
  • 【电力】electric braking, dynamic braking
  1. 在兼容情况下,该装置性价比(J)为常规电制动(J)的(2~3)倍。

    It has a good foreground . Its performance - price ratio is ( 2 ~ 3 ) times of traditional electrical braking in the compatible hydrogenerator .

  2. 本文介绍了8K型电力机车电制动和电&空联合制动的特性。

    An introduction is made about the characteristics of the electrodynamic braking and electro-pneu matic blended braking of 8K electric locomotive .

  3. 下运长胶带输送机软起动与电制动

    Soft Starting and Electric Braking of Downward Long Distance Belt Conveyor

  4. 响洪甸抽水蓄能电站电动发电机组的电制动

    Electric Brake of Motor-generator Unit at Xianghongdian Pumped Storage Power Station

  5. 中低速磁悬浮列车电制动系统的仿真

    Simulation of the Brake Control System of Maglev Train

  6. 提出了两种电磁制动方案:单电磁铁失电制动和双电磁铁得电制动。

    The schemes can preliminarily solve some technical problems of the electromagnetic braking system .

  7. 电制动控制系统的研究和发展

    R & D of Braking System

  8. 采用多支路形式的电阻吸收装置,可方便控制电阻吸收装置并可靠吸收列车电制动功率。

    The ground absorption equipment with multi-loop is applied so as to control the equipment easily and absorb reliably the electric braking power .

  9. 对地铁车辆制动控制系统进行了功能及性能参数设计,介绍了地铁车辆电制动系统及空气制动系统原理及构成。

    Function and parameter for the brake control system were designed . The principles and components of electro-dynamic brake system and pneumatic brake system were introduced .

  10. 城轨车辆的牵引电机在牵引和电制动工况下短时过载可达50%,瞬时过载可达100%。

    The short-time overload of traction motors of urban vehicles in traction and electric braking can reach 50 % while the transient overload can reach 100 % .

  11. 主要介绍广州地铁1号线车辆用牵引/电制动系统的防空转/防滑系统。

    Introduction focuses on the anti slip / slide device , applying creep ratio control theory , for traction / electric braking system used on vehicles of Guangzhou metro line No.

  12. 67%动车编组和50%动车编组的轮轨间黏着系数利用相当,全动车编组和67%动车编组的最大起动加速度、最大常用电制动减速度、平均旅行速度相当;

    The max. start acceleration , the max. service electric braking deceleration and average travel speed in 100 % scale driving-car train are corresponded with in 67 % scale driving-car train .

  13. 摘要在地面电阻吸收装置工作的有效区段内,根据列车的电制动特性和供电臂内列车状态的不同,合理地确定制动电阻的技术参数。

    Within the effective working section of ground absorption equipment , the technical parameters of braking resistance is rationally defined according to train electric braking characteristics and train status in the feeding section .

  14. 依据上海地铁公司提供的2号线技术资料,对牵引系统、负载系统和惯量系统(三级飞轮)等硬件进行了选型和设计,初步建立了模拟城市轨道车辆牵引和电制动的实验系统平台。

    On the basis of technical data of Line 2 provided by Shanghai Metro , the traction system , load system and the inertia system ( 3 flywheels ) and other hardware were selected and designed .

  15. 介绍响洪甸抽水蓄能电站电动发电机组电制动的工作原理、操作系统、存在的问题及其处理方法、投运试验成果分析。

    Introduces the following aspects for electric brake of Motor generator Unit at Xianghongdian Hydropower , such as working principle , operational system , existing problems and treatment methods , achievement analysis of it after testing & commissioning .

  16. 相对于通过物理接触摩擦来产生制动力的硬制动方式,以电制动为主的软制动不仅控制精确、维修成本低,而且能够达到最大限度地节约能源的目的。

    Compared to the hard-braking which mutual friction generate brake stress through physical contact , the soft braking mainly based on the electric braking not only control accurate and reduce maintenance costs , but also achieve maximum energy savings .

  17. 本文在低速磁浮列车电制动和机械制动系统的基础上,研究了低速磁浮列车的电-机械联合制动控制理论,分析和构建了制动控制系统结构,提出了相应的制动控制方法。

    On the basis of electric brake system and mechanical brake system , the electric-mechanical brake control system theory is studied . The brake control system structure is analyzed and set up . Correspondingly the brake control method is put forward .

  18. 根据南京地铁车辆制动系统的特点,分析了该地铁车辆制动系统的作用原理及作用过程,对电制动、能耗制动、空气制动分别作了较为详尽的分析和说明。

    In the light of the characteristics of the braking system in Nanjing metro vehicle , it is analyzed the working principle and procedures . The electric braking , energy consumption braking along with pneumatic braking are analyzed and illustrated in details .

  19. 对广州地铁使用的德国电动车组制动系统组成和工作原理做了全面的介绍,着重分析电动车组中电制动与气制动的作用、转换以及两者之间的相互关系。

    Comprehensive description is made on the braking system make up and working principle of German EMU adopted by Guangzhou Metro Corporation , with the focus on the analysis of the functions of electric and pneumatic braking , the switch over between them and their correlation .

  20. F8电空制动试验研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of the F 8 Electro pneumatic Braking Test

  21. 然后以此作为设计依据,设计了适用于200km/h动力分散电动车组的微机控制直通电空制动系统。

    The author also design a computerized direct acting electro-pneumatic braking system which is suitable for 200km / h EMU .

  22. F8型集成化电空制动单元研制与试验

    Development and Testing of F8 Integrated Electro - pneumatic Braking Unit

  23. 考虑电磁材料非线性及漏磁因素的影响,采用微分标量势法(DSP)对旅客列车电空制动系统中EP电磁阀三维静态性能进行仿真分析。

    The nonlinear of the electro-magnetic material and flux leakage were considered , and the differential scalar potential strategy ( DSP strategy ) was adopted in this paper .

  24. 仿真为EP阀电磁系统的优化设计提供了理论依据,对提高城轨交通车辆电空制动系统的稳定性和可靠性具有重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    The result has offered the theoretical basis for the design optimization of EP solenoid valve , which has a great application value and practical significance .

  25. 本专用PLC控制装置符合铁路机车车辆的供电等级,利用单片机灵活的控制特点,实现了电空制动试验系统辅助电气控制,具有较好的软硬件抗干扰性能。

    This PLC device , which accords with power supply grade on railway in China , realizes auxiliary electric control of the laboratorial electropneumatic brake system through micro - controller , Meanwhile , electromagnetic immunity is considered .

  26. 介绍了新开发的动车组及轻轨车辆用MER型电空制动控制装置的制动与缓解特性,XFD&F型踏面制动单元的主要优点及技术参数。

    Described are the braking and releasing characteristics of the newly developed MER type control device of electro pneumatic braking on powered car train sets and light rail vehicles , the main advantages and technical parameters of the XFD F type wheel tread braking unit .

  27. 介绍采用电空制动指令的优点,直通传输方式中电空制动指令信号形式及其参数的选择,BCU对其进行解译的方案和抑制干扰的措施及2种长距离传输电路方案。

    Described are the advantages to apply the electro pneumatic braking instructions , selection of electro pneumatic braking instruction signal modes and parameters in the through transmission , interpretation schemes by BCU , measures to prevent interference and two schemes for the long distance transmission circuit .

  28. 旅客列车电空制动技术在郑州铁路局的试验

    Test of Electropneumatic Braking for Passenger Train in Zhengzhou Railway Administration

  29. 轮式工程机械新型电液制动系统

    A New Type of Electro-hydraulic Brake System of Wheeled Construction Machinery

  30. 电空制动系统微机控制单元电磁辐射的测量

    Electromagnetic Radiation of Computer Control Units of System for Electro-Pneumatic Brake