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  1. 再论扩大我国行政诉讼的司法变更权

    Restudy on Extending Judicial Power to Modify Administrative Acts of China

  2. 这为司法变更权的行使提供了法律依据。

    This provides legal basis for judicial power to modify administrative acts .

  3. 我国行政诉讼司法变更权的若干问题探讨

    The Judicial Power to Modify Administrative Acts in Administrative Proceedings in China

  4. 论行政诉讼中的司法变更权浅析金代东北的行政建置

    Research on the Judicial Power to Modify the Administrative Acts in Administrative Litigation

  5. 行政诉讼司法变更权研究

    The judicial change right of administrative litigation

  6. 行政诉讼司法变更权,是法院行政审判权的重要组成部分。

    The judicial change right of administrative litigation is the important component of court 's administrative jurisdiction .

  7. 在实体限制中,明确法院有罪名变更权、法院变更罪名的条件和法院变更罪名的范围。

    At the physical limits , it is clear conditions the court has convicted of changing power and the scope of changing charges .

  8. 受益人的指定和变更权应只能由投保人在征得被保险人同意后行使;

    The right to designate and change the beneficiary should only be execu - ted by the applicant after obtaining consent of the insured .

  9. 检察机关撤回起诉权属于公诉变更权的一种,而公诉变更权又权属于公诉权的一种。

    The system of prosecuting authority to withdraw prosecution is one of the changing rights of prosecution , and the changing right of prosecution belongs to prosecution rights .

  10. 司法变更权正是对行政裁量权进行司法监督的最有力手段,同时也是对受行政权侵犯的公民权利进行救济的最有效途径。

    Judicial power to modification is just the strongest judicial supervising means to administrative judgment power and the most effective method to relieving the citizens ' right invaded by administrative power .

  11. 但是完整的程序选择权应当包括程序变更权,基于此,应当在即将修改的刑事诉讼法中增加程序变更权的相关规定。

    But the whole option of procedure should include the alteration of procedure , so some rules of alteration should be laid down in the Criminal Procedure Law that is about to be modified .

  12. 撤回公诉是公诉权中公诉变更权的一种具体表现形式,提起公诉后,如果断定具有不起诉事由时,可以撤回公诉。

    The withdrawal of public prosecution is one concrete form of public prosecution alteration rights . The public prosecution could be withdrawn if the prosecutor judges that there is no cause to bring a lawsuit after prosecuting .

  13. 司法变更权是法院行政审判权的重要组成部分,是法院独有的一种司法权力,其他任何单位或者个人都不得行使这一权力。

    The judicial change power is the court administration judicial authority important component , is one kind of judicial authority which the court is in sole possession , other any unit or individual do not exercise this authority .

  14. 司法变更权制度的完善与否,关系到司法变更权的功能和作用能否充分发挥,也关系到行政诉讼的目的能不能充分实现。

    Whether or not system of judicial power to modification is perfect bears upon not only whether the role of judicial power to modification can be completely played but also whether the goal of administrative litigation can be fully realized .

  15. 在此基础上,对集体土地承包合同的主体以及当事人的主要权利义务进行论述,着重分析了合同变更权、解除权行使之实体限制和程序限制。

    Based on the conclusion , this paper discusses the subject of the contract and rights and duties to the interested parties , and analyses the substantive and procedural limitations to the parties ' rights to modify and terminate the contract .

  16. 为了有效地监督和制约行政机关行使行政职权,更好地实现行政诉讼保护公民、法人和其他组织合法权益的目的,应当适当扩展司法变更权的范围。

    For supervising and restraining the administrative organ to exercise the administrative power effectively , realizing better that administrative litigation protects citizen , legal person and other organizations legitimate rights and interests , the range of judicial change right properly should be expanded .

  17. 行政程序违法的司法审查,仅限于法定的外部强制性行政行为并应遵循合法性审查、合理性审查、无司法变更权原则以及一定的步骤。

    The judicial review of the illegality of the administrative procedure is only limited in the outside legal compulsory administrative acts ; besides , it should abide by the principles of the review of legitimacy and reasonableness and no-judicial-power-to-modify-administrative-acts doctrine , including some specified steps .

  18. 行政诉讼中的司法变更权问题涉及到司法权与行政权的分工与制约关系,更关系到司法权监控行政权的力度与广度。

    On the Judicial Variation in the Administrative Litigation Again The judicial variation in the administrative litigation is associated not only with the relations between administrative power and judicial power , but also with the strength and extent of the supervision of judicial power to administrative power .

  19. 司法实践中,应通过立法明文规定法院享有变更罪名权,并对其变更程序、时间限制、管理分工作出细化。

    In judicial practice , the law should definite the courts'power to change accusation , and refine the procedure , time limitation , management and so on .

  20. 鉴于此,在现有的政治经济环境条件下,政策制定者要慎重采用通过变更领导权结构的方式来提高公司绩效。

    In view of this , in the current political and economic environment , policy makers should be careful with leadership structure by changing ways of boosting company performance .

  21. 为标识工作产品而进行配置管理的生命周期,也就是说,产品被放置在各种级别控制下的要点、变更控制权等。

    Configuration management life cycle for identified work products , i.e. , the point at which products are placed under various levels of control , change control authority , etc.

  22. 在他们看来,出售或者收购中国本地的勘探生产区块并不意味着变更控制权或引发优先购买权。

    They argue that selling or acquiring stock in a local exploration and production unit in China that owns the assets doesn 't represent a change of control or trigger preemption rights .

  23. 管理层变更与控制权市场治理效力的实证研究&以制造业上市公司为例

    Management Turnover and Market of Corporate Control & An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies of Manufacturing

  24. 控制权转让可以理解为控股股东控制权转让、董事会控制权转让和管理者控制权转让三个方面,本文所指的控制权转让是以第一大股东发生变更作为控制权转让的标志。

    The Control Transfer can be understood as controlling shareholder changed , the board of directors transferred , or the management transferred .

  25. 在已经发生的控制权交易中,交易后半年内发生行业变更的控制权交易比没有发生行业变更的交易具有更高的溢价水平,平均超额溢价率为6.92%。

    Among the existing control right transfers , those with industry alteration occurred within half a year hold a higher premium , which is up to 6.92 % compared with the other ones .

  26. 国有控股、公司绩效与总经理变更:政府控制权的差异

    State Holding , Firm Performance and CEO Turnover : The Difference of Government Controlling

  27. 物主发生变更或丧失拥有权的财产。

    A possession whose ownership changes or lapses .

  28. 中国地方官员通过“变更”土地使用权,已经有巨大机会谋取私利。

    Local party officials already have huge opportunity to enrich themselves by " readjustment " of land rights .

  29. 不论是在《民法通则》中,还是在《合同法》中,均将显失公平规定为民事法律关系中当事人可以行使变更或撤销申请权的法定情形之一。

    In both General Principles of Civil Law and Contract Law , the obvious unfairness is prescribed as one of the legal situations in which the person concerned holds the right of alternation and repeal .

  30. 基于前人关于高管变更和公司控制权市场的研究,本文分析了上市公司控制权变化后高管变更和绩效之间的关系。

    In this paper , we analyzed the relationship between turn - over of top management and performance of listed companies after takeover , according to the previous researches on corporation gover - nance and corporate control market .