
  • 网络Electronic drum;drum machine;roland;beatbox
  1. 这位来自世界著名摇滚乐队TheGratefulDead的鼓手正试图游玩一款使用外设电子鼓的电脑游戏。

    The drummer for the world-famous rock group The Grateful Dead is trying to navigate through a computer game using a set of electronic drums .

  2. 我们没有意识到他急需一套新的电子鼓设备。

    We didn 't realize that he was in pressing need of a new drum kit .

  3. 我可以利用合音模仿电子鼓或类似的声音

    I can use them in unison to mimic the effect of a drum machine or something like that .

  4. 老虎乐队的音乐将朋克音乐中喧嚣狂暴的吉他和电子鼓、钢琴以及其他强劲的音乐元素有机地融合在一起。

    The music of Le Tigre combines the loud , hostile guitar of punk music with electronic drums , piano and other aggressive sounds .

  5. 你可以在纸上画一台电子琴或者是鼓,然后真的开始弹奏这些乐器,保证让你的朋友大为吃惊!

    You 'll amaze your friends by drawing a keyboard or drums on paper and then actually playing them !