
  • 网络Rigg;REGAL;reig;Reger
  1. 所以我要求你,瑞格警官。学生学到东西了吗?

    So I ask you , Officer Rigg , has the pupil learned her lesson ?

  2. 瑞格警官,拯救这个人生命的钥匙就握在你的手心里。

    Officer Rigg , the key to this person 's freedom lies in the palm of your hand .

  3. 瑞格的作品糅合了20世纪各种绘画风格。

    Rego 's work is a rich collage of 20th-century painting styles .

  4. 瑞格列奈在胰岛B细胞功能检测中的应用价值

    Repaglinide for the Beta - cell Function Testing

  5. 结论瑞格列奈试验比常规OG-IRT能更好地反映胰岛B细胞的储备功能。

    Conclusion Repaglinide OG IRT may reflect the reserved B cell function better than the routine OG IRT .

  6. 目的:对比那格列奈、瑞格列奈合并二甲双胍用药治疗2型糖尿病12周后胰岛素快速分泌相和B细胞分泌胰岛素功能的改变。

    OBJECTIVE To compare the effects of nateglinide plus metformin and repaglinide plus metformin on rapid phase of insulin secretion and B cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes .

  7. 在大家过足瑞格舞瘾之后,DJ通常会放梅伦格舞曲。

    Usually , after everybody has had fun dancing reggaeton , the DJ plays a style of music called merengue .

  8. 瑞格列奈降低FBG、PBG、HbA1c的有效率分别为77.0%、77.4%、48.8%。

    The efficacy rate of reduction of FBG , PBG and HbA 1c were 77.0 % 、 77.4 % 、 48.8 % respectively .

  9. 结论:那格列奈和瑞格列奈均能增加胰岛素的早期分泌,降低2型糖尿病患者血糖和HbA1c水平。

    Conclusion : Nateglinide and repaglinide both can increase early insulin secretion and lower levels of blood glucose and HbA 1c .

  10. 中的战争场景中就有这种裤子的影子。今年春季,瑞格布恩(Rag&Bone)设计师马库斯·温赖特(MarcusWainwright)及大卫·内维尔(DavidNeville)与现代军服制造商CryePrecision联合推出了PrecisionPants,将工装裤与军服的渊源体现得更淋漓尽致。

    Adhering even closer to the style 's military roots , Rag & Bone designers Marcus Wainwright and David Neville collaborated this spring with Crye Precision , manufacturers of modern-day combat apparel , to create their Precision Pants .

  11. 高级警官卡萝-瑞格比是找到孩子的两名警察之一。她表示她和同事最先看到的是其实是Dasher在灌木丛中的身影。

    Senior Constable Carol Rigby , who was one of two officers who found the pair , said they had first seen Dasher appearing in the bushes .

  12. 八点的时候来了一个叫瑞格蒙的警官

    And , at eight o'clock , Gendarme Rigaumon comes knocking .

  13. 瑞格列奈在2型糖尿病患者中的疗效及安全性的评价

    Efficacy and safety of repaglinide in type 2 diabetic patients

  14. 该查询返回所有瑞格舞曲唱片的标题。

    This returns all the titles of the reggae CDs .

  15. 吡格列酮联用瑞格列奈治疗2型糖尿病的疗效

    Clinical Efficacy of Combination Therapy with pioglitazone and Repaglinide on Type 2 Diabetes

  16. 同时,乐队还结合加勒比海风情的像瑞格舞曲以及非洲风格的曲子。

    The band also performs Caribbean rhythms like Reggae , and some Africans styles .

  17. 瑞格顿舞曲已成为委内瑞拉大部分派对和活动的主要音乐。

    Reggaeton has become a staple music in most parties and events across Venezuela .

  18. 我给您接到瑞格小姐那儿。

    I 'll connect you to miss rage .

  19. 牙买加或许以瑞格舞、塔法里教徒、阳光、沙滩等轻松形象著称。

    IT MAY have a laid-back image of reggae and Rastas , sun and sand .

  20. 结论瑞格列奈与阿卡波糖均明显降低血糖,尤其是餐后血糖;

    Conclusions Both Repaglinide and Acarbose can decrease blood glucose , especially postprandial blood glucose .

  21. 我所有喜欢瑞格音乐的伙伴都带着颜色鲜艳的帽子,留着长头发。

    All my buddies who are into reggae wear colorful hats and have long hair .

  22. 那格列奈和瑞格列奈改善2型糖尿病患者胰岛β细胞功能的比较研究

    Comparison between efficacy of nateglinide and repaglinide in improving type 2 diabetes pancreatic β cell function

  23. 瑞格列奈分散片在健康人体中的相对生物利用度研究

    Bioequivalence of repaglinide in healthy volunteers

  24. 瑞格列奈联合阿卡波糖治疗老年性2型糖尿病临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Combined Treatment of Repaglinide and Acarbose in Aged Patients with Diabetes Type 2

  25. 瑞格列奈在改善糖尿病小鼠肾脏病理变化方面优于二甲双胍。

    Repaglinide was superior to metformin in improving renal pathological changes in diabetic mice . 3 .

  26. 瑞格列奈和格列吡嗪对初发2型糖尿病氧化应激的影响

    Effects of repaglinide and glipizide on oxidative stress in the early stage of type 2 diabetes

  27. 瑞格列奈改善早相胰岛素分泌,起效快,作用时间短,主要用于控制餐后高血糖水平。

    Repaglinide is mainly used in control postprandial hyperglycemia and improve the first phase insulin secretion .

  28. 间歇胰岛素泵联合瑞格列奈强化治疗青少年2型糖尿病

    Study the effects of Objective intermittent short-term insulin pump in treatment of Youngsters early Type 2 diabetes

  29. 我在一个瑞格舞团演奏,我很喜欢看人们跳舞和狂欢。

    I play in a reggae band and love to see people dance and have a good time .

  30. 国产那格列奈和进口瑞格列耐治疗2型糖尿病随机双盲平行对照多中心临床试验

    Randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial of domestic nateglinide and imported repaglinide in the treatment of types 2 diabetes