
  1. 交付变更批准(DeliverChangeApproval)控制一系列改变的集成。

    Deliver Change Approval controls the integration of a set of changes .

  2. 变更批准和风险平谷将通过采用变更批准表格(CAF)来记录。

    The approval and risk assessment of the change is documented through the Change Approval Form ( CAF ) .

  3. 变更批准流程&该流程本身就是浪费。

    Change approval processes – this is a wasteful process itself .

  4. 变更请求批准(ChangeRequestApproval)提供了针对开发过程中改变要求的接受记录。

    Change Request Approval provides a record of the acceptance of a change request into the development process .

  5. 同样地,当你的国籍变更获批准后,你将不被视为中国公民。

    Likewise , when your declaration of change of nationality has been approved , you will not be regarded as a Chinese citizen .

  6. 对破产管理人而言,找到买家也并非万事大吉。要获得监管机构对所有权变更的批准,可能需要很长的时间。

    Finding a buyer is not the end of the story for administrators , as it can take a long time to secure regulatory approval for the change of ownership .

  7. 之后,需求变更必须经过批准,典型的情况下通过一个变更控制委员会(CCB)来完成。

    After that , requirements changes must be approved , typically by an appointed Change Control Board ( CCB ) .

  8. 变更应通过业主批准。

    Variations shall be approved by the employer .

  9. 如果项目是根据合同进行的,则提出的某些变更必须由顾客批准。

    If the project is being provided under a contract , then some proposed changes would need to be approved by the customer .

  10. 变更的审核和批准记录以及任何后续行动须按照文档和数据管理要求进行保存。

    Records of the review and approval of changes and any follow-up actions are to be maintained in accordance with documentation and data management plan requirements .

  11. 控制申请变更的流程,在发生变更时管理批准的变更。

    Managing the approved changes when and as they occur , by regulating the flow of requested changes .

  12. 整体变更控制-审查所有的变更请求,批准变更并控制可交付成果和组织过程资产。

    Integrated Change Control – reviewing all change requests , approving changes , and controlling changes to the deliverables and organizational process assets .