
  • 网络electro-optical crystal;electro-optic crystal;electro optic crystal;EOM
  1. 电光晶体硒酸氢铷过饱和溶液的成核研究

    Study on Nucleation in Supersaturated Solution of Electro-optical Crystal Rubidium Hydrogen Selenate

  2. 离轴光线对电光晶体退偏的影响

    Influence of off-axis-light on depolarization loss of electro-optical crystal

  3. 用电光晶体来制作的快速光开关、Q开关、光调制器、电光偏转器等器件在现代光电子学和激光技术中有着重要应用。

    The components and the principles of laser treatment instrument of YAG dual wavelength in intelligent Q switch are introduced in this paper .

  4. KTP同样也是优良的电光晶体候选者,在激光的调制等方面有着广泛应用前景。

    However , KTP also is a strong candidate for the E-O crystal and has promising potential for applications .

  5. 该系统采用电光晶体作为相位调制元件,在零偏置下加载调制信号,经传感头输出光强信号中含有SPR相位差。

    This system use electro-optic crystal as the phase modulation device , with modulation signal in zero offset , then the output light contain the SPR phase signal .

  6. 提出一种LD侧泵固体激光陀螺仪方案,由泵浦装置、三角形环形腔、增益介质、FP标准具、电光晶体、合光部分及读出电路组成。

    A novel scheme design of LD-pumped solid-state laser gyro was proposed . It is composed of pump system , triangle ring cavity , laser media , F-P etalon , electro-optic crystal , beam combination optics and readout system .

  7. 电光晶体硒酸氢铷(RHSe)的生长动力学

    Growth Mechanism of Rubidium Hydrogen Selenate Crystal

  8. 本文通过在光纤环形腔中采用珐珀(F-P)腔和电光晶体相位调制器(PM),实现了光通信1550nm窗口的间隔为0.2nm和0.4nm的稳定连续多波长激光输出。

    In this paper , a multiwavelength laser is realized based on an electro optic phase modulator ( PM ) and a Fabry Perot ( F P ) cavity in fiber ring . 0.2 nm and 0.4 nm wavelength space spectra were observed respectively in the experiment .

  9. 电光晶体光学性质的折射率椭球分析法

    Analysis on Optical Characteristics of Electro-Optic Crystals from Refractive Indices Ellipsoid

  10. 光纤陀螺中电光晶体相位调制器半波电压的测量

    Measurement of Half-wave Voltage of Crystal Electro-optic Phase Modulator in Gyro

  11. 光纤电压传感器的电光晶体与传感器设计

    Electro-optic crystals used in optical fiber voltage transducers and the transducer design

  12. 光电装备中电光晶体的低温特性研究与改进

    Research and Improvement of Low Temperature Characteristics of the Crystal in Photo-electricity Equipment

  13. 激光器锁模用的电光晶体调制器

    An electro-optic crystal modulator for mode-locking of lasers

  14. 光纤电压互感器中电光晶体对测量精度的影响

    The Influence of Electro Optic Crystal in Optic Fiber Voltage Transformer on Measuring Accuracy

  15. 电光晶体乘法器及其应用

    Electro - optic Crystal Multiplier and its Application

  16. 超高频电光晶体调制器

    Ultra High Frequency Electro Optical Crystal Modulator

  17. 用电光晶体测量超快电磁辐射脉冲的几个问题

    Several Theoretical Problems in the Measurements of Ultrafast Electromagnetic Radiation Pulses with Electro-optic Sampling Detection

  18. 对电光晶体器件设计、静态工作点控制、光束整形系统等关键技术进行了深入的研究。

    The key technologies which conclude the designation of electro-optic crystal cell , confirmation of quiescent opera .

  19. 提出并实现了采用主动温度反馈控制电光晶体温度对剩余幅度调制变化的抑制。

    An active temperature feedback method is proposed and demonstrated to suppress the RAM fluctuation by controlling the EOM temperature .

  20. 相位调制由置于自混合干涉仪外腔中的电光晶体实现,相位解调由傅里叶分析的方法得到。

    Phase modulation is obtained by an electro-optic crystal in the external cavity and phase demodulation is achieved by Fourier analysis method .

  21. 近十几年来,顺电相电光晶体由于其在光纤通讯器件、光学信息处理等方面的应用而被广泛研究。

    In recent years , paraelectric electro-optic crystals have attracted great attentions due to their potential applications in optical communication and optical information processing .

  22. 由置于自混合干涉仪外腔中的电光晶体对激光束相位进行高频调制。利用电光晶体直接调制相位,调制精度高,调制带宽宽。

    An electro-optic modulator in the external cavity is used to modulate the phase of the laser beam with high modulation accuracy and frequency .

  23. 太赫兹波段内电光晶体材料的各种特性,是目前研究太赫兹多种功能器件的基础之一。

    Besides , the electro-optical properties of crystal materials are one of the bases for all kinds of functional devices in the terahertz range .

  24. 复合波片与电光晶体结合,实现两个区域内透射光波的偏振分量相位延迟差的电压调控。

    The combination of composite wave plate and electro-optical crystal can achieve to control the difference of phase delay between the two zones through the voltage .

  25. 该系统主要将电光晶体与磁光玻璃串联使用,可以直接获取电功率传感信号。

    The electric power signals can be directly obtained by connecting a voltage - dependent electro - optic crystal with a current - dependent magndeto - optic glass .

  26. 基于电光晶体的泡克尔斯效应和磁光玻璃的法拉第效应,提出一种新颖的光学电功率传感系统。

    On Pockels effect in electro - optic crystal and Faraday effect in magneto - optic glass , a new optical electric power sensing system is presented in this paper .

  27. 第二级利用电光晶体调制装置从激光器外进一步稳定激光功率,可得到稳定的激光辐射功率,其稳定度优于0.3%/h。

    The second stage uses electrooptic crystal modulating device further to stabilize laser power . Stable laser radiation power has been obtained with stabilization much better than 0.3 % per hour .

  28. 产生太赫兹辐射产生的方法包括光敏天线中的光载流子加速、电光晶体中的二阶非线性效应、等离子体振荡和电子非线性传输线。

    There are several methods to generate the terahertz wave , including photo carrier acceleration , the second order of nonlinear effect in electric-optical crystal , plasma oscillation and electronic nonlinear transmission line .

  29. 含有电光晶体、声光晶体、磁光晶体、激光晶体、非线性晶体、光折变晶体、闪烁晶体等许多分类的光学晶体因其良好的应用前景受到人们的广泛关注。

    Photonic crystals , including electric-optical crystal , phonon-optical crystal , magneto-optical crystal , laser crystal , nonlinear crystal , photorefractive crystal and scintillation crystal had been studied intensively for their promising potential for application .

  30. 构造了由四个相移范围在0~2π的电光晶体波片组成的偏振控制器,利用模拟退火法作为其反馈控制算法。

    A polarization controller composed of four electro-optic crystal plates which phase delay can vary from 0 to 2 π is proposed , and simulated annealing algorithm is taken on as feedback control in this controller .