与东方秀丽两者完美的结合,并已完全突破了传统概念上中级轿车的造型、工艺及技术水平。

    It is a perfect and successful combination of the East and the West and has broken through traditional car styling and technology .

  8. 为博得雅虎用户的喜爱,本田雅阁家用轿车以全新的设计拉开与其它中级轿车的距离。

    In capturing the fancy of Yahoo ! users , the Honda Accord Sedan relies on fresh styling to set it apart from others in the mid-size category .

  9. 作为一款宜商宜家的中级轿车,八代雅阁更偏向于商务,同时宽绰的空间还能为乘员带来更舒适的感觉。

    As a appropriate intermediate car dealer ikea , eight generations more accord to the business , at the same time , the space can also commodious crew to bring a more comfortable feeling .

  10. 基于多刚体理论建立了某国产中级轿车的侧面碰撞乘员约束系统动态仿真模型,并依据试验结果进行了模型有效性验证。

    A dynamic simulation model for the occupant restraint system for side impact of a home-made medium car is built with software MADYMO based on multi-body theory , which is verified by full size tests .

  11. 有四种豪华轿车将要花费超过10000美元维修,而在对中级轿车的类似测试中最多的损坏也就9000美元,位于弗吉尼亚阿灵顿的该机构的研究人员表示。

    Four of the luxury cars would cost more than us $ 10000 to fix , while similar tests on mid-size cars caused as much as us $ 9000 in damage , said researchers at the arlington , Virginia-based institute .