
  • 网络movie camera;Cinematic camera
  1. 避开处于电视机或电影摄像机视场之外。

    Outside the field of view of a television or movie camera .

  2. 1947年,人类用一台口径35毫米的电影摄像机拍摄了第一张颗粒面的黑白卫星照。

    The first photograph of Earth from outer space is a grainy black-and-white taken by a 35 millimeter movie camera in 1947 .

  3. iPhone13Pro提供了即使是最昂贵的电影摄像机也无法实现的电影拍摄功能。

    iPhone 13 Pro offers filmmaking capabilities not possible in even the most expensive movie cameras .

  4. 对我来说,这是真的提升到了专业电影摄像机的境界。

    To me , that 's really bringing it up to the professional film cameras .

  5. [港]视像会议系统三视像管电视电影摄像机

    Videoconferencing system three vidicon film camera

  6. 光电摄像管电视电影摄像机这种摄像机的优点是大功率,超豪华,高效率。

    Iconoscope film camera This kind of video-camera has the advantage of power , luxury and efficiency .

  7. 三视像管电视电影摄像机

    Three vidicon film camera

  8. 然而,里维斯也表示:我会怀念那走在胶片电影摄像机前的时光,对于我而言,它是不可思议的。

    But Reeves said : I will miss walking on to a photochemical film set . It has a magic to me .

  9. 它的运动有别于以往的任何电影摄像机——行云流水地转圈、滑行,逾越了界线和电影常规。

    It moves as no movie camera has done before -- so fluidly that its loops and glides transgress boundaries and film conventions .

  10. 谣言盛行,本公司将取代其他电影摄像机沿着高速公路基础其他类似数字系统很快。

    Rumours are rife that LTA will be replacing the other film based cameras along the other expressways to a similar digital system soon .

  11. 在最后的岁月里,爱迪生继续创造并改进那些发明,其中包括电影摄像机、碱性电池、复印机,以及麦克风。

    The rest of Edison 's life was spent making and improving inventions including the motion picture camera , the alkaline battery , the copy machine , and the microphone .

  12. 几乎这里所有的东西都是破的:达力用过一个月的电影摄像机被放在一只小小的玩具坦克上。

    Nearly everything in here was broken . The month-old video camera was lying on top of a small , working tank Dudley had once driven over the next door neighbor 's dog ;

  13. 当电影中摄像机以这种方式拍摄时,观众可以扫视到一个区域的全貌(动词)镜头切换,即电影中的一个镜头突然转换成另一个镜头(动词)bodydouble(n.)替身演员(名词)

    when a movie camera takes a shot this way , the audience takes in a sweeping view of an area cut ( v. ) when one shot in a movie suddenly changes to another one

  14. 拍摄电影的手持摄像机能让你头晕?

    The hand-held camera used to film the movie had that effect on you ?

  15. 李玉的电视纪录片背景,对这部电影用手持摄像机直接拍摄的方式有一定影响。这种方式适合这个故事,因为我们是在讲一个嘈杂、不确定的社会,所有东西都是运动的。

    Li 's background in documentary television influenced the film 's handheld immediacy of style : It suits the story because we 're talking about a noisy , uncertain society where everything is in movement .