
  • 网络electric wheelchair;power wheelchair;Motorized Wheelchair;Electric Wheel Chair
  1. 基于马斯洛需求层次理论电动轮椅创新设计探析

    On Innovative Design of Power Wheelchair Based on Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs

  2. 并结合国内外电动轮椅的产品研发现状,提出电动轮椅创新设计的需求整合理论,倡导基于满足用户生理和心理需求的电动轮椅创新设计理念。

    The demand-supply integration theory for the innovative design of power wheelchair was put forward combining with the development situation at home and abroad .

  3. 电动轮椅使她更便于移动了。

    An electric wheelchair has given her greater mobility .

  4. 电动轮椅在这里很罕见。

    Motorized wheelchairs are a rarity here

  5. 基于DSP的电动轮椅车控制系统的研究

    Researcg on Control System Applied in Electric Wheelchair Based on Dsp

  6. DY-08B电动轮椅,普通老百姓用的起的电动轮椅!

    DY-08B electric wheelchair , ordinary people from using the electric wheelchair !

  7. 描述了电动轮椅控制器的设计思路与实现。

    The design idea and the realization process are described in detail .

  8. 电动轮椅和其它设备可能提高生活质量。

    A power chair and other equipment may improve quality of life .

  9. 安装于电动轮椅上轻型作业臂的研制及评价

    Design and Evaluation of Light Manipulator Mounted on Wheelchair

  10. 可站立式电动轮椅机构设计及运动学仿真

    Mechanism design and kinematics simulation of stand-able electric wheelchair

  11. 超声波传感器在电动轮椅车上的应用研究

    Application Study of Ultrasonic Sensor on Electric Wheelchairs

  12. 全方向电动轮椅控制部分设计

    Control Parts Design of Omnidirectional Motor-wheelchair

  13. 产品有电动轮椅、电动车,医疗床驱动系统和医疗手推车。

    SP 's products include Powerchairs , Scooters , Hospital Bed Drive Systems and Hospital Sterilization Carts .

  14. 随着电动轮椅的普及和路面车辆的增加,如不进行轮椅专业训练极其容易产生危险。

    With the popularization of the electric wheelchairs and vehicles , it would extremely dangerous with less wheelchair training .

  15. 基于DSP+单片机的主从式电动轮椅控制器设计

    A Design of an Electric Powered Wheelchair Controller with the Principal and Subordinate Structure Based on DSP and MCU

  16. 根据我们的设计实例&可调式多功能智能电动轮椅,阐述如何基于用户心理诉求设计医疗护理器械。

    According to our design examples-Adjustable multi-function intelligent electric wheelchair , expounding how to design medical apparatus and instruments form hommization .

  17. 本实用新型涉及一种电驱动单车领域,尤其适用于残疾人所用的电动轮椅车。

    The utility model relates to the field of electric bicycles , in particular to an electric wheelchair for the disabled .

  18. 具有操作简单、无污染的电动轮椅车将是大多数残疾人和行动不便的老年人的理想代步工具。

    Simple , environmentally friendly electric wheelchair will be the ideal vehicle for most of disable and old people who have difficult in walking .

  19. 通过理论分析以及对示波器数据的观察和不断的现场调试实验,验证了课题对电动轮椅路径规划程序的设计。

    Through theoretical analyzing and observing on oscilloscope data and field experiment , the design of the path planning program for electric wheelchair is verified .

  20. 电动轮椅是面向老龄化社会的一种新型交通工具,具有较广阔的市场前景和社会意义。

    Electric wheelchair , which has relatively broad market prospect and social significance , is a kind of new type of vehicle facing aging society .

  21. 根据超声波测距原理,提出一种基于超声测距技术的电动轮椅车检测障碍物、避障的新方法。

    Based on ultrasonic measuring distance technology , a new method of detecting obstacle and giving a wide berth used in electric wheelchairs is presented .

  22. 控制器作为电动轮椅的核心部件,它的好坏将直接影响电动轮椅的性能,所以对电动轮椅控制器的研究有着深刻的意义。

    As the central part of electric wheelchair , controller will directly influence its performance . So it has profound significance to study controller of electric wheelchair .

  23. 从青年时参加轮椅马拉松比赛,现在他步入中年突然需要更多的照顾。比如需要一个电动轮椅而不是手动的。

    From a youth spent in wheelchair marathons , he 's entering middle age suddenly needing more care , like an electric wheelchair instead of a manual .

  24. 然而,普通手动、电动轮椅不具备攀登楼梯和跨越路障的功能,从而限制了使用者的活动范围。

    Traditional manual wheelchairs and even powered wheelchairs do not have the capability to climb stairs or cross the barricade , which restrict the freedom of the users .

  25. 其中,电动轮椅作为一种理想的代步工具,市场需求量大,具有较高的研究价值。

    As an ideal instrument for the elder and the handicapped which are inconvenience in walking , the electric wheelchair has a vast of market demands and much of research value .

  26. 2008年,一位收到弗拉纳根感谢信的乘客给他回信,问他能否为洪都拉斯一位残疾男孩送去一辆电动轮椅。

    In 2008 , a passenger who got one of Flanagan 's notes wrote back , asking if the pilot could get an electric wheelchair to a handicapped boy in Honduras .

  27. 而国内目前没有生产电动轮椅操纵杆的厂家,需要从国外进口控制器。

    Since the key technology to the joystick applied in electric wheelchair , which has been not yet mastered by the domestic manufacture , the controller of joystick still depends on importation from oversea .

  28. 在平地上行走时,由轮毂电机驱动作为普通的电动轮椅使用,通过电动轮椅控制器控制两个轮毂电机实现差速运动进而实现小转弯半径转弯。

    When walking on level ground , the wheel hub electric motor drive as an ordinary wheelchair , electric wheelchair by two wheel motor controller to achieve differential movement so as to realize a small turning radius turn .

  29. 本课题研究设计的智能轮椅是一种应用了智能机器人技术用来帮助残障人士的电动轮椅,也可以称为轮椅式机器人。

    The intelligent wheelchair is an application of intelligent robot technology and it can provide mobile help to the physical disability crowd . It is the motor-wheelchair that applies the intelligent robot technology , inosculate research in many domains .

  30. 研究课题根据实际装配误差数据的反馈,要求对电动轮椅座椅支撑管的垂直度进行控制以解决座椅不能安装的问题。

    The study background of this thesis is according to the feedback of practice assembly from US customers , the perpendicularity of welded support tube need under controlled to resolve the issue that seat frame could not fit to the power unit base .