
  • 网络Pearl Shell;Pearly Shells;Pearl And Shell
  1. 用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线衍射(XRD)和热重分析方法,对淡水养殖珍珠贝壳的热分解行为进行了研究。

    The pyrogenation process of organic and inorganic compounds of pearl shell breeding in freshwater are studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ), X-Ray Diffraction ( XRD ) and thermogravimetric analysis at different temperature .

  2. 我公司对采用珍珠贝壳压碎手工制作成的马赛克技术申请了发明专利,因此该产品存在一定的竞争优势,发展潜力巨大。

    Our company has registered the technology of the pearl shell squash hand-made formation frame , therefore this product has its competitive advantage and the huge development potential .

  3. 珍珠与贝壳珍珠层具有较多的相似性,但也存在很多不同。

    There is much comparability between pearl and nacre in shells .

  4. 珍珠是贝壳一生的心疼,你是我一世的牵挂!

    Pearl is shells of life , you are my dearly life-long care !

  5. 珍珠及贝壳珍珠层文石的异常红外光谱特征

    Unusual Characteristics of FTIR Spectra of Aragonites from Nacreous Layers of Pearls and Bivalve Shells

  6. 淡水珍珠,贝壳,水晶组成的毛衣链或贝壳项链,长度是80公分。

    Freshwater pearls , shell , crystal , composed of a sweater or shell necklace chain , length is80 cm .

  7. 作为钙代谢的产物,珍珠和贝壳的形成机理一直是人们研究的热点。

    As the product of calcium metabolism , the formation mechanism of pearl and shell of marine bivalve is always the hot field of biomineralization .

  8. 珍珠和贝壳珍珠层文石这种异常的红外光谱频移特征可能与这类生物成因文石的低结晶度、纳米粒径及晶格畸变有关。

    The unusual characteristics of ν _2 vibrational frequency of aragonites from nacreous layer is probably resulted from the low crystallinity , crystal lattice distortion and nanometer size of aragonites .

  9. 珍珠和珍珠贝壳的显微结构

    Microstructure of Pearls and Pearl Shells

  10. 陶瓷基层状复合材料是一类受珍珠云母、贝壳等层状结构的启发而发展起来的强韧化陶瓷,由于增韧效果显著,成为当前陶瓷材料研究的热点。

    Laminated ceramic is a kind of high strength , high toughness ceramics developed from pearl and shell . Due to its remarkable toughen effect , laminated ceramic has become a hotspot in current days .

  11. 流星的光辉来自天体的摩擦,珍珠的璀璨来自贝壳的眼泪,明天的美好来自今天的创造。

    The sparkling light of meteoroids comes from the frictions , and the glory of pearls from tears of the shell .

  12. 4扫描电镜观察发现珍珠粉、珍珠层粉横断面均为层状结构,而贝壳粉中主要为柱状纤维状结构。据此可以区分珍珠粉与贝壳粉或珍珠层粉与贝壳粉。

    The transect of pearl powder and pearl nacre powder are is sandwich but nacre mother of pearl powder 's shape is like pole or fiber .