
  • 网络PRIUS;toyota prius
  1. 比如,将Volt同最热卖的油电混合动力车丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)进行一下比较,就可见一斑。

    For instance , compare the Volt to the best selling gasoline-electric hybrid , the Toyota Prius .

  2. 个人立场:出行主要搭乘公共交通工具,但也会开丰田普锐斯(Prius)。

    Personal stance : Travels mainly by public transport but also drives a Prius .

  3. 谷歌(Google)那辆自动驾驶丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)已经在加州的公路上安全行驶了上万英里,没有出过任何事故。

    Google 's ( GOOG ) self-driving Toyota Prius ( TM ) has logged hundreds of thousands of miles without incident on California roads .

  4. 本田汽车(HondaMotor)将向美国驾车者提供首款价格低于2万美元的油电混合动力汽车,寻求从占据市场主导地位的丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius)手中抢走受到经济衰退冲击的消费者。

    Honda Motor is to offer US drivers the first petrol-electric hybrid vehicle priced at under $ 20,000 as it seeks to draw recession-hit buyers away from the segment - leading Toyota Prius .

  5. 本田Insight和丰田普锐斯(Prius)是第一代混动车,它们都是1999年在美国上市的,而今天在售的混动车已经有40种。

    The first hybrid models , the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius ( above ) both reached the U.S. in 1999 , and today some 40 gas-electric models are for sale .

  6. 更加诚实地承诺,考虑租一辆像丰田普锐斯那样的崭新的混租车或者一辆像雪铁龙C4那样超高效率的小车。

    Make a more substantial commitment and consider a new hybrid vehicle such as the Toyota Prius or get one of the ultra efficient small cars such as Citroen C4 .

  7. 我曾是2010年在加利福尼亚驾驶谷歌自动驾驶汽车的第一个记者,那是一辆丰田普锐斯(ToyotaPrius),上面布满感应器,它们针对车周围的世界,创造出一幅细致得难以置信的地图。

    In California in 2010 , I had been the first reporter to drive in the Google car , a Toyota Prius fitted with sensors that created a remarkably detailed map of the world around the car .

  8. 伊东表示,本田将于2012年在美国和日本推出“插电式”混合动力车,与下一代丰田普锐斯(prius)竞争,后者将从明年起销售。

    Mr ITO said Honda would launch a " plug-in " hybrid in the US and Japan in 2012 to compete with the next generation Toyota Prius , which is to go on sale next year .

  9. 来自底特律三大汽车厂商的一位高管做了粗略计算,微型和小型车的市场份额已经从原先不足20%上升到25%,丰田普锐斯(Prius)混合动力小型车再次供不应求。

    According to one back-of-the envelope calculation by a Detroit Three executive , the market share for subcompact and compact cars has risen to 25 % from the high teens , and the Toyota Prius is once again in short supply .

  10. 投资机构还注意到了丰田普锐斯车型刹车系统的新问题。

    The ratings agency also noted new concerns about the braking systems on Toyota Prius vehicles .

  11. 丰田普锐斯挑战环保悖论

    Toyota Prius Challenges Environment Protection Paradox

  12. 在向世界提供了本田雅阁和丰田普锐斯等车型的日本,轿车的吸引力正在消失。

    In the nation that gave the world the Honda Accord and Toyota Prius , cars are losing their appeal .

  13. 其中一辆存在脚垫问题的是世界销量第一的丰田普锐斯混合动力车。

    One of the vehicles in the floor mat recall was the Prius , the world 's top selling hybrid .

  14. 虽然这感觉有点像把5个人塞进一辆丰田普锐斯,但他喜欢这样的效果。

    While it feels a little like cramming ' five people in a Prius , ' he likes the results .

  15. 可充电混合动力车储存来自电力系统中的电能,与丰田普锐斯相比,这类车采用全电动模式的次数更频繁。

    Plug-in hybrids store electric energy from the power grid to run more often in all-electric mode than a Toyota Prius .

  16. 虽然这感觉有点像“把5个人塞进一辆丰田普锐斯”,但他喜欢这样的效果。

    While it feels a little like cramming ' five people in a Prius , ' he likes the results . '

  17. 在给汽车加上一脚油门,将丰田普锐斯或其它环境友好的汽车甩在烟尘中以后,许多开车的人会得意地咯咯作笑。

    Many motorists chuckle smugly after giving their cars a little extra gas to leave a Toyota Prius or some other in the dust .

  18. 这辆车是在一辆普通的丰田普锐斯车上进行改装的。普锐斯是最热卖的汽油-电力混合动力车型。

    The car is built on the shell of a normal Toyota Prius , a top-selling gasoline-electric hybrid , but without the need for its internal combustion engine .

  19. 丰田普锐斯顶部本列表,这样像卡梅隆·迪亚兹计数快速减肥法,莱昂纳多,卡罗尔?国王,比利·乔尔和大卫杜卡夫尼在其著名的名单的主人。

    The Toyota Prius tops this list , counting such A-listers like Cameron Diaz , Leonardo DiCaprio , Carole King , Billy Joel and David Duchovny in its list of famous owners .

  20. 象丰田普锐斯和福特翼虎这样的混合动力车使用的镍金属氢化物电池比锂离子电池系统要大,后者能把更多的电能封存在一个更小的空间内。

    Hybrids such as the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape use nickel-metal hydride batteries that are larger than lithium ion systems , the latter of which can pack more electric power into a smaller space .

  21. 与此相类似的是混合动力汽车,如丰田的普锐斯,采用充电电缆来获取更长的电池续航能力。

    Then there are familiar hybrids like the Toyota Prius , now being adapted to take a charging cord and with a longer electric-only range .

  22. 同样,丰田的普锐斯混合动力车从2000年的邻家怪胎(以及明星彰显其环保态度的配饰)摇身一变为日本和加州最畅销的交通工具。

    Similarly , Toyota 's Prius hybrid car evolved from a neighborhood oddity ( and celebrity eco-accessory ) in 2000 to a best-selling vehicle in Japan and California .

  23. 丰田称,普锐斯电动刹车系统存在小故障,在踩刹车时会出现延迟。

    Toyota says that a in the electronic brakes could cause a delay when you the pedal .

  24. 新款车型,比如普锐斯C和较大型的Venza酷越车应该分别占丰田今年公布的普锐斯总销量的15%和18%。

    New variants , such as the C and the larger V crossover , should make up for 15 % and 18 % of total Prius sales this year Toyota has claimed .

  25. 例如,丰田汽车公司的普锐斯汽车,除汽油动力外,还配置了一台电力马达。

    For example , the Toyota Prius runs on gasoline with help from an electric motor .

  26. 丰田公司开始生产普锐斯灵车,他们说这种车比传统的燃气动力的灵车更环保。

    Toyota has begun production on a Prius Hearse which they say will be better for the environment than the traditional gas-powered hearse .

  27. 新近失业之一是三浦修,谁两个监测作出一个庞大的丰田市附近,普锐斯混合动力汽车工厂的质量管理年工作,在那里的汽车制造商的基础。

    One of the newly jobless is Osamu Miura , who worked for two years monitoring quality control at a sprawling plant making Prius hybrids in nearby Toyota City , where the automaker is based .

  28. 随着油价从2005年的2.31美元一加仑涨到了2008年的3.3美元一加仑,丰田的电动汽车普锐斯销量也随之大增,公共交通工具的使用率也达到了50年来的新高。

    As gas prices rose from $ 2.31 per gallon in2005 to $ 3.30 per gallon in2008 , sales of the Toyota Prius eclipsed those of the Ford Explorer , and public transit use reached a50-year high .